August 24, 2016
Board Ryan Kelley, David Leclerc, Janet Lussier, Jennifer Razzaboni, Tim Stack, Tori Thomas, Kristy Trombley
Community Alicia Costa, Cormac Cullen, Brian Follensbee, Joe Kifer, Adam Razzaboni
Location: Hollis Town Hall Community Room
I. Club Updates
The NSA summer league has finished. Hollis Brookline had five teams participate and both the 5/6 and 7/8 boys made the finals. The Board reviewed a Player Code of Conduct, Parent Code of Conduct, and Player Medical Waiver. All documents will be on the website and parents will need to sign off during the registration process. It was noted that it is the responsibility of the home team to help enforce the Codes of Conduct.
Dave will be meeting with RMMS, CSDA, and HBMS on September 9th to discuss gym time for the basketball program. Ryan will provide Dave with the contact information for the scheduler at HBMS.
Kristy will draft a flyer promoting the High School Assistant Coaching Program. The flyer will direct interested students to the HBBC website for additional information and to sign up for the program. This program will qualify for students needing volunteer hours in the community.
Veronica Rosa volunteered to be the HBBC Photography Coordinator. All Board members were in favor of Veronica filling this position.
II. Club Infrastructure
As Treasurer and President, Jenn and Dave opened an HBBC checking account at TD Bank. Initial funds were provided by the Brookline Basketball Club, which will be reimbursed once HBBC registration fees are collected.
The HBBC website and domain, hbbasketballclub.org, was established through League Athletics and GoDaddy, respectively. Initial funds were provided by the Brookline Basketball Club and Dave Leclerc, which will be reimbursed once HBBC registration fees are collected.
Jenn noted that HBBC is not currently set up as a non-profit 501(c)(3). In order to apply for non-profit status, there is a one-time fee of $850. The Club has twenty-seven months to apply for the status so we will consider an application after our first season is completed.
Jenn reported that she has been getting quotes to renew the Club insurance policy. She will also check on the inclusion of director indemnity coverage.
III. Uniforms
The Board reviewed the uniform proofs from Equipment & Uniform Coordinator, Dave Guay. All were in favor for both the new Travel and Recreation designs. Dave L. will work with Local Pro to add the Local Pro website and uniform ordering information to the HBBC website and registration process.
The Board agreed that a document for uniform requirements and restrictions for all levels should be created and added to the HBBC website.
IV. Marketing
Joe Kifer will prepare the back to school flyers that will be distributed to the Hollis and Brookline schools within the first two weeks of the beginning of school. There is a process in place now and the turnaround is about two weeks. The Board discussed that the message should highlight the expansion of the Recreation program including the possibility of inter-town games. It should also include that there will be Open Gym for all interested players starting at the end of September and to direct people to the HBBC website for future updates. We will continue to remind people through social media, as well as, post flyers at community businesses, (i.e., Harvest Market, Brookline General Store). Additionally, we will determine if there is a community board at the High School.
Joe will research creating and purchasing road signs and banners that will promote the league and HBBC. Possible placements include high traffic areas in each town, Old Home Day, score table during games, etc..
V. Travel Program
Dave reviewed the list of coaches who have expressed interest in coaching during the 2016 – 2017 season. Board members will follow up with previous years’ coaches to determine future interest so we are prepared for all levels of play. ,
Open Gym begins the week of September 26th. We will have designated nights for each grade level that will change throughout the three weeks of open gym. The Board is aware of numerous fall commitments and is trying to create various opportunities for all players to participate. We will have sign-in sheets that include contact information, grade level and level of play interest, (i.e., Travel, Recreation). Participants will also need to sign a medical waiver form.
As previously discussed, the Board agreed that Travel teams will be formed in alignment with MSBL guidelines to create the best teams possible (based on assessments), and place each team in their respective division. Assessments will be conducted by coaches interested in each particular group, as well as at least one additional independent reviewer. The Board agrees that each season will present unique challenges. Depending on numbers, it is possible that teams could be formed based on grade level. However, assessments will include specific skill requirements required to play on Travel teams appropriate for each grade level. The President, Travel Director and Coaching Director will review specific situations as necessary.
In an effort to clearly communicate Travel team expectations, at each assessment therewill be a parent meeting to review the team selection process and the time commitment required to play.
Cormac Cullen has volunteered to draft drills to be used during tryouts across all Travel teams. As Travel Director, Tim will create the assessment worksheet that includes evaluation of both individual and team skills.
VI. Recreation Program
Kristy reported that the Milford program will have a new director. She plans to meet with the new director to continue planning inter-town recreation games. The Board also discussed that we will need to evaluate the process for determining referees for recreation games. Other towns have used official adult referees, whereas we have relied on older students. The Board would like to develop a system that includes utilizing our student referees, perhaps under the guidance of a more experienced adult referee as the second official in the game.
VII. Coaching Director Update
Ryan reported that he continues to receive coaching materials from our volunteer coaches. Materials will be organized by skill: ball handling, boxing out, etc. He also will sort the drills in a progression of learning format for each skill. Ryan expects all resources to be organized by September 10th.
In August, Ryan attended the USA Basketball Youth Coaches Clinic in Massachusetts. He will include some of the information from this workshop as part of our HBBC resources.
VIII. Next Meeting Agenda
The next Board meeting will be at 7:30pm on Wednesday, September 21st at Brusch Hall in Brookline. (Brusch Hall is the gray building behind the Brookline Chapel located at 36 Main Street. The door is at the top of the ramp). The agenda will include the following:
1. Coordinate open gym setting dates for each grade level, assigning coaches, etc.
2. Determine Instructional, Recreation, and Travel coach interest at each grade
3. HBBC registration and website update
Ø Registration costs for each level
Ø Uniform ordering and associated links to optional or spirit gear
4. Discuss analysis of number of teams supported by available gym space (Dave)
5. Coaching materials (Ryan)
6. Develop and discuss High School Assistant Coaching program
7. Travel updates
8. Recreation updates
9. Identify near-term actions requiring action in September – October timeframe