World Affairs
Spring 2013
Mr. Terpstra
Mayo High School, Room #2-103
phone 328-5506
World Affairs Course Outline
Intro to World Affairs: Review the basic geography of the world, paying particular attention to areas of current world conflict.
Political & Economic Systems: Examine the world’s major political and economic systems. Included will be how economic interdependence has affected countries’ political and economic policies, focusing especially on U.S. foreign policy.
The United Nations and World Conflicts: Understand the workings of the major components of the United Nations and their role in world affairs. Included are the United Nation’s Declaration of Human Rights (1948) and its effect in the modern world. The “Arab Spring” will be examined in detail, as well as the Arab-Israeli question. Also included is a study of genocide, world hunger, and human rights.
Terrorism: Understand the causes and effects of terrorism in today’s world. Examine the history of terrorism and some of its major figures. Particular attention will be paid to the Middle East.
Nuclear Proliferation: Study the current status of countries with nuclear capability and countries with potential capability. We will examine the effects of nuclear weapon possession on the world political scene, especially the U.S. responses.
World Affairs
Classroom Policies
House Rules
Please respect the Teacher Spaces. Personal and confidential materials may be in those spaces (especially the office).
Cleanliness is a sign of respect. No food or drink is allowed in the classroom.
Daily Work (notes, quizzes over assignments, worksheets, seminar preparation, etc.)
Homework assignments are designed to prepare the student for the next class lesson. You must be prepared for class in order to receive the full benefit of the lesson that day. Once that lesson has passed, the potential benefit of the assignment has also passed. Therefore, credit will reduced by one letter grade per school day for late daily work assignments.
A test will be given at the end of each unit. If you miss the day of a test, you will be expected to take the test the day you return to school. Failure to do so will result in a 15% reduction of your test score. Do not expect to retake tests.
Paper or Project Late Policy
Projects submitted at the beginning of the hour of the due date will receive full credit. Papers received within 24 hours of the time it was due will lose 10% of the total possible points. A one letter grade reduction will be assessed for every school day late an assignment is received after that. Completion of all projects is required to pass the course.
Semester Exam
The final semester exam will be comprehensive and account for approximately 10%-15% of the total semester grade.
Grade Calculation
All points in the course are of equal value. (The quarters and semester exam are not weighted in any particular way.) You should not expect extra credit.
Grading Scale
A 90 - 100% B 80% - 89% C 70% - 79%
D 60% - 69% below 60% is not passing.
Attendance Policy
Absences are an unfortunate reality of schooling. However, being gone does not absolve you of scholastic responsibilities. As a student, you are expected to see the teacher the day you get back to get caught up as soon as possible. Any work that was due the day you were gone is due the day you get back.
Absences that are anticipated must be brought to the teacher's attention before you will be gone. These kinds of absences include vacations, field trips, and doctor or other appointments. You will not be allowed to make up work that you missed during an anticipated absence if you do not inform the teacher before the absence. School policy also requires that you sign out of the building in the attendance office before leaving for an appointment.
*Tardiness will be dutifully noted. Three tardies will equal one unexcused absence.
*One unexcused absence will result in a 5% grade reduction.
Other Classroom Expectations
All district and building behavior expectations will be enforced in this classroom. Special emphasis will be placed on the observance of the harassment policy. All students will feel welcomed and respected.