Agency Defined Element 801 - Stream Hydraulics
Defect History Form Instructions
1)Prior to inspecting the bridge, review the HVA Classification and NBI Item 113 - Scour Critical Rating (SCR) Code in the NYSDOT Bridge Data Information System (BDIS) Active Inventory. Structures with an NBI Item 113 Code of U, 7, 3, 2, 1, or 0 are scour critical. TLs should be aware that such structures are generally more susceptible to foundation scour. For reference, HVA Classification and NBI Item 113 Code descriptions are provided on pages 4 and 5 of this TA.
2)Inspect the bridge site and complete requisite measurements (dropline, undermining, etc.).
3)Complete the Defect History Form by providing:
a.A Condition State assessment for each applicable defect.
b.Comment for each defect assessed CS-3 or CS-4 (comments for CS-1 and CS-2 are encouraged).
4)In the BDIS "Document Library" tab:
a.Provide photos for each defect assessed CS-3 or CS-4 (photos for CS-1 and CS-2 are encouraged). Regardless of assessment, upstream and downstream photos should be provided for future reference.
b.Attach the completed Defect History Form as a sketch to the "Condition Sketches" tab.
i. Rename original file to include year (ex: "Stream Hydraulics Defect History 2018.docx") and Save to the "Templates and Files" tab in BDIS for use by the next inspector.
5)In the BDIS "Element Condition States" tab:
a.Record the ADE 801 - Controlling Condition State.
b.Add a "Common" note indicating, "See attached Stream Hydraulics Defect History sketch." There is no need to duplicate "Inspector's Comments" from the sketch in the inspection report’s "Common" note.
c.Link the attached sketch and applicable condition photos to the "Common" note.
6)Review the ADE 800 - Erosion or Scour and ADE 801 - Stream Hydraulics defects in conjunction with the Hydraulics Reassessment Form questions. If any Form question is answered “Yes”, then submit the completed Hydraulics Reassessment Form. Attach the ADE 801 – Stream Hydraulics Defect History Form to the Hydraulics Reassessment Form.
“CURRENT INSPECTION” Condition State Column:
- Provide the CS of the defect observed during the current inspection.
“PREVIOUS INSPECTIONS” Condition State Columns:
- When completing this form for the first time these columns shall remain blank.
- When completing this form for subsequent inspections, move each previous inspection defect Condition State one column to the left.
- Once all columns are full, the oldest data can be removed to make room for subsequent inspection
“BASELINE” Condition State Column:
- This column shall contain the baseline defect assessments recorded during the first AASHTO element inspection. Individual baseline defect assessments shall be uprated when respective channel repair takes place. The full set of baseline defects shall start afresh when bridge is replaced.
Agency Defined Element 801 - Stream Hydraulics
Defect History
Baseline / Previous Inspection Assessments / Current Inspection
NA / mm/dd/yy / mm/dd/yy / mm/dd/yy / mm/dd/yy
6120 / Channel Alignment
6130 / Channel Scour
6140 / Waterway Opening
6150 / Scour Protection
6160 / Bank Protection
6165 / Bank Erosion
6180 / Debris Near Bridge
6190 / Countermeasures
ADE 801 - Controlling Condition State =
Inspector’s Comment (comment required for each defect assessed CS-3 or CS-4):
Enter comment here