2014-2015 K-1 Think, Read, Discuss Text Lists- Final

There are two types of materials that schools will need to purchase for the K-1 Think, Read, Discuss Block: The Core Knowledge Listening and Learning Kits from Amplify AND the trade books (listed below) for the RAP modules. Additionally this list includes supplemental books lists that are recommended but not required for purchase to supplement each unit.

Kindergarten Required RAP Module Core Text List

Unit / Title and Author / New in 14-15? / Amount
1 / Town Mouse Country Mouse by Jane Brett / Yes / 1 per TRD Teacher
2 /

Kami and the Yak by Andrea Stenn Stryer

/ Yes / 1 per TRD Teacher
3 / Tikki Tikki Tembo by Arlene Mosel / Yes / 1 per TRD Teacher
4 / Wangari’s Tree of Peace: A True Story from Africa by Jeanette Winter / Yes / 1 per TRD Teacher
5 / Daisy Comes Home by Jan Brett / Yes / 1 per TRD Teacher
6 / The Story of Jumping Mouse: A Native American Legend by John Steptoe / Yes / 1 per TRD Teacher
7 / The Twelve Dancing Princesses, by Rachel Isadora / Yes / 1 per TRD Teacher
8 / Thunder Cake by Patricia Polacco / Yes / 1 per TRD Teacher
9 / Encounter by Jan Yolen / Yes / 1 per TRD Teacher
10 / Ox-Cart Man by Donald Hall and illustrated by Barbara Cooney / Yes / 1 per TRD Teacher
11 / The Lorax, by Dr. Seuss / Yes / 1 per TRD Teacher
12 / Grace for President by Kelly S. DiPucchio and illustrated by LeUyen Pham / Yes / 1 per TRD Teacher

1st Grade Required RAP Module Core Texts

Unit / Title and Author / New for 14-15? / Amount
1 / A Story, A Story: An African Tale, by Gail E. Haley / Yes / 1 per TRD Teacher
2 / What Happens to a Hamburger by Paul Showers / Yes / 1 per TRD Teacher
3 / Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters, by John Steptoe / Yes / 1 per TRD Teacher
4 / Seeker of Knowledge: The Man Who Deciphered Egyptian Hieroglyphs, by James Rumford / Yes / 1 per TRD Teacher
5 / Rain Player by David Wisniewski / Yes / 1 per TRD Teacher
6 / How to Bicycle to the Moon by Mordicai Gerstein / Yes / 1 per TRD Teacher
7 / The Magic School Bus Inside the Earth by Joanna Cole and illustrated by Bruce Degen / Yes / 1 per TRD Teacher
8 / Rumpelstiltskin by Paul O. Zelinsky / Yes / 1 per TRD Teacher
9 / Cactus Hotel by Brenda Z. Guiberson / Yes / 1 per TRD Teacher
10 / Charlotte’s Web by EB White
Spiders by Gail Gibbons
The Spider and the Fly by Tony DiTerlizzi / No / 1 per TRD Teacher
11 / Paul Revere’s Ride by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and Ted Rand / Yes / 1 per TRD Teacher
12 / Dandelions by Eve Bunting / Yes / 1 per TRD Teacher

Additional Text Recommended To Supplement Units

These texts supplement each K-1 TRD topic and vary in text complexity . The text are optional for schools to order. This list was vetted before sharing to include titles that are available for order, however, some text may have gone out of print since the creation of this list.

If you would like to order additional supplemental texts for each unit in bundles, we recommend ordering through the American Reading Company. The American Reading Company creates bundles of 10 text available for print using the CKL&L list of text.


Unit / Additional Supplemental Text List
1 /  Aesop’s Fables by Jerry Pinkney
The Ant and the Grasshopper by Rebecca Emberley (790L)
 Arroz Con Leche by Lulu Delacre
Diez Deditos and Other Play Rhymes by Jose-Luis Orozco
 Hush! A Thai Lullaby by Minfong Ho and Holly Meade
The Hare and the Tortoise by Janet Stevens (540L)
 The Lion and the Mouse, retold and illustrated by Bernadette Watts
 James Marshall’s Mother Goose by James Marshall
 Mother Goose Remembers by Clare Beaton
Town Mouse Country Mouse by Jane Brett(530L)
2 /  Eating Well, by Liz Gogerly
 Bee-Bim Bop! By Linda Sue Park
 Fuel the Body: Eating Well, by Amanda Doering Tourville
 Get Up and Go!, by Nancy Carlson
 Go Wash Up: Keeping Clean, by Amanda Doering Tourville
Green Start: The Five Senses by Ikids
 Hanni and Beth: Safe and Sound
 Happy Birthday Moon, by Frank Asch (Aladdin, 2000) ISBN 0689835442 (440L)
 Hearing (I Know That!), by Claire Llewellyn (Sea‐to‐Sea Publications, 2006)
 Hearing Things, by Allan Fowler (Childrens Press, Inc., 1991) ISBN
 Hearing, by Katie Dicker (Cherrytree Books, 2009) ISBN 1842345801
 The Hickory Chair by Lisa Rowe Fraustino (700L)
 It Looked Like Spilt Milk, by Charles Shaw (HarperTrophy, 1988) ISBN
 Look! A Book About Sight, by Dana Meachen Rau (Picture Window Books,
Looking out for Sarah by Glenna Lang (600L)
 Kami and the Yakes by Andrea Stenn Stryer
 Mice Squeak, We Speak, by Arnold L. Shapiro and illustrated by Tomie DePaola
My Amazing Body: A First Look at Health and Fitness, by Pat Thomas (Barron's Educational Series, Inc., 2002)
Moses Goes to a Concert by Issace Millman,
 My Five Senses, by Aliki (HarperTrophy, 1989) ISBN 006445083X
 My Senses Help Me, by Bobbie Kalman (Crabtree Publishing Company.
No One Saw: Ordinary Things Through the Eyes of an Artist, by Bob Raczka (Millbook Press, 2001)
Oh, the Things You Can Do that Are Good for You!: All About Staying Healthy, by Tish Rabe (Random House, Inc. 2001)
Rainbow Joe and Me by maria DiazStrom
 Polar Bear Polar Bear, by Bill Martin Jr. (Henry Holt and Co., 1992) ISBN
Screaming Kind of Day by Rachna Gilmore
 Seeing, by Katie Dicker (Cherrytree Books, 2009) ISBN 1842345795
 Seven Blind Mice, by Ed Young (Puffin Books, 2002) ISBN 0698118952 (350L)
 Shhhh . . . A Book About Hearing, by Dana Meachen Rau
 Sight, by Annalise Bekkering (Weigl Publishers, Inc., 2010)
Sleep Is for Everyone (Let's‐Read‐and‐Find‐out Science Book), by Paul Showers (HarperCollins Publishers, 1997) ISB
Smelling and Tasting (I Know That!), by Claire Llewellyn (Sea‐to‐Sea Publications, 2006) ISBN 1932889499
 Tasting and Smelling, by Katie Dicker (Cherrytree Books, 2009) ISBN
 The Five Senses (It’s Science), by Sally Hewitt (BT Bound, 2003) ISBN
 The Five Senses: Hearing, by Maria Ruis (Barron's Educational Series, Inc.,
 The Five Senses: Sight, by Maria Rius (Barron's Educational Series, Inc.,
 The Five Senses: Smell, by Maria Rius (Barron's Educational Series, Inc.,
 The Five Senses: Taste, by Maria Rius (Barron's Educational Series, Inc.,
 The Five Senses: Touch, by Maria Rius (Barron's Educational Series, Inc.,
 The Listening Walk, by Paul Showers and Aliki (HarperTrophy, February (480L)
 Touching (I Know That!), by Claire Llewellyn (Sea‐to‐Sea Publications, 2006)
 Touching and Feeling, by Katie Dicker (Cherrytree Books, 2009) ISBN
 What is Taste?, by Jennifer Boothroyd (Lightning Bolt Books, 2010) ISBN
You Can’t Smell a Flower with Your Ear! All About Your 5 Senses, by Joanna Cole
You Can’t Taste a Pickle with Your Ear: A Book About Your 5 Senses, by Harriet Ziefert and illustrated by Amanda Haley
 Your Five Senses, by Melvin and Gilda Berger (Scholastic, 2003) ISBN 0439566886
3 /  The Amazing Bone by William Steig
Brave Wolf and the Thunderbird: Tales of the People by Joseph Medicine Crow
 Casey Jones, by Allan Drummond (Farrar Straus and Giroux, 2001) ISBN 0374311757
The Fisherman and His Wife by Rachel Isadora
 Hansel and Gretel by Rachel Isadora
 The Little Red Hen Big Book, by Paul Galdone (Clarion Books, 1985) ISBN 0899193498
 The Little Red Hen: An Old Story, by Margot Zemach (Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 1993) ISBN 0374445117
 Little Red Riding Hood, by Trina Schart Hyman (Holiday House, 1987) ISBN 0823406539
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs: A Tale from the Brothers Grimm, translated by Randall Jarrell, pictures by Nancy Ekholm
Three Tuneful Tales (Once‐Upon‐A‐Time), retold by Marilyn Helmer (Kids Can Press, 2003) ISBN 1550749412
 Tikki Tikki Tembo by Arlene Mosel
 The Ugly Duckling, adapted and illustrated by Jerry Pinkney (HarperCollins, 1999) ISBN 068815932X
 The Velveteen Rabbit, by Margery Williams and illustrated by William Nicholson (HarperTrophy, 1999) ISBN 0380002558
The Complete Tales and Poems of Winnie‐the‐Pooh, by A. A. Milne and illustrated by Ernest Shepard (Dutton Juvenile, 2001) ISBN 0525467262
4 /  The Boy Who Didn’t Believe in Spring by Lucille Clifton
 The Carrot Seed by Ruth Krauss and Crocket Johnson
 City Green by DyAnneDiSalvo-Ryan
 Daisy (Looking at Life Cycles) by Victoria Huseby
 Eating the Alphabet: Fruit and Vegetables from A to Z by Lois Ehlert
 The Empty Pot by Demi
 Eyewitness Plant by David Burnie
 Flower Garden by Eve Bunting
 From Bud to Blossom by Gail Saunders Smith
 From Seed to Plant by Gail Gibbons
 The Great Kapok Tree: A tale of the Amazon Rainforest by Lynne Cheery
 Growing Vegetable Soup by Lois Ehlert
 The Honey Makers by Gail Gibbons
 I am a Leaf by Jean Marzollo
 I am an Apple by Jean Marzollo
 I’m a Seed by Jean Marzollo
 Jack’sGarden by Henry Cole
 Johnny Appleseed by Reeve Lindbergh
 Johnny Apple Seed by Christin Ditchfield
 The Life and Times of theHoneybee by Charles Micucci
 Mama Miti: Wangari Maathai and the Trees of Kenya by Donna Jo Napoli
 Maple Syrup Season by Ann Purnell
 Oak Tree by Victoria Huseby
 OLIVIA Plans a Garden by Emily Sollinger
 One Bean by Anne Rockwell
 Plan a Little Seed by Bonnie Christensen
 Planting a Rainbow by LoisEhlert
 The Reason for a Flower by Ruth Heller
 Seasons of Arnold’s Apple Tree by Gail Gibbons
 Seed, Soil, Sun by Cris Peterson
 Soil Basics by Carol Lindeen
 The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle
 Wangari’s Tree ofPeace: A True Story fromAfrica by Jeanette Winter
5 / ð  Barnyard Banter, by Denise Fleming
ð  Bee-bim Bop!, by Linda Sue Park and illustrated by Ho Baek Lee
ð  The Cazuela that the Farm Maiden Stirred, by Samantha R. Vamos and illustrated by Rafael Lopez
ð  Chicken Dance, by Tammi Sauer and illustrated by Dan Santat
ð  Chicken Soup, by Jean Van Leeuwen and illustrated by David Gavril
ð  Chickens (Farmyard Friends), by Camilla de la Bédoyère
ð  Chicks & Chickens, by Gail Gibbons
ð  Clarabelle: Making Milk and So Much More, by Cris Peterson
ð  Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type, by Doreen Cronin and illustrated by Betsy Lewin
ð  Cycle of Rice, Cycle of Life: A Story of Sustainable
ð  Farming, by Jan Reynolds
ð  Daisy Comes Home, by Jan Brett
ð  A Day in the Life of a Farmer, by Heather Adamson
ð  Fantastic Farm Machines, by Cris Peterson and David R. Lundquist
ð  Farm, by Elisha Cooper
ð  Farming, by Gail Gibbons
ð  Farms around the World (World of Farming), by Catherine Veitch
ð  Food from Farms, by Nancy Dickmann
ð  From Seed to Pumpkin, by Wendy Pfeffer
6 / ð  D is for Drum: A Native American Alphabet, by Michael and Debbie Shoulders and illustrated by Irving Toddy
ð  Many Nations: An Alphabet of Native America, by Joseph Bruchac and illustrated by Robert F. Goetzl
ð  Native Americans, edited by E. D. Hirsch, Jr.
ð  The Story of Jumping Mouse: A Native American Legend, byJohn Steptoe (540L)
ð  Clambake: A Wampanoag Tradition, by Russell M. Peters and photographs by John Madama
ð  If You Lived with the Sioux Indians, by Ann McGovern
ð  and illustrated by Jean Drew
ð  The Legend of the Indian Paintbrush, by Tomie dePaola (840L)
ð  The Sioux, by Alice Osinski
ð  Squanto and the First Thanksgiving, by Eric Metaxas andillustrated by Michael Donato
ð  Tapenum’s Day: A Wampanoag Indian Boy in Pilgrim Times,by Kate Waters and photographs by Russ Kendall
ð  The Wampanoags, by Alice K. Flanagan (Children’s Press,
ð  When the Shadbush Blooms, by Carla Messinger and SusanKatz and illustrated by David Kanietakeron Fadden
7 / ð  Amazing Grace, by Mary Hoffman. Illustrated by Caroline
ð  Binch
ð  Cinder Edna, by Ellen Jackson. Illustrated by Kevin O’Malley
ð  Cinderella, by Charles Perrault. Illustrated by Loek Koopmans.
ð  Kate Middleton: Real-Life Princess, by Sarah Tieck
ð  King Bidgood’s in the Bathtub, by Audrey and Don Wood
ð  King Midas and the Golden Touch, by Charlotte Craft.
Illustrated by K.Y. Craft
ð  The King Who Rained, by Fred Gwynne
ð  The Kite Princess, by Juliet Clare Bell. Illustrated by Laura-Kate Chapman
ð  Max and Ruby’s Midas, by Rosemary Wells
ð  Midnight: A Cinderella Alphabet, by Stephanie Perkal.
Illustrated by Spencer Alston Bartsch
ð  Mother Goose Remembers, by Clare Beaton (
ð  Princess Grace, by Mary Hoffman. Illustrated by Cornelius Van Wright and Ying-Hwa Hu
ð  The Princess and the Pea, by Rachel Isadora
ð  The Princess and the Pig, by Jonathan Emmett. Illustrated byPoly Bernatene
ð  Prince William: Real-Life Prince, by Sarah Tieck
ð  The Queen’s Knickers, by Nicholas Allan
ð  Rapunzel, by Rachel Isadora
ð  The Rough-Face Girl, by Rafe Martin
ð  The Royal Treasure Measure, by Trudy Harris. Illustrated by Ivica Stevanovic
ð  Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, by Jacob and Wilhelm
Grimm. Illustrated by Nancy Ekholm Burkert.
ð  Snow White in New York, by Fiona French (
ð  Tea for Ruby, by Sarah Ferguson, the Duchess of York.