National Junior High Sunday 2016
“Grow in Wisdom” based on 1 Timothy 4:12 – 15 (NRSV)
Children’s Story
by Becky Ullom Naugle
- After welcoming the children, as for a volunteer to teach the group how to do a simple physical skill like giving a “thumbs up” or a high five or how to do a jumping jack. (It doesn’t matter as long as you are willing to “do” what they “teach.”) Repeat this process two to three times, allowing various children to show othershow to do a skill. Thank them for showing the group how to do the skill, and shift the conversation to “teaching with our lives” with a question like “Did you hear anything about teaching in our scripture for today?”
- Affirm answers or redirect back to scripture as needed. If they missed it in the scripture, share this paraphrase from The Message:
1 Timothy 4:12-16The Message (MSG)
And don’t let anyone put you down because you’re young. Teach believers with your life: by word, by demeanor, by love, by faith, by integrity. Stay at your post reading Scripture, giving counsel, teaching. And that special gift of ministry you were given when the leaders of the church laid hands on you and prayed—keep that dusted off and in use.
Cultivate these things. Immerse yourself in them. The people will all see you
mature right before their eyes!
- Ask them what they heard. (Guide the conversation to focus on the scripture/concepts.)
- Then introduce the concept of “teaching with our lives.” Start with concrete and move to theoretical. Possible questions include: If you were trying to teach someone about God’s love with your (actions, words, attitude) what would that be like? What do you think it means when we are asked to teach about God’s love with our lives? (Guide the conversation to focus on the scripture/concepts.)
- Remind them that Jesus is our best example of someone teaching with their life, which is why we try to act/speak/love like Jesus did.(Guide the conversation to focus on the scripture/concepts.)
- End with a wrap up summary followed by a prayer.
- Example: Later this afternoon, think back to what we’ve talked about. Try to remember that God wants us to set an example for other with our own lives. Talk to your parents or grandparents about what it means to teach with our lives.
- Example: Let’s pray: God, we are grateful for Jesus’ example of how to live and teach with our lives. Help us to grow in wisdom as we share your love with others. Amen.