Small Group Guide
The Church at Brook Hills Matt Mason August 21, 2016 Acts 13:1-5
Message Outline
To download the outline for this week’s sermon, visit
Message Summary
Today’s message continues The Gospel Made Visible series on the Book of Acts. Acts 13:1-5 records the first planed overseas mission trip as the church at Antioch sent out Paul and Barnabus. In Acts 11, the gospel spread when the church was scattered through persecution, but in Acts 13, the gospel spread because the Holy Spirit sent them away from their teaching ministry at Antioch.
This passage contains a key turning moment in history: Paul was stepping out in his calling to be an apostle to the Gentiles. As we study this historical moment, we must remember that the purpose of the Book of Acts is to show what the gospel can do when the Church—in the Holy Spirit’s power—takes the gospel to the ends of the earth. As Luke recorded the story of the growing Church, his purpose was not merely to document what happened but to encourage believers with real stories of impact that continue today as God’s people study His Word, pray, and are sent out with Kingdom purposes.
Digging Deeper
Think about the idea Pastor Matt shared toward the end of the sermon: “To know Jesus is want the world to know Jesus.” The men listed in Acts 13 knew Jesus. They gave themselves to teaching, proclaiming, fasting, and praying, immersing themselves in the Word in order that they might know Christ and equip the Church to know Christ. As they were obedient to do these things in Antioch, the Holy Spirit sent out two of these men to take the gospel elsewhere. Because they knew Jesus, the Spirit sent them to take the message of Jesus to the rest of the world.
Challenge your small group members to immerse themselves in Scripture. As Pastor Matt said, if we are not immersed in Scripture, what will we say to the nations? We must know the Word and the gospel. Encourage your group to spend time daily seeking to understand the Word. Doing so reminds us that our perfect Father is always listening and caring and that the Holy Spirit indwells us, produces fruit in us, and intercedes for us. Pray your group will experience the Word as their motivation to share the gospel and that they will pray to receive direction and boldness in witnessing.
After spending time talking about the questions below, take some time to pray for those Brook Hills has sent out with the gospel. Make a list of names ahead of time and conclude your group’s time together by intentionally lifting up these brothers and sisters in prayer. For a list of Brook Hills missionaries and ways to specifically pray, visit
Group Discussion & Application
Use the following questions to examine what the sermon and its text mean, to apply the Word to your life, and to guide how you pray.
1. How are the three parts of the impact recorded in Acts—people, the Holy Spirit, and mission—related? Why is this inter-connectedness important?
2. In Acts 13:1-5, what truths does God reveal about Himself? About the world around you?
3. How does the way the prophets and teachers prayed in Acts 13:1-3 affect the actions they took in verses 4-5? How do prayer, fasting, and the Holy Spirit fuel your own mission?
4. Can we rightly be on mission apart from the Word or apart from prayer? Why not?
5. What does it look like to be immersed in the Word and immersed in prayer?
6. What does prayer and Bible study look like in your life right now? How can you grow in both of these areas this week?
7. Read Jesus’ words in Matthew 28:18-20; John 14:16-17, 25-26; and Acts 1:8. What is the Holy Spirit’s role in spreading the gospel?
8. If you have been on a mission trip, how did your concept of being sent by the Church affect you?
9. Why does God usually activate the active? Would you describe your current spiritual life in prayer and the Word as active? Why or why not? In what specific ways has God activated you through prayer and the Word?
10. What is the church congregation’s role in sending out missionaries?
11. Why is it important for believers to value our role in sending, praying, and contributing to those called to go elsewhere with the gospel?
12. As a church, what does it look like to send out people well? How can you and this small group play a more active role in supporting those who are sent out through the church (not just financially but also relationally and with prayer)?
13. Pastor Matt emphasized that the picture of us laying hands on missionaries represents (1) us being with each other in the mission of Jesus and extending our arms to other parts of the world and (2) accountability as they go and return with reports of what God did and ways for the church to pray for them. Why should we view missionaries as an extension of our own arm? How does this perspective change the way you pray for and value them? Why is it important for the church to expect eagerly a report from our field partners?
Resources for Small Group Leaders
Weekly Prayer Focus
· Pray for Our Church:
o Praise God for calling and commanding each of us to join Him on His mission to make disciples of all nations.
o Ask the Holy Spirit to empower each of us with gifts to use to fulfill this mission.
· Pray for Our City:
o Pray for Oak Tree Ministries, a ministry that partners with Brook Hills to build disciple-making relationship, to bring relief and rehabilitation, and to restore families in Marks Village to enjoy God’s good design for their lives.
o Pray for Household of Faith Church and Pastor Larry Cockrell.
· Pray for Our World:
o Pray for Brook Hills Member Organization, SPEAR International Ministries, which exists to encourage, equip, and empower believers worldwide to fulfill their role in the Great Commission.
“Marks of a Sending Church,” August 21, 2016 | Page 1