Trader Notice:1/2003

14 January 2003

To the person named in the address

Mutual Information System

Exporters are advised that Regulation 2584/2000, governing exports by truck to the Russian Federation of consignments of beef, veal and pig-meat falling within CN codes 0201, 0202 and 0203 for which export refunds are being claimed, has been amended to include such exports by all means of transport and will come into effect for export declarations accepted from 1st June 2003. The system governed by this regulation is an alternative proof system for the exports of the above-mentioned products to the Russian Federation. Communications between the paying agency and the Russian Customs authorities are channelled through OLAF. Under the provisions ofRegulation (EC) No. 2584/2000 as amended by Regulation (EC) No. 44/2003 (copy attached) traders availing of the system will be required to provide the Beef Licensing Section of this Department in Johnstown Castle Estate, Co. Wexford with the following information in respect of these exports (i.e. Beef, veal and pig-meat):

a)the export declaration number, the customs office of export and the date on which the export customs formalities were completed;

b)a description of the goods, indicating the eight-figure product code of the combined nomenclature;

c)the net quantity in kilograms;

d)the TIR carnet number or the reference number of the Russian DKD internal transit document or the number if the TD1/IM40 declaration of release for home use in Russia;

e)the container number if applicable;

f)the identification number and/or the name of the means of transport at the time of entry of the consignment in Russia;

g)the licence number of the warehouse under customs supervision to which the product was delivered in Russia;

h)the date of delivery of the product to the warehouse under customs supervision in Russia.

Traders are required to send the above information to this Department within ten working days of the date of unloading of the products in Russia.

Please note Article 1.4 of the Regulation which specifies that the reply of the Russian authorities, where it is positive shall be regarded as proof that the customs import formalities have been completed in accordance with Article 16(1) of Regulation (EC) No: 800/99.

Traders should be aware that a negative response from the Russian authorities will not fulfil the requirements of Art 16 of Regulation (EC) No. 800/99 and it is in their owninterest to ensure that they can adequately substantiate the export under the guidance provided in Trader Notice 7/2001.

It is envisaged that this system will be implemented on a pilot basis for an initial period of some months in consultation with the relevant trader representative organisations.

Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that the information given in this memorandum is complete and accurate, no responsibility is accepted by the Minister for Agriculture and Food for any errors or omissions. It should be noted that it is the primary responsibility of the applicant/exporter to familiarise themselves with and ensure compliance with the regulatory provisions.


Ray DollardRonan O’Flaherty

Principal OfficerPrincipal Officer

Other Market Supports DivisionBeef Market Supports Division