Dear Overland Parents:
Welcome to the 2017-18 school year. Overland Avenue Elementary is one of the most distinguished schools in Los Angeles thanks to the tireless support of our parents and the community.
The Friends of Overland (FOO) was founded in 1985 as nonprofit organization that raises funds from the school’s families to support classroom programs. In recent years, FOO has become even more critical to the success of our children. Your generous donation supports teachers, reduces class sizes, and funds the computer lab, science lab, drama, art, and music instruction, the award-winning Overland in Motion, and more.
These programs would not be available without the financial support of student families.
Please make a generous gift to FOO Family Annual Donation this year:
We have only two fundraising events each year: the fall Family Annual Donation drive, and the Auction/Gala in the spring. The fall Family Annual Donation drive is critical to the school, raising nearly 2/3 of the annual budget.
We need the help of ALL Overland families to help ensure our children learn in smaller classes, with the right learning resources and the opportunity to experience art, music, technology, and drama.
The suggested donation is $1,100 per child, with the goal of $350,000. This reflects the Friends of Overland per-child expenditures (FOO budget divided by enrollment). We have flexible pledge options, enabling families to pay their pledge throughout the year.
We recognize that not all families can afford the suggested donation, and others can give significantly more. We ask your family makes a meaningful gift to support your child’s learning environment. Your tax-deductible gift to FOO will ensure Overland remains the extraordinary public school it is today. Monthly donation payments are available.
To make your gift, please visit or complete the attached form and return it to the school. We appreciate your generous support of Overland Elementary School and your child’s education.
Phyllis Crotty, Joe Donahoo, and Ilan Heimanson
Your Family Annual Drive Volunteers
You give, your child benefits
Name of Donor ______Spouse ______
Address ______City ______Zip Code ______
Phone ______Email ______
Overland student(s) ______Grade(s)______
Donation per student $______x # of student(s) ______= Total $______
(Suggested amount is $1,100 per student, based on per-child expenses)
Payment Schedule:
___ I will pay now in one lump sum.
___ I will pay $ _____ in one lump sum by ______(date).
___ I will pay $ _____ using an installment plan as follows ______
Method of payment ______Check (payable to FOO) ____ Visa ____ M/C ____ AmEx
Card # ______Exp. ______
Signature ______CVC:
DOUBLE YOUR GIFT: Ask your employer about matching gift programs.
Employer(s) ______
Do they provide matching gifts? Yes No Unsure
How much will your employer match $______
Please return form to: Friends of Overland, PO Box 64654, Los Angeles, CA 90064 or drop it off in the FOO box at the school’s front office.
Or donate online at:
FOO is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. EIN: 95-3994813.
If you have any questions, contact Joe Donahoo: