Information Booklet
The Sydney Olympic Park Authority and Centennial Park and Moore Park Trust wish to establish lists of pre-qualified contractors in the three categories of Landscape, Building and Civil Works for projects in the range of $150,000 to $5 Million. Expressions of Interest are invited from contractors with a demonstrated capacity to undertake works in any or all of these categories.
This document provides the necessary background information on the two organisations, details the type of work within each category and outlines the conditions and specific requirements of the registration.
All contractors wishing to register their interest must make themselves fully conversant with the selection criteria and complete the attached ’Contractor Registration Application Form’.
1. General Information
1.1 Introduction
(a Sydney Olympic Park Authority
The Sydney Olympic Park Authority (SOPA) is a statutory authority responsible for the planning, development and management of the Sydney Olympic Park covering open space, venues, parklands and development areas. Sydney Olympic Park occupies 635 hectares of which two thirds are Parklands comprising Bicentennial Park, Newington Armory, Archery Park, Wentworth and Blaxland Commons and a network of inter connecting wetlands and waterways. The urban core “Township” of Sydney Olympic Park encompasses significant venues and buildings, plazas, boulevards and civic spaces such as Fig Grove, The Overflow, Yulang and Station Square.
(b Centennial Park and Moore Park Trust
The Centennial Park and Moore Park Trust (CPMPT) is a State Government Trust responsible for the management of the Centennial Parklands (Parklands) as an iconic asset for the local, regional and national community. Totaling 360 hectares, the Parklands comprise Centennial Park, Moore Park, Queens Park and the former Moore Park Showground. The Parklands’ sporting facilities include an 18-hole golf course and driving range, an equestrian centre, two tennis centres, netball courts, sporting fields and the ES Marks Athletics Field. Key venues include the Centennial Parklands Restaurant, the Hordern Pavilion and Royal Hall of Industries, Entertainment Quarter and Fox Studios Australia.
Both organisations have sites with significant cultural, landscape and heritage assets and share a vision of developing and maintaining those assets and creating public spaces and urban parkland areas of the highest standard.
SOPA has a vision for Sydney Olympic Park to become an internally admired example of sustainable urban renewal and development – one that successfully integrates world class venue infrastructure and parklands with a new community of workers, residents, students and visitors to create an innovative example of place making. The Authority’s Sustainability Policy together with further details relating to Sydney Olympic Park can be obtained directly from the SOPA website
The CPMPT Corporate Plan identifies a mission to “Manage Centennial Parklands as a place of national significance for the enjoyment, social connection and wellbeing of the community.” Further information about Centennial Parklands can be found at
SOPA/CPMPT aim to meet these objectives through innovation, strategic planning, and an effective management process and require a high level of expertise and commitment from their contractors.
1.2 Types of Work and Capital Budgets
SOPA has an ongoing annual works program of approximately $10m. The program focuses on the delivery of key infrastructure and public domain works to ensure the effective implementation of the Authority’s long term vision for Sydney Olympic Park.
CPMPT has an approved 7-year Park Improvement Plan of approximately $50M, and is currently seeking additional funding for a new capital program commencing in 2009. The existing and proposed plans are designed to secure the long term sustainable future for the Parklands. Improvements will be delivered in six key program areas, ensuring a park system that is sustainable, attractive, cost effective, safe and of an appropriately high quality.
Key projects within the Park Improvement Plans are:
§ Environmental: storm water upgrades, pond remediation, major tree replacements
§ Transport and access: major road, footpath and entry upgrades, bridges, lighting
§ Visitor Information: amenities upgrades, replacement/upgrade of Parkland furniture, fencing and signage
§ Leisure Facilities: Major improvements to Golf facilities, Equestrian Centre, sports fields, community / event spaces and playgrounds.
§ Heritage Conservation: Major maintenance/upgrades to key heritage buildings, monuments and heritage infrastructure
§ Utilities: Major upgrades/replacement of ageing services and infrastructure.
1.3 Lists of Pre-Qualified Contractors
SOPA/CPMPT wishes to establish lists of pre-qualified contractors in the following categories:
The types of work within each category may comprise but is not limited to the following:
Landscape Works: Development of new sports fields, playgrounds, general hard landscape works (including footpaths, lighting, fencing and signage etc) and soft landscape works.
Building Works: New buildings, shelters, office fit out and heritage building refurbishments.
Civil Works: Car park upgrades, equestrian facilities, golf facilities, playing fields, ponds restoration, engineering services, road construction, drainage works, earth works and bridge construction.
Contracts are likely to range in value from $150,000 to $5 Million with the majority of contracts in the range of $200,000 to $1Million.
The quality of the applications received and the projected workload will determine the number of applicants selected for each list. Primary and reserve lists will be established to provide flexibility over a four year period.
Once the three lists have been established, SOPA/CPMPT will independently select appropriate contractors from the lists to tender for specific projects.
It should be noted that SOPA and CPMPT will operate these lists independently and the final lists approved by SOPA may not necessarily be the same as those approved by CPMPT.
SOPA/CPMPT intends to engage contractors for projects using modified forms of Standards Australia and Department of Commerce (GC 21 and Minor Works) contracts. Examples can be viewed on the Department of Commerce website.
The number of tenders invited by SOPA/CPMPT and the value of the work that is the subject of those tenders may vary. Accordingly successful registration does not ensure that a contractor will be invited to tender for, or be awarded, any project.
Importantly, applicants are advised that, for certain projects, SOPA/CPMPT may invite public expressions of interest or call open tenders, rather than inviting tenders from the pre-qualified lists. SOPA/CPMPT also reserves the right, at any time, to abandon its scheme to invite tenders from the lists on a selected tender basis.
Contractors registered for work with SOPA/CPMPT may also be invited to tender for work to another NSW Government agencies. This sharing of contractor panels between NSW Government agencies is designed to maximise the opportunities for pre-registered providers to obtain relevant government work and to minimize duplication in the registration of service providers for common types of work.
SOPA/CPMPT anticipates that lists will be finalized and operate from September 2008.
SOPA/CPMPT intend that the lists will be valid for a period of 4 years.
Applicants are advised that, among other things, tenderers for projects will be required to have public liability ($20M), contract works and workers compensation insurance, and will be required to comply with the NSW Government’s Code of Tendering and Code of Practice for the Construction Industry.
1.4 Applications for registration
Contractors should make themselves fully conversant with the selection criteria. The existence of prior pre-qualification status with SOPA/CPMPT or other government agencies does not guarantee automatic registration and is not a criterion for this assessment.
Expressions of Interest shall comprise, as a minimum, a completed ‘Contractor Registration Application Form’ and the supporting documentation for each criterion.
Contractors are encouraged to demonstrate that they can identify opportunities in assisting SOPA/CPMPT to meeting their environmental objectives through their sustainability policies.
All information submitted with an application will be treated as confidential.
It should be noted that applications from contractors who have been in business for a period of less than 3 years will not be accepted.
SOPA/CPMPT may investigate applicants to ensure their suitability for registration and may seek to verify that an applicant is a bona fide registered company or business. Applicants must, on request, provide any necessary information to assist these investigations. If an applicant is unsuccessful in gaining registration for any reason, further information supporting reconsideration of registration will not be accepted by SOPA/CPMPT.
Documents submitted (two copies) will remain the property of SOPA/CPMPT.
1.5 Selection Criteria
Assessment for registration will be evaluated in accordance with criteria noted below:
a) Capacity to undertake work in the range between $150,000 and $5 Million;
b) Relevant company experience,
c) Experience of key personnel;
d) Continuous trading for a minimum of three years;
e) Initiatives displayed that will add value the client’s objectives;
f) Resources;
g) Occupational Health and Safety & Rehabilitation Management System;
h) Industrial Relation Management;
i) Quality management system;
j) Environmental Management.
SOPA/CPMPT may request further information from contractors for clarification during the assessment and may hold interviews with some or all contractors.
Particular attention will be paid to recent demonstrated performance by the applicant.
1.6 Conditions of the Expression of Interest
Acceptance of EOI. SOPA/CPMPT reserves each of the following rights:
a) to accept an application in full or in part and waive strict compliance in any of the matters contained in the registration of interest.
b) to reject any application;
c) to cancel the application process.
SOPA/CPMPT will not be responsible for any costs or expenses arising in any way from the preparation and submission of the EOI’s
Conflicts of Interest and Fair Dealing.
SOPA/CPMPT policy is to engage in the highest standards of ethical behaviour and fair dealing. SOPA/CPMPT requires the same standards from those with whom it contracts.
Information provided in this document or imparted to any contractor as part of the pre-qualification process is confidential to SOPA/CPMPT and shall not be used by the contractor for any other purpose, or distributed to, or shared with any other person or organisation.
De-registration. Where SOPA/CPMPT considers a successful contractor has:
(i) failed to disclose relevant material in its application or has provided material in its application which is incorrect;
(ii) performed work for any client (including SOPA/CPMPT) in an unsatisfactory manner;
(iii) suffered an adverse change in its capacity, or
(iv) failed to comply with the conditions of registration, it may result in the contractors being taken off the pre-qualified list.
Each contractor’s registration will lapse four years after appointment. SOPA/CPMPT will advise all registered contractors prior to expiry. Records will be kept of the contractor’s performance on each project, and these will be reviewed at the time of any application for re-registration, as well as at any other time considered necessary.
Legal Relationship. No legal relationship, binding or otherwise, will exist between any of the respondents and SOPA/CPMPT as result if this invitation for Expression of Interest.
Regulatory Compliance. Failure by Contractors and/or nominated sub-contractors to comply with all legislative, occupational health and safety and environmental protection requirements will result in the Contractor being taken off the list.
Publicity. Contractors are not to advertise, promote or publish in any form their registration without the written consent of SOPA/CPMPT.
Associated and subsidiary companies. Registration of a contractor does not extend to associated or subsidiary organisations owned or controlled by the panel member. Any such organisation must apply for registration in its own right.
Changes to Contractor. Contractors are required to advise SOPA/CPMPT immediately of any substantial change in their financial or technical capacity or any change in their ownership.
Applicant’s Acknowledgement. In applying for registration the applicant is deemed to have accepted these conditions
1.7 Expression of Interest Submission
Expressions of Interest (EOI) may be submitted by personal delivery or prepaid post and should be received by the ‘Closing Date and time ’. Three copies of the EOIs shall be submitted in a plain sealed envelope clearly marked: ‘Expressions of Interest for Pre-Registration as a (name one or more of the categories) Contractor.
Expressions of Interest (EOI) are to be lodged at SOPA’s Tender Box located at 7Figtree Drive, Sydney Olympic Park, NSW 2127.
Documents submitted (three copies) will remain the property of SOPA/CPMPT for the purposes of evaluation as SOPA/CPMPT sees fit.
No documents will be returned to contractors.
1.8 Expression of Interest Closing Date
The closing date for Expressions of Interest shall be Tuesday, 16 September 2008 at 2.00pm
1.9 Clarifications
Any applicant seeking clarification of the ‘Expression of Interest’ should contact Marianna Preston on 9339 6654.
1.10 Notification
Applicants will receive written notice of acceptance or non-acceptance of their application for registration. Where additional information is required contractors will also be notified in writing. Any information provided to SOPA/CPMPT by contractors for pre-qualification assessment purposes will be treated as confidential and will not be released to any third parties unless otherwise required by law.
2. Contractor Registration Application Form
2.1 Category of Work
Pease indicate the type of work you wish to register for:
2.2 Details of person completing this registration
full nametitle
Signature / Phone
Official position held
2.3 Applicant’s Details
Type of BusinessCompany Name
Phone / Fax
Postal Address
Date established
2.4 Financial data
Last year turn overProvide particulars of your company’s bank or other financial institution to which the SOPA/CPMPT is authorised to refer for financial reference.
Account Name
Contact Name
2.5 Insurances
Type / Extent of Cover / Extent of Cover / Insurer / Policy No. / Expiry DatePer Incident $A / Aggregate
Public Liability / (NB: CPMPT requires a minimum of $20M)
Professional Indemnity
Worker Compensation
Plant and Equipment
Motor Vehicles
2.6 Staff numbers