Present:Councillor A Lee – Chairman (and Borough)
Councillor I Turner – Vice-Chairman
Councillors: C Brotherton (and Borough), M Hannay, L Fossitt,R Foster, D Smith, M Bourne, C Rylott, M Brookes (County), B Rush (Borough)(late)
Also Present: Mrs B Buttery – Clerk of the Council,
Public Forum
No members of the public attended.
49/12 Chairman’s Comments
The Chairman welcomed all to the meeting.
50/12Apologies for absence and reason given
Cllrs Fitzgerald, Carter, Ransome and P Skinner sent their apologies which were accepted.
51/12Receipt of declarations of interest regarding items on the agenda in accordance with the Local Government Act 2000.
52/12 Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting
It was proposed by Cllr Brotherton, seconded by Cllr Fossitt and agreed by the remainder that the notes from the meeting on the 15th March 2012, previously circulated were a true account of the meeting and should be recorded as the minutes.
53/12 Police Matters
No Police attended. Cllr Turner reported that youths had started to congregate outside the Church and in the Church grounds drinking and just hanging around. Clerk to pass onto Police.
Action Clerk
54/12 Viewpoints on questions from members of the public
No members of the public attended
55/12 Report from the minutes of the previous meeting
- Gully sunk on High St outside entrance to Youth Centre – reported to LCC ref: 1104320
- Traffic lights not working outside Kirton Medical Centre – reported to LCC ref: 1104560
- Road closed one lane down King Street near to junction with High Street after the roof fell in on one of the barns at the rear of the Old Kings Head – BBC informed residents they must make the structure safe and have given a date by which certain works must be completed. Emergency Road Closure implemented for up to 21 days from 4th April.
56/12 Correspondence received which the Council are invited to resolve on
- Anglian Water – confirmation of hosepipe ban from 5th April 2012.
- Grit bin request for Marketstead Estate – all allocations have been made for this session – LCC will add request to next session (Sept 2012).
- Chattertons – Lease of Electricity Sub Station – lease completed and Cheque for £5000 received and banked.
- Complaint from resident on Church Lane re motor cycles being ridden on the Park. He called Police. Dogs being walked on Park too.
The playing field committee have approved a sign to the entrances of the park to state: no dogs, no mechanised vehicles etc. Police have agreed to keep an eye on the park.
- Request for additional post box – due to low numbers of post in surrounding boxes to the centre of the village it was decided that Royal Mail are unable to consider an additional box in the centre of the village – however, they say that they will review this again at a later date should it be requested.
- RWE npower renewables – an offshore wind farm is proposed 20.5 miles of Lincolnshire coastline – this will likely be connected to the national electricity network at the substation at Bicker – RWE will contact local landowners to gain access to fields, hedgerows and water bodies to enable this to happen.
- Boston Borough Council – Trade refuse collection and disposal – this has increased in price per bin lift by 5%.
57/12 Matters for the attention of Lincolnshire County Council
- Holme Ward issues
Cllr Lee thanked Cllrs Foster and Rylott for their work in getting the Jubilee Beacon erected at the edge of the Golf Club at Kirton Holme; also for the work in getting the garden area opposite the Church Hall. Cllr Lee proposed that the Parish Council buys a bench for this area. This was agreed unanimously.
(Cllr Rush Arrived)
Cllr Rush informed members that a local trader has offered a small Xmas tree to the garden area too.
58/12Planning applications:
B/12/0064 – Change of use of agricultural land to paddock for the keeping of horses, including ménage and courtyard and erection of a stable with tack room and siting of a container at Land to the west of The Recluse, Washdike Road, Kirton – NO OBJECTIONS
B/12/0116 – construction of a vehicular access at 174 Willington Road, Kirton – NO OBJECTIONS
Application Decision Notices
B/12/0038 – Kirton House London Road, Kirton – Application to fell an Ash Tree (T6) protected by Kirton Tree Preservation Order No 12 (2007) – GRANT
B/12/0036 – The Cottage, Skeldyke Road, Kirton – construction of single storey side extension – GRANT
59/12 Accounts for payment
It was proposed by Cllr Smith, seconded by Cllr Brotherton and agreed unanimously by the remainder, that the accounts as per payment sheet dated April 2012 1/12 should be paid.
60/12 Town Hall
Cllr Brotherton raised the issue of flooding in the car park of the Town Hall. Despite the gullies being cleared earlier in the year, this area is still flooding. It is thought that this might be a consequence of the issues on Station Road. It was resolved that the Clerk should write to Highways and ask them to investigate it.
Action Clerk
Another camera has failed. Members resolved unanimously to stop spending any further money on the CCTV. All functioning cameras to remain in place, but not be replaced. Clerk to check this does not invalidate insurance and to cancel agreement with supplier.
61/12 Cemetery
Cllr Lee has had a request from the Ladies branch of the Royal British Legion to allow them to purchase a commemorative tree to mark the Jubilee and have it planted in the cemetery. It was unanimously agreed that this should be allowed, provided that there is no plaque and that the tree is a native species.
62/12 Reports for Various Bodies
Cllr Smith reported that tree roots have grown through the pathway causing passage in wheelchairs and with pushchairs to be extremely difficult.
Cllr Smith informed members that although the Standards Board has now ceased, there will be measures introduced to ensure members conform to the correct standards. These will be monitored by the Monitoring Officer and an independent person. Details have not yet been finalised, but July is the expected time for such measures to be in place. It is thought that the Audit and Governance Committee may be the new governing body.
Cllr Rylott informed members that there is now a committee in place organising the Jubilee Celebrations planned for the 4th June. Cllr Foster has erected the beacon at the edge of the Golf Club car park.
Cllr Lee thanked Cllrs Rylott and Foster for their work.
Cllr Fossitt reported that Highways have re-painted the lines on Station Road (even on the part of the road which is of a poor state of repair) but have painted in the car parking slot at the edge of the War Memorial which was supposed to be left clear to enable lorries to turn when they come out from deliveries down the one way street. Clerk to inform Highways.
Action Clerk
Cllr Turner requested that the Clerk write to all the businesses in the village to encourage them to be more involved in Kirton in Bloom with the aim of Kirton winning best kept village. All agreed.
Action Clerk
It was resolved that Simon Santon, the new Highways Officer for Kirton be invited to walk the villages to discuss any outstanding issues. Cllrs Lee and Brotherton will organise.
Action Cllrs Brotherton/Lee
Cllr Brotherton informed members that there have been changes to the 2003 Licensing Act – this means that Boston Borough Council is to be a responsible authority – this will be rolled into place by the end of the year.
(Cllr Rush left)
Cllr Brookes informed members that the brown bins for kerbside garden waste collections are now available to buy – they will be delivered before the hoped start date of July 2012.
Cllr Lee reported Green Lane from High Street (entrance to Primary School) pathway unsuitable for wheelchairs/pushchairs for approximately 40m.
63/12Parish matters
- Recreation Project
-New play equipment is now in place. Issues with puddling near to the entrance from Church Lane. Cllrs Brotherton/Hannay will make further investigations.
-Clerk to get update from Lincoln College regarding the gates.
-Goal posts will be put in when ground a bit drier
-It was resolved that the Clerk should purchase a bin for BBC to install and service. Clerk to make relevant enquiries and purchase bin.
- Inspection Rota
Cllr Hannay is happy to continue with the inspection of the Park at this time.
- Pensioners Xmas Dinner
No further information at this time.
- Parish Plan update
Cllr Turner informed members that the Clerk will copy the questionnaire to each of them. Each has been allocated a date and time to carry out the survey update.
64/12 Date & time of the next Parish Council Meeting
The next Parish Council Meeting will be held 17th Mayat 7.15 pm in the Upsall Rooms, Kirton Town Hallwith the public forum at 7.00 pm at the conclusion of the AGM and the Annual Parish Meeting. There being no further business to discuss, the Chairman thanked those in attendance and declared themeeting closed at8.40 pm.
Dated :Chairman: