Course InformationDirector

Chorus: 6th, 7th, and 8th grade

School Year: 2016-2017

Room: D400

Contact Information

Ms. Jasmine McGhee, Choral Director E-mail:

Phone 770-651-5818


  • Expand musical opportunities and experiences for students.
  • Improve individual student ability and success.
  • Increase participation in the choral program.
  • Increase community involvement with the choral program.



  1. We promise to treat everyone with kindness and respect.
  2. We promise to never talk during rehearsal and especially when Ms. McGhee is talking.
  3. We will not eat, drink or CHEW GUM in Mrs. McGhee’s classroom.
  4. We will not damage the music or any other supplies or items in Mrs. McGhee’s classroom.
  5. We know that cell phones and electronic devices are not allowed and will be taken up if we have them out in class and a demerit will be given.
  6. We know that we must sit in our assigned seats.
  7. We know that the FSMS rules also apply in Ms. McGhee’s class and we know there are consequences for our wrong actions and bad decisions.


  1. Sing and participate each day to the best of your ability.
  2. Arrive to class on time.
  3. Enter and exit the room quietly.
  4. Go to restroom before coming to class.
  5. Come to class eager to learn something new.
  6. Follow directions the first time they are given.
  7. Arrive to concerts and performances on time.
  8. Students know that concert attire must be uniform in order to perform.
  9. We will strive to maintain a positive attitude in Ms. McGhee’s class!

IMPORTANT: Chorus members who prevent the group from rehearsing effectively willNOTbe tolerated. Failure to follow class rules will result in the implementation of the school-wide discipline plan/procedure. Excessive and chronic classroom disruption will threaten the student’s continued participation in chorus and student will be removed from the class.

II. Grading

Each grade taken in chorus is weighted based on the following categories:

Grading Categories / Weighted Percentage
Daily Participation / 25%
Classroom Assignments / 20%
Quizzes / 10%
Student Learning Objective Assessment / 15%
Performances/Concerts & Test / 30%
Total Grade / 100%

Douglas County Grading Scale:

A: 90-100

B: 80-89

C: 71-79

D: 70

F: Below 70

Number of Grades Per Nine (9) Weeks

1. The minimum number of grades used to determine the final grade must be 9 for each 9-week grading, per subject area.

2. Each middle school will issue progress reports every 4 ½ weeks and report cards at the end of every nine week grading period.




•education-portal.com - Music101

•education-portal.com - Music Theory


Weekly Tutoring/ Rehearsal: TBA on website


Choir members are required to attend all performances unless participation is denied by Administrative or Choral Department policies. This is a co-curricular performance class. Students who are placed in this performing group are aware of, and agree to, the rehearsal and concert attendance requirements. Grades are given for all dress rehearsals and performances.

Excused absences from performance include illness, or death in the family. Please remember that the success of our performances depends on your consistent and reliable attendance. We cannot be a SUPERIOR chorus without you!

Excuses due to illness or family emergency should be brought within three days after a performance or the student’s return to school, signed by a parent with a phone number for verification. All excuses should be in writing, submitted with the signature of a parent/guardian.

Students participating in other school activities after the beginning of the school year should supply a list of chorus performances to their sponsor. Extracurricular commitments made after a scheduled performance will not be excused. Concert performances have been sanctioned by the state of Georgia as a direct extension of the choral curriculum.

The director will notify all students of any performance at least three weeks prior to the date of the performance. Students with transportation difficulties are required to make arrangements or notify the director immediately so that the director can make arrangements for their attendance.

Students who have unexcused absences will receive a zero for that performance. Students who have excused performances will receive an alternative assignment to “make up” the missed grade. Unexcused absences from concerts will jeopardize the student’s continued participation in chorus.

Occasionally we will be asked to perform with less than three weeks’ notice. In these cases, the director will poll the chorus to see how many people will be attending. If there are enough members to perform, the director will accept the invitation. At that time all students who committed to perform will be expected to attend the performance.


Extra rehearsals outside the school day are sometimes scheduled before concerts, or other important events. Students will be notified at least two weeks prior to any scheduled rehearsal.

The director should be notified at least one week in advance by a parent or guardian, in writing, with a valid excuse if a student will need to miss a rehearsal.

Make-up work for missing a rehearsal will require the student to sing his/her part for the director or make a recording of his/her part to be graded.


The director must be notified by phone BEFORE the performance or rehearsal if the student is going to be tardy. Tardiness is reflected in the student’s performance grade. Habitual tardiness will jeopardize the student’s continued participation in chorus. If a student is not in place before the chorus enters the performance arena, they will not be allowed to perform.


All assigned work is expected to be turned in on time. Late work will be accepted without penalties only if a student is absent and unable to be in school on the due date. All other late work will be penalized for up to two days and may not be accepted after the third day. Students with excused absences will be given one day for each day absent to make up work. Make-up work will be confined to homework assignments; teacher handouts, textbook pages covered, quizzes, and scheduled tests. Teachers may modify the amount of work to be made up. IT IS THE STUDENT’SRESPONSIBILITY TO ASK THE TEACHER FOR ANY MISSED ASSIGNMENTS. If students are absent for several days, a parent should call the office and request their assignments. Please allow 24 hours for teachers to get assignments ready. If absences occur at the end of the grading period, an incomplete may be given on the report card. All incomplete work must be made up as soon as possible. The “incom- plete” will be removed after 10 days to reflect the grade achieved. Work not made up will be averaged as a zero. Exclusion to this policy may be long-term projects.

If a student arrives at school after the end of homeroom (8:35 a.m.), he/she must report to the office and sign-in. A student must have a note from a parent indicating the reason for being tardy, or the student must be accompanied by a parent to the office. Students who are tardy interrupt instruction and should try to be on time. Frequent tardies may result in an office referral. The administration will take appropriate action.


All class activities are important to our curriculum, some are considered co-curricular and others are considered extra-curricular by BOE. Participation in all class activities must be earned. These events include, but are not limited to All-State, Douglas County Honor Chorus, LGPE, field trips and auditioning for solos or ensembles.

Participation in class activities is based on class participation and performance. Students who have not cooperated in the classroom, or have not responsibly learned their music will not be given the privilege to represent our school off-campus.

Students who are not participating in a class event will be asked to complete a written assignment. This assignment is strictly a daily participation grade in place of the student rehearsing with the chorus, and will only require work during the normal class period. In extreme circumstances, writing assignment will be assigned to complete at home with parental notification.


Chorus members will display appropriate and courteous behavior both in and out of school. During concerts, traveling to and from performing events, eating in restaurants, and so forth, only the best behavior is expected. NO LOUD TALKING/LAUGHING and behavior unbecoming of an FSMS choir member will be allowed. Students not exhibiting appropriate behavior will be removed from the choral program and assigned another class.

Level I Offenses

•First offense (1st Demerit): Interventions include: Parent called, agenda note, silent lunch, warning, teacher/student conference, etc.

•Second offense (2nd Demerit): Parent contact stating that next offense is detention; teacher/student conference, preferential seating, silent lunch, alternative assignment, etc.

•Third offense (3rd Demerit): Automatic After-school Detention. Responsive Contact Parent.

•Fourth offense (4th Demerit): Parent Conference .Automatic After-school Detention. Office Referral ½ day ISS.

•Fifth offense (5th Demerit): Automatic Office Referral. 3 days ISS or OSS. Parent Conference has been held.


Any student with a grievance or complaint about classroom procedure, classroom policy, grading system, class activity participation or course content, should schedule a conference with the director. No discussions will take place during rehearsals (class), which will disrupt the learning process.

After the first initial conference, if the student desires and additional meeting, a conference will be scheduled with the student, parent, and the director. Under any circumstances the parent is always encouraged to notify the director of any problem or cause for concern.


Each year the FSMS chorus participates in fund-raising events. The purpose of these activities is to raise enough money for class materials (music) and sound equipment, piano tunings, festival entry fees, transportation costs, chorus awards, our accompanist, and so many other expenses.

Everyone is encouraged to participate in these events; however, you must be willing to assume responsibility for the products you sell. This means timely delivery and accurate collection of money.

All money collected from fundraising and/or money brought in to pay for uniforms or chorus events can be paid in the form of a check, cash or money order before 11:00A.each school day. If paying with a check, please make checks payable to FSMS and write your telephone number and your child’s name on the check. This will help with record keeping and verification of student payment. When paying by cash, please make sure you get a receipt for each transaction. Students who fail to return money owed will not be allowed to participate in future events and will be subject to collection procedures.


At the end of the school year, or at any time a student drops or is dismissed from chorus, the student must return any materials issued to him/her, as well as music, folder, textbooks, props, or other equipment belonging to the school.

The user assumes 100% liability for the care and return of each part of any issued music, music folder, equipment, props, etc. The user will pay for damages to any music, folders, or equipment. Payment in full is expected for any lost or non-returned music, folders, textbooks, or equipment.


All students on stage will wear the following uniform if they are to perform with the chorus:

Former students $10.00 FSMS T-Shirt (Mandatory)

New students $30.00 FSMS Performance Tux Shirt & T-Shirt

Formal Performances (Holiday Concert, PTSA performances, LGPE, Competitions):

  • Black dress pants or slacksNO JEANS!!
  • Solid black shoesNO FLIP-FLOPS OR OPEN-TOE SHOES!!
  • Black socks
  • FSMS concert shirt ( White collared tux shirt purchased from Ms. McGhee)

Casual Performances and Events ( School Assemblies, Chorus Trips, Honor Chorus, etc):

  • Blue Jeans( No Jeggings!!!)
  • 2016-2017 Chorus Spirit T-Shirt ( purchased from Ms. McGhee)
  • Casual Shoes ( no high heels ladies)

IMPORTANT: Appearance is graded for each performance.

School dress code still applies. NO sagging pants. All shirts tucked in….. even the ladies.

Ladies: Make sure to wear a tank top or thin shirt under your performance shirt that matches your skin color. The dress shirts are white so if you are wearing another color underneath, it will show through. Your shirts must be tucked in and buttoned up to the top.An additional vest may also be provided but must be returned at the end of the school year. IF LOST, STOLEN, OR RUINED….IT MUST BE REPLACED BY STUDENT.

Gentlemen: Your pants should not be sagging and shirts must be tucked in and buttoned up to the top. You will be provided a black bow tie to wear with your tux shirt and black pants. These bow ties are to stay at FSMS. Please be sure NOT to take the ties home or you will have to pay to replace them. An additional vest may also be provided but must be returned at the end of the school year. IF LOST, STOLEN, OR RUINED….IT MUST BE REPLACED BY STUDENT.




TBAEncore Fall Fundraiser Kick-Off!!!

9/2Money Due: Uniforms/T-Shirts

OctPossible Fall Performance

12/15Christmas Concert

Factory Shoals Middle School Chorus

Supply List

Former Student T-shirt $10.00 (Mandatory)

New Student Performance Tux Shirt& T-Shirt $30.00

Chorus and Music Students must come to class everyday with…

~ Pencil


~1 pocket folder

~Tab dividers

And their agenda

If you would like to help provide extra supplies for our classroom

The following items would be much appreciated! 

~Tissues~Hand Sanitizer

~Dry Erase Markers~Pencils

~Colored Printer Paper~Post-It Notes

Contact Information

Ms. Jasmine McGhee, Choral Director E-mail:

Phone 770-651-5818

What is it?

Remind provides a safe way for teachers to text message/email students and stay in touch with parents for free. Teachers use remind.com, the Andriod or iOS app to send texts to student’s and parent’s phones without ever having to share their own phone number. Also, students and parents will not have to share their phone number when using Remind. Remind is a one-way broadcast system. Teachers cannot send individual messages to students and parents and replies cannot be sent back to the teacher. Remind also keeps a log of all messages history which can never be edited or deleted.

How do students and parents join?

Students and parents sign up by sending a text message or email. You can also visit the Remind website listed for each class to register as well. Follow the directions below for your child’s class:

How to sign up for Ms. McGhee’s notifications!

6th Grade Chorus

Send a text message to: 81010 Send an email to:

With the message: @6a887(leave the subject and body blank)

7th Grade Chorus

Send a text message to:81010 Send an email to:

With the message:@9e897a(leave the subject and body blank)

8th Grade Chorus

Send a text message to:81010 Send an email to:

With the message:@6c67a72(leave the subject and body blank)



F.S.M.S. Chorus

Behavior Contract

Our chorus program here at Factory Shoals is growing rapidly! We are always excited to welcome in new members who would like to be a part of our choral family, but there are some rules and expectations that MUST be followed.

Each grade level has one chorus and each chorus now has upwards of 60 students in one classroom. Clear and effective discipline strategies and high expectations must be provided in order to maintain a safe and productive environment. The expectations and behaviors listed below must be followed in order for our choral students to excel.

  • Absolutely no talking while Ms. McGhee is speaking/teaching.
  • Follow directions the first time they are given.
  • Disruptions to instructional time are prohibited. This includes electronic disruptions.
  • Come to class prepared. Students must have pencil, paper, and their agenda.
  • NO gum, food, or drinks. Keep our classroom clean.
  • Treat each and every person with respect. There will be no tolerance of disrespect of any kind.
  • Laziness is unacceptable. We are a team and we all must work together.
  • Consistently be on time to class.
  • Maintain a positive attitude and come to class eager to learn.
  • Must go to Restroom before class.

If at any point during the school year your child shows that they are not capable of meeting these expectations, they will be removed from the class. Our space is limited and the choral program must be reserved for those who are willing to put in the effort.

I,______(Student)/______( Parent)

have read and understand the expectations, and responsibilities as a member of the FSMS Choral program. I agree to uphold the regulations in this contract & Chorus Handbook and understand that membership in chorus is a privilege.

Student Signature:______Date:______

Parent Signature:______Date:______

For Teacher/ Student Use Only

______Teacher Signature______Date:______

*This syllabus is a general outline of the course and is subject to modification