Report of the Western Australian Census 1891

How to Use these notes:

These are used to create the SPSS tables.

Go to the Excel spread sheet the page number matches the page tab number. Using the Cell numbers and tab numbers create the table and name them.

No.1 Births and Deaths registered between the 1st April, 1881, and the 31st March, 1891 (p.19)


Variable Name / Variable Label
V1 / Year / Year
V2 / Birmal / Births - Males
V3 / Birfml / Births - Females
V4 / Deamal / Deaths - Males
V5 / Deafml / Deaths - Females
V6 / Excemal / Excess of Births over Deaths - Males
V7 / excfml / Excess of Births over Deaths - Females

No. 2 Return of Arrivals and Departures by Sea, between 1st April, 1881, and 31st March, 1891 (p. 19)


Variable Name / Variable Label
V1 / Year / Year
V2 / Birmal / Arrivals - Males
V3 / Birfml / Arrivals - Females
V4 / Deamal / Departures - Males
V5 / Deafml / Departures - Females
V6 / Excemal / Excess of Arrivals over Departures - Males
V7 / excfml / Excess of Arrivals over Departures - Females
V8 / Excdmal / Excess of Departures over Arrivals - Males
V9 / excdfml / Excess of Departures over Arrivals - Females

No. 3 Population Summary (p. 19)


Variable Name / Variable Label
V1 / Descrip / Description
V2 / Males / Males
V3 / Females / Females
V4 / Total / Total

No. 4 Returns of the Population 1843 to 1891, inclusive (p. 19)


Variable Name / Variable Label
V1 / Year / Year
V2 / Males / Males
V3 / Females / Females
V4 / Total / Total

No. 5 inclusive (p. 19)


Variable Name / Variable Label
V1 / Year / Year
V2 / Males / ADULTS ABOVE TWELVE - Males
V3 / Females / ADULTS ABOVE TWELVE - Females
V4 / children / Children under twelve
V5 / Total / Total

No. 6 Returns of the Population 1843 to 1891 inclusive showing increase (p. 19)


Variable Name / Variable Label
V1 / Year / Year
V2 / Number / Actual Population
V3 / Increase / Numerical Increase
V4 / Proport / Proportional Increase
V5 / decenn / Proportional ten years increase

No. 7 Population in each District (p. 19)


Variable Name / Variable Label
V1 / District / District
V2 / Males / Males
V3 / Females / Females
V4 / Total / Total

No. 8 The proportion of the sexes in the various districts of the Colony, at the respective Censuses of 1881 and 1891 (District) (p. 19)


Variable Name / Variable Label
V1 / District / District
V2 / sex / Sex
V3 / Year 1 / 1881
V4 / Year 2 / 1891
V5 / Increase / Numerical Increase
V6 / Proport / Per Centum

No. 9 The proportion of the sexes in the various districts of the Colony, at the respective Censuses of 1881 and 1891 (Municipality) (p. 23)


Variable Name / Variable Label
V1 / District / District
V2 / sex / Sex
V3 / Year 1 / 1881
V4 / Year 2 / 1891
V5 / Increase / Numerical Increase
V6 / Proport / Per Centum

No. 10 Population of New Towns Since the Last Census (p. 25)


Variable Name / Variable Label
V1 / town / Towns
V2 / Males / Males
V3 / Females / Females
V4 / Persons / Persons

No. 11 Eight principal towns of Colony (p. 25)


Variable Name / Variable Label
V1 / town / Towns
V2 / popul / Population

No. 12 Proportion of Females to males by District (p. 26)


Variable Name / Variable Label
V1 / District / District
V2 / Totalmal / Total Males
V3 / Totalfml / Total Females
V4 / proport / Proportion of females to 100 males at each age

No. 13 Proportion of Males and Females by Municipality (p. 27)


Variable Name / Variable Label
V1 / District / District
V2 / Totalmal / Total Males
V3 / Totalfml / Total Females
V4 / proport / Proportion of females to 100 males at each age

No. 14 Occupied Dwellings and Materials of Construction (p. 28)


Variable Name / Variable Label
V1 / District / District
V2 / Brick / Brick
V3 / Stone / Stone
V4 / Wood / Wood
V5 / Iron / Iron
V6 / Canvas / Canvas
V7 / Huts / Huts
V8 / Notstated / Not stated
V9 / Total / Total

No. 15 Materials of Houses, 1881 and 1891 (p. 28b)


Variable Name / Variable Label
V1 / District / District
V2 / Stone1 / Stone (1881)
V3 / Stone2 / Stone (1891)
V4 / Brick1 / Brick (1881)
V5 / Brick2 / Brick (1891)
V6 / Wood1 / Wood (1881)
V7 / Wood2 / Wood (1891)
V8 / Iron1 / Iron (1881)
V9 / Iron2 / Iron (1891)
V10 / Other1 / All other Material (1881)
V11 / Other2 / All other Material (1891)

No. 16 Return showing Houses and Rooms in each District, occupied, unoccupied, and in course of erection (p. 29)


Variable Name / Variable Label
V1 / District / District
V2 / Occupy1 / Houses Occupied (Houses)
V3 / Occupy2 / Houses Occupied (Rooms)
V4 / Unoccup1 / Houses Unoccupied (Houses)
V5 / Unoccup2 / Houses Unoccupied (Rooms)
V6 / Building1 / Houses Building and Approaching Completion (Houses)
V7 / Building2 / Houses Building and Approaching Completion (Rooms)
V8 / Total1 / District Totals (Houses)
V9 / Total2 / District Totals (Rooms)

No. 17 Conjugal Condition by Age (p. 30)


Variable Name / Variable Label
V1 / Age / Age
V2 / Marmal / Married (male)
V3 / Marfml / Married (female)
V4 / Nmarmal / Never Married (male)
V5 / Nmarfml / Never Married (female)
V6 / Widomal / Widowed (male)
V7 / Widofeml / Widowed (female)
V8 / Divmal / Divorced (male)
V9 / Divfml / Divorced (female)
V10 / Nsmal / Not Stated (male)
V11 / Nsfml / Not Stated (female)
V12 / Totmal / Total (male)
V13 / Totfml / Total (female)
V14 / gtotal / Grand Total

No. 18 Conjugal Condition by District (Eight Principle Towns (p. 30)


Variable Name / Variable Label
V1 / District / District
V2 / Marmal / Married (male)
V3 / Marfml / Married (female)
V4 / Nmarmal / Never Married (male)
V5 / Nmarfml / Never Married (female)
V6 / Widomal / Widowed (male)
V7 / Widofeml / Widowed (female)
V8 / Divmal / Divorced (male)
V9 / Divfml / Divorced (female)
V10 / Nsmal / Not Stated (male)
V11 / Nsfml / Not Stated (female)
V12 / Totmal / Total (male)
V13 / Totfml / Total (female)
V14 / gtotal / Grand Total

No. 19 Conjugal Condition by Age (Twenty Principle Towns (p. 30)


Variable Name / Variable Label
V1 / Age / Age
V2 / Marmal / Married (male)
V3 / Marfml / Married (female)
V4 / Nmarmal / Never Married (male)
V5 / Nmarfml / Never Married (female)
V6 / Widomal / Widowed (male)
V7 / Widofeml / Widowed (female)
V8 / Divmal / Divorced (male)
V9 / Divfml / Divorced (female)
V10 / Nsmal / Not Stated (male)
V11 / Nsfml / Not Stated (female)
V12 / Totmal / Total (male)
V13 / Totfml / Total (female)
V14 / gtotal / Grand Total

No. 20 Ages of the People (p. 35)


Variable Name / Variable Label
V1 / Descrip / Description
V2 / Males / Males
V3 / Females / Females
V4 / Persons / Persons

No.21 Summary of Districts (p. 36)


Variable Name / Variable Label
V1 / Age / Age
V2 / Sex / Sex
V3 / Blcwood / Blackwood
V4 / Fremntl / Fremantle
V5 / Gascoyne / Gascoyne
V6 / Kimbeast / Kimberley, East
V7 / Kimbwest / Kimberley, West
V8 / Kimbgldf / Kimberley Goldfields
V9 / Murray / Murray
V10 / North / North
V11 / Perth / Perth
V12 / Plantag / Plantagenet
V13 / susex / Sussex
V14 / Swan / Swan
V15 / Toodyay / Toodyay
V16 / Victoria / Victoria
V17 / Wellgtn / Wellington
V18 / William / Williams
V19 / Yilgarn / Yilgarn
V20 / york / York
V21 / total / Total

No. 22 Ages of People (p. 37)


Variable Name / Variable Label
V1 / Sex / Sex
V2 / Year / Year
V3 / Year1 / I. to X.
V4 / Year2 / X. to XX.
V5 / Year3 / XX. to XXX.
V6 / Year4 / XXX. to XL.
V7 / Year5 / XL. to L.
V8 / Year6 / L. to LX.
V9 / Year7 / LX. to LXX.
V10 / Year8 / LXX. to LXXX.
V11 / Year9 / LXXX. to XC.
V12 / Year10 / XC. to C.
V13 / Year11 / C. to CX.
V14 / Unspec / Unspecified
V15 / Infants / Infants
V16 / total / Total

Must include note on calculating age from the table

No. 23 Proportion of males and females by age (p.39)


Variable Name / Variable Label
V1 / Age / Age
V2 / Males1 / Proportion 1,000 males (1881)
V3 / Males2 / Proportion 1,000 males (1891)
V4 / Females1 / Proportion 1,000 females (1881)
V5 / Females2 / Proportion 1,000 females (1891)
V6 / Total1 / Proportion 1,000 total (1881)
V7 / Total2 / Proportion 1,000 total (1891)

No. 24 Proportion of males and females by Colony (p.40)


Variable Name / Variable Label
V1 / Colony / Colony
V2 / Males / Males
V3 / Females / Females
V4 / Total / Total
V5 / Males2 / Proportion 1,000 males
V6 / Females2 / Proportion 1,000 females
V7 / Total2 / Proportion 1,000 total

No. 25 Birthplaces as regards Australasian Colonies (p. 41)


Variable Name / Variable Label
V1 / Colony / Colony
V2 / Males / Males
V3 / Females / Females
V4 / Total / Total
V5 / Males2 / Proportion 1,000 males
V6 / Females2 / Proportion 1,000 females
V7 / Total2 / Proportion 1,000 total

No. 26 Birthplaces as regards the British Isles (p. 41)


Variable Name / Variable Label
V1 / Colony / Colony
V2 / Males / Males
V3 / Females / Females
V4 / Total / Total
V5 / Males2 / Proportion 1,000 males
V6 / Females2 / Proportion 1,000 females
V7 / Total2 / Proportion 1,000 total

No. 27 Birthplaces by Country (p. 43)


Variable Name / Variable Label
V1 / Birthplc / Birthplace
V2 / Males / Males
V3 / Females / Females
V4 / Total / Total

No. 28 Birthplaces by Country Showing the Number of People Born in the Colony (p. 44)


Variable Name / Variable Label
V1 / Birthplc / Birthplace
V2 / Year1 / 1850
V3 / Year2 / 1870
V4 / Yea3 / 1881
V5 / Year4 / 1891
V6 / Year1pr / Proportion 1,000 (1850)
V7 / Year2pr / Proportion 1,000 (1870)
V8 / Yea3pr / Proportion 1,000(1881)
V9 / Year4pr / Proportion 1,000(1891)

No. 29 Birthplaces by Country (p. 44)


Variable Name / Variable Label
V1 / Birthplc / Birthplace
V2 / Males1 / Males (1881)
V3 / Females1 / Females (1881)
V4 / Total1 / Total (1881)
V5 / Males2 / Males (1891)
V6 / Females2 / Females (1891)
V7 / Total2 / Total (1891)
V8 / Males3 / Increase Males
V9 / Females3 / Increase Females
V10 / Total3 / IncreaseTotal

No. 30 Religious Denominations by Sex (p. 47)


Variable Name / Variable Label
V1 / grouprel / Religions grouped
V2 / Relig / Denomination
V3 / males / males
V4 / females / females
V5 / Persons / Persons
V6 / Totals / Totals

No. 31 Religious Denominations 1881 and 1891 (p. 48)


Variable Name / Variable Label
V1 / Relig / Denomination
V2 / Males1 / Males (1881)
V3 / Females1 / Females (1881)
V4 / Total1 / Total (1881)
V5 / Males2 / Males (1891)
V6 / Females2 / Females (1891)
V7 / Total2 / Total (1891)
V8 / Males3 / Increase Males
V9 / Females3 / Increase Females
V10 / Total3 / Increase Total

No. 32 Increases in each Religious Denomination (p. 48)


Variable Name / Variable Label
V1 / Relig / Denomination
V2 / Year1 / Proportion 1,000 (1854)
V3 / Year2 / Proportion 1,000 (1859)
V4 / Yea3 / Proportion 1,000 (1870)
V5 / Year4 / Proportion 1,000(1881)
V6 / Year5 / Proportion 1,000(1891)

No. 33 Religious Denomination Comparative Table (Persons) (p. 49)


Variable Name / Variable Label
V1 / Relig / Denomination
V2 / Year1 / 1854
V3 / Year2 / 1859
V4 / Yea3 / 1870
V5 / Year4 / 1881
V6 / Year5 / 1891

No. 34 Number of adherents of principal religions at various Censuses (p. 49)


Variable Name / Variable Label
V1 / District / District
V2 / Chueng / Church of England
V3 / Romcat / Roman Catholic
V4 / Wesl / Wesleyan
V5 / Congreg / Congregational
V6 / Presbyt / Presbyterian
V7 / Other / Others
V8 / total / Total

No. 35 Religion - Proportion of males and females by Colony (p.50)


Variable Name / Variable Label
V1 / Relig / Denomination
V2 / Males / Males
V3 / Females / Females
V4 / Total / Proportion females to 100 males

No. 36 Education in proportion to population (p. 50b)


Variable Name / Variable Label
V1 / educat / Education Level
V2 / Persons / Persons
V3 / Percent / Percentage

No. 37 Proportional Education of the Sexes (p. 50b)


Variable Name / Variable Label
V1 / educat / Education Level
V2 / Males1 / Males (number)
V3 / Males2 / Males (percentage)
V4 / Females1 / Females (number)
V5 / Females3 / Females (percentage)

No. 38 Degree of Education of Persons aged Five Years and Upwards (p. 50b)


Variable Name / Variable Label
V1 / educat / Education Level
V2 / Males / Males
V3 / Females / Females
V4 / Persons / Persons

No. 39 Percentage of Education of Persons Aged Five Years and Upwards (p. 50b)


Variable Name / Variable Label
V1 / educat / Education Level
V2 / Males / Males
V3 / Females / Females
V4 / Persons / Persons

No. 40 Degree of Education of Adults (15 years and upwards) (p. 50b)


Variable Name / Variable Label
V1 / educat / Education Level
V2 / Males / Males
V3 / Females / Females
V4 / Persons / Persons

No. 41 Percentage of Education of Adults (15 years and upwards) (p. 50b)