Section 261837
Moulded Case
2010-11-01 Main Distribution Centre
Use this Section to specify requirements for a building main distribution centre where the ampacity of the building service is:
.1 between 250 and 1200 Amperes at 120/208/240 volts,
.2 between 250 and 800 Amperes at 277/480 volts,
.3 between 250 and 800 Amperes at 347/600 volts,
and where fault levels at service entrance are less than 50,000 Amperes symmetrical.
Specification includes options for moulded case main breaker or industrial air circuit main breaker.
Specification also includes "component" type main distribution centre.
Include Section 262713 - Utility Metering when this Section is used.
This Master Specification Section contains:
.1 This Cover Sheet
.2 Data Sheet - Reference Documents
.3 Data Sheet - Sample Schedule
.4 Specification Section Text:
1. General
1.1 Related Requirements
1.2 Reference Documents
1.3 Product Data
1.4 Coordination
1.5 Delivery, Storage and Handling
2. Products
2.1 Preassembled Type Main Distribution Centre
2.1 Component Type Main Distribution Centre
3. Execution
3.1 Installation
3.2 Schedule
BMS Basic Master SpecificationAlberta Infrastructure
Master Specification System / Page 0
Data Sheet - Sample Schedule
Section 261837
Moulded Case
2010-11-01 Main Distribution Centre
Load / BreakerFrame Size / Poles / Trip / GFP / Feeder
Main / 400 / 3 / 400 / yes / 100mm4#500 MCM
Breaker / RW90 X-Link
Panel A / 225 / 3 / 150 / no / 50mm 4#1/0
RW90 X-Link
Panel B / 100 / 3 / 100 / no / 32mm 4#3
RW90 X-Link
MCC #1 / 225 / 3 / 200 / no / 50mm 3#1/0
RW90 X-Link
Note: Breaker Spaces: 3-3 Pole 100 Ampere Frame
4-3 Pole 225 Ampere Frame
BMS Basic Master SpecificationAlberta Infrastructure
Master Specification System / Page 02
Section 261837
Moulded Case
Plan No: Main Distribution Centre
Project ID: Page 1
1. General
1.1 Related requirements
.1 Submittal Procedures: Section013300.
.2 LEED Requirements: Section013518.
.3 Waste Management and Disposal: Section017419.
.4 CastInPlace Concrete: Section033000.
.5 Electrical General Requirements: Section260010.
.6 Electrical Identification: Section260553.
.7 Overcurrent Protective Devices: Section261816.
.8 Distribution Panelboards: Section262416.
.9 Utility Metering: Section262713.
.10 Main Distribution Centre Metering: Section262714.
.1 Canadian Standards Association (CSA)
.1 / CSAC22.2 No. 29-M1989 (R2004) / Panelboards and Enclosed Panelboards.2 / CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 76-M92 (R2007) / Splitters
.1 Comply with requirements of Section 260010.
.2 Provide manufacturer's product data for all systems and components.
.3 Provide data on recommended environmental conditions for equipment affected by temperature.
.1 Coordinate size and location of concrete housekeeping bases with work specified in Section033000.
.1 Separate waste materials for [reuse] [and] [recycling] in accordance with Section 017419 Waste Management and Disposal.
2. Products
.1 Main Distribution Centre: to CSAC22.2No.29 and as follows:
SPECNOTE:Aluminum not permitted where bus size exceeds 600 Amperes.
.1 Bus Characteristics:
.1 Capacity: [400] [] Amperes.
.2 Construction: Rectangular section [copper] [aluminum], [silver] [tin] plated joints.
.3 Bracing: [50,000] [] Amperes symmetrical.
.4 Neutral: full capacity, solid neutral design.
.5 Ground bus: copper.
.2 Enclosure:
.1 Prefinished painted sheet steel.
.2 Uniform height, depth and width.
.3 Internal barriers to separate the various components.
.4 Bushed ports or buspads in barriers.
.5 Separate barriered compartment for metering transformers.
SPECNOTE:Confirm space requirements for metering transformers with Utility.
.6 Main breaker compartment suitable for mounting drawout breaker.
SPECNOTE:Main breaker to be drawout type when ampacity exceeds 600 Amperes.
.7 Component arrangement as indicated on drawings.
.8 [Drip cover.]
SPECNOTE:Specify drip cover only when main distribution centre is installed in an area with sprinklers.
.3 Trim:
.1 Sectionalized.
.2 [Screw-on] [] cover over main breaker.
.3 Hinged cover with sealing studs over metering transformer section.
.4 [Hinged door on door construction] [Screw-on] [Hinged] cover dished back to breaker faces with [no] [hinged locking door] over feeder breaker section.
SPECNOTE:Use hinged locking door when main distribution centre is installed in a room with sprinklers. For panel boards containing adjustable trips use hinged door on door construction only.
.4 Overcurrent Protective Devices: As specified in Section 261816 and as follows:
.1 Main breaker: bolt-in, moulded case.
.2 Feeder breakers: bolt-in, moulded case.
.5 Ground Fault Protection: As specified in Section 261816.
.6 Coordination Curves: As specified in Section 261816.
SPECNOTE:Component type main distribution centre may only be used for services 400 Amperes and smaller. Review with APWSS prior to using.
.1 Main Distribution Centre shall consist of the following components:
.1 Overcurrent Protective Devices: as specified in Section 261816 and as follows:
.1 Main Breaker: Mounted in EEMAC 1 enclosure.
.2 Feeder Breakers: Mounted in [separate EEMAC 1 enclosure] [distribution centre as specified in Section 262416].
.3 Metering: As specified in Section 262713.
.2 Splitter: to CAN/CSA-C22.2No.76 and as follows:
.1 Bus Characteristics:
.1 Capacity: 400] [] Amperes.
.2 Construction: Rectangular section [copper].
.3 Lugs: Copper, bolted to bus, compression type.
.4 Neutral: [Full] [] capacity.
.5 Ground bus: Copper.
3. Execution
SPECNOTE:Use this "Installation" article if preassembled type Main Distribution Centre has been specified.
.1 Install main distribution centre securely, plumb and square to adjoining surfaces on [100mm concrete housekeeping base] [wall].
SPECNOTE:Delete all references to concrete bases when main distribution centre is wall mounted.
.2 Connect main service cable(s) to main breaker.
.3 Connect loads to feeder breakers as specified in Main Distribution Centre Schedule.
.4 Provide main distribution centre breaker sizes and identification as specified in Main Distribution Centre Schedule.
SPECNOTE:Use this "Installation" article if component type Main Distribution Centre has been specified.
.1 Wall mount all main distribution centre components in compact configuration.
.2 Connect main service cable(s) to main breaker.
.3 Cable connect main breaker to metering transformers and [splitter] [distribution panelboard].
.4 Connect loads to feeder breakers as specified in Main Distribution Centre Schedule.
.5 Provide main distribution centre breaker sizes and identification as specified in Main Distribution Centre Schedule.
Load / BreakerFrame Size / Poles / Trip / GFP / Feeder
[] / [] / [] / [] / [] / []
SPECNOTE:Delete column for ground fault protection (GFP) when system is not specified.