Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Objective: Student-Athlete will explore “How to Lead by example?” and gain an understanding about commitment.

Length of Lesson: 1 Session of 30 minutes


Explain the objective of the lesson as listed above.

Material covers Chapter 2…pages 27-37

1. Vision of What’s possible


What specifically is your team’s long-term goal for the season?

Is it challenging enough to truly inspire you and your team?

How realistic is your goal given the time frame and people you have?

Include quote on page 28…

2. Make the Commitment


How important is your goal to you? How badly do you want to reach it?

What are you willing to sacrifice to reach your goal?

Include quote on page 29…

3. The Commitment Continuum (Build in Power point page 29)

· Define the different levels of commitment:

i. Resistant

ii. Reluctant

iii. Existent

iv. Compliant

v. Committed

vi. Compelled

vii. Obsessed

4. (Journal)

In which category would you presently rate yourself? Why?

Where do you think your teammates would rate you? Why?

Where do you think your coach would rate you? Why?

Where do you want to be? How will you get there?

5. In order to be an effective leader, which categories do you need to be rated the highest in?? Committed and Compelled.

6. You may not have rated yourself in one of those two categories, but you can work hard to get to that level.

· Hard Work

Include quote on page 33…

· Play with passion and enthusiasm

· Competitiveness-Instill your will

Share paragraph number on under competitiveness-instill your will


List three to five major points or insights you gained from this lesson.


C:\Documents and Settings\dbeazizo\My Documents\PAWS Lesson Plans\1-11-2012 grades 9-12 -- Tolerance[1].doc