(i) Maximum durations for end credits (for all categories of programmes other than those specifically referred to in paragraph (ii) below) are as follows:

Slot LengthContracted Running Maximum End Credit Length Duration

under 1/2 hour under 24 min.20 sec.

1/2 hour - 1 hour under 50 min. 32 sec.

1 hour or over under 100 min. 45 sec.

2 hours or over100 min. or over 60 sec.

(ii) Maximum durations for end credits in drama differ and are as follows:

Type of programme Slot Length Maximum End Credit Duration

drama series 1/2 hour 45 sec.

drama series 1 hour 70 sec.

drama soaps 1/2 hour32 sec.

single TV drama 1 hour 70 sec.

feature length drama/

feature films as contracted105 sec./negotiable

(iii) Other requirements affecting durations of end credits are as follows:

(a) in cases of films where there is a requirement for longer credits for theatrical or other purposes, RTÉ requires delivery of a television version which conforms to the maximum durations as listed in these Credits Specifications;

(b) for purposes of estimating duration, 'end credits' as referred to are understood to include the appropriate production company and RTÉ end credits);

(c) the timing of credits duration will run from the moment the first end credit appears on screen;

(d) all end credits are to be placed after completion of the programme's end action and not integrated into it (unless special agreement has been secured in writing with RTÉ to do otherwise), and these credits may then be followed only by the production company logo-identifier (whether still or animated or in some other form) which constitutes the very ending of the programme;

(e) all end credits must run on screen at an appropriate speed;

(f) producers are encouraged to restrict end credits to less than the stated maximum whenever reasonably possible.