Doctorofjurisprudence, professor of international law
SARSEMBAYEV Marat Aldangor-uly
Address: Gabdullin str., 4. apt. 9, Astana (Kazakhstan)
Telephones: home tel.:+ 7172-44-10-61; office tel.:+ 7172 -75-21-39; mobile: +701-718-21-26
1.Marat Aldangar-uly Sarsembayev was born on December 15, 1947 in the village of Ekpendy, Almaty region, the Republic of Kazakhstan. Marat Sarsembayev graduated from the faculty of thе English language of Almaty Institute of foreign languages (nowadays - Kazakh university of international relations and world languages named after Abylaуkhan) in 1969 with honours, in 1973 he graduated from the faculty of law of Kazakh state university named after S.M. Kirov (nowadays - Kazakh national university named after al-Farabi) also with honours in Almaty, Kazakhstan.
2.He defended the doctoral dissertationin the sector of international law of the Institute of state and law of RussianAcademy of sciences onspeciality - international law in 1994, in Moscow (Russian Federation). He also defended his candidate's thesis on a speciality - international law at Moscow state Institute forinternational relations of the Ministry of foreign affairs of the USSR (nowadays - of the Russian Federation) in 1978.
3.M.A.Sarsembayev has more than 540 research works, including 334 workson matters of human rightsin the Kazakh, Russian, English, Dari, Hebrew, Кorean, German, Polish, Romanian, Turkish, French, Japanese languages on the Kazakhstan, foreign and international law, published in Kazakhstan, Russian Federation, Austria, Afghanistan, the Great Britain, Germany, Israel, Poland, Romania, the USA, Turkey, Japan. Among these works 15 monographs, textbooks and manuals among which on human rights issues can single out the following: Promoting the world and friendship. - Alma-Ata: Kazakhstan, 1984. - 68 pages; Afghanistan and international law (in Dari). - Kabul: Kabul university, 1987. - 218 pages; International law relations of the states of Central Asia. - Almaty: Gylym, 1995. - 368 pages; International law. - Almaty: Zheti zhargy, 1996. - 448 pages (in Russian), in 1999 it was published in Ankara (Turkey) in the Turkish language; in Almaty, in 2009 - 408 pages (coauthor is K.Sarsembayev); Human Rights (textbook).- Almaty: Gylym (Science).- 1999.- 252 pages.
4.M.A Sarsembayev tookan active part in the work of dissertational boards of Kazakh, Russian universities andSorbonna university (Paris, France)for defense ofscientific themes of international law, including human rights and freedoms.
5. He took part in a formulation, editing, expertising, perfection of more than 130 bills, of 186 texts of international treatiesincluding66 documentsonhuman rights and freedomsand civil rights.
6. He participated in 202 international organizational and practical, political events, including 59 eventsdedicated to human rights.
7. He delivered reports and speeches in 85 republican and 87 international theoretical and practical conferences and symposia in the United Nations, OSCE, CIS and other international organizations; in all he took part in the work of 172 conferences, including 84 conferences on issues of human rights.
8. He read lectures on international law issuesin Kabul university (Afghanistan) in 1985-1987, MSIIR (Russia) in 1977, university of Renn (France) in 1980, in English - in theuniversity of Vilanova (USA) in 1994, university of Indiana (USA) in 1997,– in all at 16 universities, among them in 10 domestic and 6 foreign universities.
9. He is the winner of range international scientific awards and the winner of some international scientific competitions, including scientific competition of the prestigious governmental program of the USA named after U.Fulbright, in this connection he was in 1997 in the USA during 10 months, developing a scientific problem of international law. He is the winner of international award of «Soros-Kazakhstan» Fund: the award is awarded for the higher school textbook "International law" recognized as the best in the republican competition of 1995.He is an honourable Citizen of the city of Houston and an honourable Citizen of the city of El Paso (USA). He is awarded by four Kazakhstan state awards (medals). He has no previous conviction.
10.M.A.Sarsembayev is a member of legal policy Board at the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, an honourableChairman of Executive committee of Kazakhstan Association of international law.
11. M.A Sarsembayev speaks Kazakh, Russian and English fluently.
12.In the Kazakh national university named after al - Farabi he worked from 1973 to 2000 (he was a professor, the dean of the faculty of law, the head of the chair of international law), he was the rector of «Daneker» university of international law and international business. He was the director of the Law institute of L.N.Gumilyev Eurasian national university.
13.He worked as the head of Department for international relations of the Central Election Commission of the Republicof Kazakhstan in Astana city; at present he is a member of Central Election Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan as a political office employee. Defending interests of the Republic of Kazakhstan in problems of election process, human voting rights: he as a member of the Kazakhstan delegationhas participatedin working meetingswith members ofthe UN Commission onHuman Rights, with representatives of OSCE in Geneva, Warsaw, Vienna, Copenhagen, as well asin Astana repeatedly.
14.He is married andhas 3adult sons.
15.M.A.Sarsembayev was the Personal Representative of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office on Election-Related Issues during the whole year of 2010.He was a directorof the Instituteof Human RightsinAlmaty in 1998-1999.
16.Defending the rights ofKazakh youthin the commissionof the Supreme Sovietof Kazakhstanafter the dissolution oftheirdemonstrationsin December1986.
17.He was a memberof the Commission onHumanRights under President of the Republic of Kazakhstan(1997-1999).
November 2011.