MER Int 2 Investigation

The Local Environment unit of the Intermediate 2 Managing Environmental Resources course is assessed in the form of an investigation. Pupils must have played an active part in planning the investigation and in collecting results.

The following information aims to provide guidance to help pupils complete the investigation.

Investigation topic

The topic MUST include a study of

  • local land and water based activities

Pupils will discuss suitable topics with their teacher before choosing a topic.


A diary of activities should be kept as a record of the work that has been carried out. The diary must be submitted with the final report.

The diary should include:

  • an action plan
  • an investigation timetable
  • regular entries describing activities carried out (data collection, research, report writing etc.)
  • brief details of information sources – how and where the information was found

Written Report

The written report should be 1000-1200 words (max 1200 words including diagrams, graphs etc.) and should follow the structure as described in the ‘Report Outline’ on the next page.

When writing the report pupils should avoid use of the words ‘I’ or ‘We.’ That is, instead of saying ‘we identified organisms using a key’ say ‘a key was used to identify the organism.’ Pupils should always use the past tense in writing reports.

Report Outline


The titlepage should include:

  • Title
  • Pupil name
  • School name
  • Month & Year
  • Pictures (optional)


  • Description of area studied
  • Justification of the area chosen

Aims & Objectives

The aim should be a brief statement outlining what you hope to find out from the investigation. You may wish to include some slightly more detailed objectives. Making up a research question(s) is helpful e.g. What are the effects of Beecraig’s deer farmon the environment?


A description of:

  • natural, geological and features of human-origin within the area studied
  • development/changes in land use practices of the area
  • land and water based activities in the area
  • potential and/or actual conflicts resulting from the area’s activities.

This should also include:

  • Map(s)
  • Climate and weather data for the area


A brief description of how the investigation was carried out. Detail is not needed – just enough so that the reader knows what you did. This should include descriptions of methods used to collect quantitative/qualitative information.


Record your information/data in an appropriate format e.g. clear table with correct headings

Analysis and Presentation of Results

  • Tables
  • Graphs
  • Pie Charts
  • Diagrams


The conclusion should link your findings to the aims of the investigation. You may include:

  • Overall pattern of findings
  • Trends in analysed information or results
  • Implications of the findings and/or future action


The evaluation could cover all stages of the investigation including preparation for the investigation, analysis of the investigation, and results of the investigation. Your evaluation should include an evaluation of potential integrated land use schemes in the local area and MUST include supporting arguments in at least one of the following:

  • Effectiveness of procedures/method
  • Limitations of equipment
  • Possible sources of error
  • Possible improvements


All source material should be properly referenced. Please note material from the internet MUST be accurately referenced and should include the date sourced.

Source material can include:

  • Books
  • Journals
  • Newspaper articles
  • Published reports
  • Information from websites
  • Interviews