r/g 6678uform 24 for09/25-26/2014
ТК714 docking toMRM2

07:30-07:40 / CDR / Morning inspection.
Laptop RS1(2) reboot
Laptop RSS2 reboot
SM Caution and Warning Panel test
07:30-07:35 / FE-5 / Cyrcadian Rhythms - Reminder
07:30-07:35 / FE-6 / SKINB - reminder
07:35-07:45 / FE-5 / MSG – glovebox activation
07:35-08:05 / FE-6 / Post-sleep
07:40-08:10 / CDR / Post-sleep
07:45-08:35 / FE-5 / Post-sleep
08:05-08:40 / FE-6 / SKIN B – nominal ops
08:10-08:50 / CDR / Breakfast
08:35-08:45 / FE-5 / CRHYT- uninstall and hw cleanup
08:50-09:05 / CDR, FE-5, FE-6 / DPC(S-band)
09:05-09:20 / CDR, FE-5, FE-6 / Weekly crew-ГОГУ management conference(S-band)
09:20-09:40 / CDR / Work prep
09:20-09:30 / FE-5 / RR- installing camcorder in Node 2
09:20-09:30 / FE-6 / Closing US window shutter
09:30-11:30 / FE-5, FE-6 / RR – installing camcorder and attaching cables
09:40-10:20 / CDR / On MCC Go Activating Vozdukh – mode 2
10:20-10:50 / CDR / ASEPTIK. Installing thermostatic freezer Gryogem-03
11:30-13:00 / CDR / ФУ ARED
11:30-13:30 / FE-5, FE-6 / RR- connecting cables
13:10-14:10 / CDR / Lunch
13:30-14:50 / FE-5, FE-6 / RR- glovebox prep
14:10-15:10 / CDR / VIZIR. Experiment runTagup
14:50-15:00 / FE-5 / Ham radio powerdown
14:50-15:50 / FE-6 / Lunch
15:00-15:55 / FE-5 / Lunch
15:10-15:20 / CDR / KASKAD. Activation of ТБУ-В №04 thermostat at + 4 degС
15:30-20:30 / CDR / Daytime crew sleep
15:50-20:30 / FE-6 / Daytime crew sleep
16:00-20:30 / FE-5 / Daytime crew sleep
20:30-21:00 / CDR / Station inspection
20:30-21:00 / FE-5 / Post-sleep
20:30-20:55 / FE-6 / Post-sleep
21:00-21:15 / CDR, FE-5, FE-6 / DPC(S-band)
21:15-21:45 / CDR / Station inspection
21:15-02:40 / FE-1,FE-2 / ТК 714 ODF ops
21:15-02:40 / FE-3 / ТК 714 ODF ops
21:15-21:25 / FE-5 / MSG – unpowerglovebox
21:15-21:25 / FE-6 / MSPR-ZEBRA. Rack prep and activation
21:25-21:35 / FE-6 / US window shutter close
21:30-22:40 / FE-5 / ФУ T2
21:35-22:40 / FE-6 / ФУ ARED
21:45-22:10 / CDR / Work prep
22:10-22:20 / CDR / Activating gas analyzer in ТК 713 (MRM1)
22:20-23:20 / CDR / Post-arrival crew cabins outfitting
22:40-23:15 / FE-5 / RR- hw prep and transfer
22:40-23:05 / FE-6 / RR- hw prep and transfer
23:05-23:15 / FE-6 / RR- sample insertion into MELFI
23:15-23:25 / FE-5 / NANO- Module-24 and Module-31 hw prep
23:15-23:25 / FE-6 / CMS2- sample removal from MELFI
23:20-23:30 / CDR / Closing windows 6,8,9,12,13,14 covers
23:25-00:55 / FE-6 / CMS2- attaching samples in locations
23:30-23:50 / CDR / Reviewing “HATCH OPENING” TV-cast procedure.Tagup
23:40-00:20 / FE-5 / RGN-REC TK – transfer and replacement
23:50-00:00 / CDR / MPEG-2 via Ku-band channel test (video monitoring and mpeg2 multicast – ON/OFF)
00:15-00:25 / CDR / Comm config for ТК 714 docking to MRM2 `
00:20-00:40 / FE-5 / Familiarization with exercise equipment
00:25-00:55 / CDR / Prep for ТК 714 docking to MRM2
00:45-02:05 / FE-5 / ФУ ARED
00:55-01:10 / CDR / Activation of video monitoring and mpeg2 multicast
00:55-01:05 / FE-6 / CMS2- inserting sample packs into MELFI
01:05-02:15 / FE-6 / ZEBRA- water replacement in module
01:10-01:30 / CDR / Monitoring ТК 714 approach to ISS (MRM2))
01:30-01:35 / CDR / Activation of mpeg2 multicast recording
01:35-02:25 / CDR / Monitoring ТК 714 approach to ISS (MRM2)
02:15-02:55 / FE-6 / CMS2- sample prep
02:20-02:35 / FE-5 / WRS – filling container for processing from EDV
02:25-02:30 / CDR / On MCC Go SwitchingКВДСО-ТК to ЭЛЕКТУПР
02:30-02:45 / CDR / Closing applications and downlinking mpeg2 multicast recording via ОСА
02:35-02:45 / FE-5 / RR- installing samples in Glacier - part 1
02:40-03:55 / FE-1,FE-2, FE-3 / On MCC Go Leak check of ТК 714 - MRM2 interface. Drying 2 suits - start
02:45-02:55 / CDR / Post-docking ТК 714 – returning comm to nominal comm config
02:45-02:55 / FE-5 / RR- installing samples in Glacier - part 2
02:55-03:25 / CDR / Evening work prep
02:55-03:05 / FE-5 / HMS – food questionnaire
02:55-03:55 / FE-6 / ФУ T2
03:25-03:55 / CDR / Installing КСПЭ equipment to do “HATCH OPENING” broadcast from MRM2 and “ISS-41 arrival” broadcast from SM
03:45-03:55 / FE-5 / WRS – filling container for processing from EDV
03:55-04:25 / CDR,FE-1,FE-2 / Opening Soyuz – MRM2 transfer hatches; TV broadcast Arrival of ISS-41
03:55-04:25 / FE-3, FE-5, FE-6 / Opening Soyuz – MRM2 transfer hatches; TV broadcast Arrival of ISS-41
04:25-04:55 / . / Lunch
04:55-05:00 / CDR,FE-1 / Handing over suit #3 for drying in ТК 713
04:55-05:05 / FE-6 / Evening work prep
05:00-05:15 / CDR / Space suit #3 drying in ТК 713 - start
05:00-05:10 / FE-5 / WRS – filling container for processing from EDV
05:05-05:15 / FE-6 / Ham radio powerup
05:10-05:15 / FE-5 / SHD- weekly headache questionnaire
05:15-06:00 / . / Safety breifing post-docking of ТК 714 to MRM2
06:00-06:15 / CDR / TV system deactivation. Closing applications and turning off video monitoring.
06:00-06:10 / FE-1 / Suits 1 and 2 drying - end
06:00-06:05 / FE-3 / Connecting USB CEVIS to SSC
06:00-06:40 / FE-5 / RGN REC-TNK – removing pressure relief hose for nominal ops
06:00-06:05 / FE-6 / SHD-weekly headache questionnaire
06:05-06:30 / FE-6 / Work prep
06:10-06:15 / FE-1 / Gloves – pair 1 – istalling for drying
06:10-06:40 / FE-2, FE-3 / Work prep
06:15-06:45 / FE-1 / Deactivation of ТК 714 (except ГА deactivation)
06:30-06:40 / FE-6 / US window shutter close
06:40-07:00 / CDR,FE-2, FE-3, FE-5, FE-6 / DPC (S-band)
06:45-06:50 / FE-1 / Gloves (pair 1) end of drying. Gloves (pair 2) drying – start.
06:50-07:20 / FE-1 / Deactivation of ТК 714 (except ГА deactivation)
07:00-07:45 / CDR / Pre-sleep
07:00-07:25 / FE-2 / Pre-sleep
07:00-09:00 / FE-3, FE-5, FE-6 / Pre-sleep
07:20-07:25 / FE-1 / Gloves (pair 2) end of drying
07:25-07:40 / FE-1,FE-2 / Stowing Suits 1 and 2 with gloves after drying
07:40-08:35 / FE-1 / Pre-sleep
07:40-09:00 / FE-2 / Pre-sleep
07:45-08:00 / CDR / Suit 3 – end of drying; gloves (pair 3) – start of drying in ТК 713
08:00-08:30 / CDR / Pre-sleep
08:30-08:35 / CDR / Gloves (pair 3) end of drying in ТК 713
08:35-08:50 / CDR,FE-1 / Stowing suit 3 and gloves after drying
08:50-08:55 / CDR / IVA – everyday clothing reminder
08:50-09:00 / FE-1 / Pre-sleep
08:55-09:00 / CDR / IVA – exercise clothing reminder
09:00-06:00 / . / Sleep
Task List / CDR / IMS update
Preparing reports for Roscosmos site
EKON-M. Observation and photography
URAGAN. Observation and photography


1. See OSTP for references to US activities.

2. Pre-sleep ops: daily food prep, dinner, pre-sleep

3. Russian crew uses US exercise equipment strictly per F24 or OSTPV

4.14:48 - 16:25; 23:55 - 00:30(09/26/14);02:15 - 02:50, 09:48 – 16:25 (09/26/14)
- T2exercise prohibited
5.02:15 - 02:30(09/26/14)– ARED exercise prohibited

End or radiogram