Notes from the Pastor


What Are Your Fears?

Rarely do we enjoy looking at what causes us the most fear because, well, it scares us and we don’t like to be scared. That’s a normal, human reaction.

If my memory is correct, one overriding concern (OK, fear) at the beginning of 2015 for many members was the shrinking size of Grace’s membership. We saw a number of transfers out due to couples moving away and we did not see a similar group of men and women join our congregation. Often, these things have a way of balancing out but at the beginning of the year that didn’t appear to be the case.

Our Lord heard our prayers and brought couples and individuals to Grace during 2015. A culmination was in November when 9 men and women were received as members. God knows exactly what we need and when we need it. He is surely good to us!

How did this happen? Not because of any one person but through the work of all of us. Reaching out to those who visit us is a natural thing for many from Grace because we all have gone through the process of moving to the Holiday Island area and began searching for new church home. We know what it is like to be a stranger here and therefore we are more aware of the needs of our visitors and guests.

For example, “Welcome Bags” have been developed and are passed out to those visiting us. The items included are there to give a flavor of what our church is all about. These have been well received and are a great addition to our outreach ministry.

One issue with this is the fact that fewer people are coming and moving to Holiday Island as was seen in years past. There are lots of reasons why and what it means is that the “normal” migration into our community has changed. We may have been accustomed to having folks join our congregation simply because they have moved here from another Lutheran congregation and are looking to continue their membership in the Lutheran church. That does not happen with the frequency once seen. What does this mean?

It means you and I have to work a little harder in intentionally reaching out to those we know and meet to invite them to our church. We are the “little Christs” God has placed in the midst of our community. People will be more open to coming to Grace if they are invited by someone they know, respect and trust. For example, those of you who fish will listen more closely to the advice of a friend about which fishing lure to use as opposed to a complete stranger. So it is with sharing our faith—your friends and neighbors are watching how your faith is lived and they will listen (or not listen) because of your example. You are Christ’s representatives here and everywhere!

Other things happened at Grace in 2015 that will shape our congregation for the years to come. We went through the COMPASS review last spring which involved a team from our Mid-South District to take a complete look at our ministry and offer recommendations based upon our needs. One thing that came out of that event was an overhauling of Grace’s constitution and by-laws. Also developed was a Procedures Manual that covers many of the daily and ongoing activities at Grace. Additionally, a stronger focus upon reaching out to our community is developing. Overall, the team that saw us and what we are doing were very pleased with our congregation.

[see next page]

Of all the meetings I attend throughout the year (District conferences, Circuit meetings, etc.), the one that stood out in 2015 was the Mid-South District convention held in Memphis TN in June. Conducting the “business” of the District is really not all that exciting, but the opportunities for worship and hearing about the ministries of the District are inspiring. Oh, and I was elected as Circuit Visitor (formerly Circuit Counselor) of the Fayetteville circuit. What does this mean? I will have some responsibilities in serving as a liaison between the District and the congregations of Northwest Arkansas. I will be involved in pastoral vacancies and offering advice and counsel to the churches and church workers of our circuit. I have done this before—almost half my years of serving as a pastor have also included serving in this role. I ask for your prayers for our Fayetteville circuit congregations.

Back to those pesky fears … by seeing what our Heavenly Father has done for our congregation, maybe we can see that our fears aren’t all that fearsome because we know our God is watching over us and He will always be there to remove that which causes us consternation. May He continue to bless us and our ministry in this year and every year!

Pastor Herring

People gather and greet one another.

Many serve in many ways.

Officers for 2016

Grace Lutheran Church

Holiday Island, Arkansas



PastorRobert Herring363-6114

PresidentSheldon Knuth1 year363-9045

Vice PresidentDean Bennett2 year253-6044

SecretaryDianna Mancuso2 year253-0027

TreasurerCharlotte Bonner1 years630-667-6934

EldersKenneth Haydon3 years 253-7835

Tom Mancuso1 years253-0027

TrusteesBruce Bleser3 Years253-6612

Dave Hoeck3 years417-271-1717

Altar & UsheringDelores Weiss2 year253-9692

Statistical Information

Grace Lutheran Church


Total on Sundays *18021731

Average on Sunday3634

Total for Special282260

Average for Special23.521.6

Total for all Services20841991

Average for all Services 33.631.6

Total communed 853 1636

Average per Communion Service 3430

Highest Sunday Attendance4548

Lowest Sunday Attendance1920

Highest Special Service Attendance48 61

Communicant Members December 315362

Baptized Members December 315968

* 2014 = 50 Sundays; 2015 = 51 Sundays

Membership Changes

Confirmed:Transfer In:

Ramona KochMyles & Sharon Schultz

Trinity Lutheran Church

Alan & Jane WimerOkmulgee, Oklahoma

Affirmation of Faith:Joe & Sherry Steichen

Our Savior Lutheran Church

Phil & Kathy StephensRockwall, Texas

Looking back on 2015 this was a period of incredible change for the church. We changed our church governance, our interactions with the community, our divine service practices, our interaction with the District, and our interaction with our Pastor. At the time we did these things it didn't seem if they were significant, however, looking back the net result is quite amazing for a Lutheran assembly. Let's take a look at these changes month by month.

January - the new Church Council meets, decides on officers and other positions, develops a working agenda and a rotation system, starts work on a revised constitution and policy manual. The chalice is added to the communion service and communion is offered at each divine service. The usher function is given increased responsibilities and Elders begin as communion assistance. Delivery by church members of mealson wheels from the Berryville senior center to HI and area residents is reinstituted.

March - The District office requests that we participate in the COMPASS program. The District President and several other pastors came one weekend, interviewed a number of Grace members, did a SWOT analysis, made suggestions on community interaction, and promised feedback in several weeks. This feedback came in late May, at which time the Council then initiated a review.

June - District convention month, Pastor Herring, a lay delegate and their wives attend. Our lay delegate is asked to serve on one of the convention committees. Major impact of the convention is the recommendation to transition the Synod's Deacon program to the SMP. As the District has a number of Deacons, and as our church had a very excellent Deacon just a little more than a year ago, this decision was a bit of a surprise. This Deacon question will be a subject at the LCMS synod's convention this year. At the close of the convention Pastor Herring was elected as the Circuit Visitor for the Fayetteville Circuit making him the 3rd member of our congregation (Pastor Haydon was already serving as chairmen of a District committee) to be serving in a position for the District. Quite a distinction for such a small church.

Summer - Pastor begins his second round of visits with church members this time hosting them at his casa.

September - Council prepares the revised constitution, a proposed annual congregation ministry plan (implementing selected recommendations from COMPASS), and a policy and procedures manual.

October - The congregation experienced a major grow as nine members were accepted into the congregation. Also, congregation members participated in the 1st time Halloween Festival at the HI park shopping center handing out treats and tracts about our church.

November - Voters' Assembly approves the revised constitution and annual congregation ministry plan. Thanksgiving dinner fellowship follows voters meeting.

December - Women's Guild continues its Angel Tree tradition and adds the 18 Lives Under Construction boys to its gift list. Congregation members and Men's Group join in to add support to the ladies efforts.

In addition to the above list we continued to have some of our traditional endeavors such as the Chili Supper, Rummage sale, Valentine's dinner, outings to Branson and other venues, church picnic, etc. Put these together and you get a very active congregation, reaching within the church and out to the community. (pictures of some of these events will be found elsewhere in this report.)

Thanks be to God for all these changes and giving us the opportunity to spread His word through new venues. What a blessing to have such members who are demonstrating their faith.

The Board of Elders

Tom Mancuso, Head Elder

More Photos from our Service to God

Council was Installed

Church Library Begun

Helping at the Food Bank

Following is a partial list of our accomplishments during 2015:

Had the sanctuary carpet cleaned

Adjusted the water cooler…finally!

Maintained the church building and grounds (mowing, church cleaning, HVAC systems maintenance, minor repairs etc.)

Installed new spot lights to allow us to see the Pastor when at the pulpit.

Upgraded all of the lighting in the sanctuary with either LED or CFL lamps and doubled the lumens (brightness) at the pew level.

Installed a new yard light in the back of the church and changed the motion activated light over the lower doors to LED.

Reworked some of the old fluorescent light fixtures in the basement and the Pastor’s and outer office to allow use of more efficient bulbs.

Took a second bid on repair and repaving the lower road. Awarded the work to Sanders Construction. The work will be done late spring, 2016.

We started 2016 with our facilities in relatively good condition. Thanks to all who helped our efforts!

Submitted in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ

GraceLutheranChurch Trustees

Although not done by the Trustees, with their approval, several of our members got together to put in a new and improved planter out front.

Huey and Jana Farris donated the materials. Alan Wimer and Dean Bennett did the heavy work while Huey and Jana installed the watering system which kept the flowers doing well all summer. Bernie Haydon planted flowers while everyone pitched in on some areas.

Here is the work crew after church. They clean-ed up well. Mary Gendusa, Bernie and Ken Haydon, Jana and Huey Farris, Alan Wimer and Dean Bennett. Thank you for your hard work and improving our property.

The Ladies’ Guild of Grace Lutheran Church was blessed to participate in a number of projects and head up several others. Members joined in to lead devotions, shared wonderful food, and renewed the practice of having a Bible Study. In 2015 was started and are continuing to utilize the book Titled ‘PEW SISTERS’, written by Katie Schuermann, a Pastor’s wife from Illinois.

All women of Grace Lutheran are members of the Ladies’ Guild, whether or not they can attend meetings and project work days.

For 2015 guild officers were: Barbara Herring, President; Bernie Haydon, Vice President; Lisa Bennett, Secretary; Dianna Mancuso, Treasurer.

The 2016 Officers are: Barbara Herring, President; Bernie Haydon, Vice President; Kathy Stephens, Secretary; Dianna Mancuso, Treasurer.

The officers for 2016 were sworn in during a January church service by Pastor Herring, along with the Church Council.

Based on a recommendation by the Church Council, couples or individuals serving as ushers during each service will also be responsible for the Altar Guild duties, namely preparation, set-up and clean up of communion, as it is served every week. Thus the Ladies Guild is not longer responsible for this activity.

The Ladies’ Guild had discussed the possibility of working on making or obtaining banners for the Sanctuary. The Church Council determined that this large task should be addressed by the Council. Many members of the Church Council as well as the Ladies’ Guild have had input and participated in the ongoing selection and possible creation of banners.

Due to expressed challenges of finding a venue for the Valentine’s Dinner. It was recommended and agreed that we would set our celebration, in the church fellowship hall. Dianna Mancuso researched options and we agreed to have the dinner supplied by Napoli’s Italian Restaurant in Rogers, AR. A variety of entrées were prepared by Napoli’s, picked up in Rogers and served by Dianna and Barbara to the gathering. This along with Antipasto, wine and yummy desserts were enjoyed by those in attendance. It was a lovely evening. The Fellowship Hall was decorated in the style of an Italian Café. We were able to linger in the Hall and enjoy the company of fellow Christians along with some fun games, stories conversation. As a demonstration of our love of others, we collected Diapers before, during and after the Valentines dinner. These were then taken to the Cradle in Berryville for distribution.

The Ladies requested the service of the Men’s Group and all donned their work clothes to clean out the closet under the stairs and the back room off the kitchen. The Men worked first to clean out the large and cumbersome items. Later the ladies pulled out items no longer in use along with old church records. The closet and back room were much more accessible after these efforts; however, more work on organization is planned for 2016. This is an ongoing project.

The women were pleased to service Easter Breakfast this year and everyone enjoyed the meal as well as the fellowship and celebration of the Resurrection.

The annual Rummage Sale was set on the same date as the community sale and being in the Fellowship Hall we faired better than many on that very rainy morning. Jewel Hussong generously donated one of her Retired Snow Village Churches and all purchasing customers, outside of our congregation, were encouraged to register for the drawing. A drawing was held at the end of the sale and Charlotte Eddings of Berryville was the blessed recipient of the Snow Village, she was very pleased with this gift. Thank you Jewel for your generous donation to the cause and to everyone that contributed and worked to make the rummage sale a success.

The Ladies’ Guild established a calendar for individuals or families to bring flowers to brighten the Sanctuary, and our worship experience this also allows for public celebration of the many blessings in our lives.

As a tangible thank you to our Veterans and their service to us and our country the Ladies made and contributed 35 bibs and 25 coloring bags to the Veterans Hospital. There were a handful of ladies that sewed both the bibs and coloring bags. Those of us who do not sew cheered on those that do as well as helped by purchasing, some of the books, pencils and colors for the bags. The bibs, come in handy for the patients and the coloring bags for the children that visit them. Thank you ladies for sharing your time and talents with us and with those in need.

Before the members of the congregation scatter for the winter, it was determined that a Church Family Thanksgiving Dinner would be nice. This was a fellowship event that coincided with our annual Voter’s Meeting. Turkey and all the fixings were enjoyed by all in attendance. We plan to add this to our Annual events. It was assumed that the aroma of the Turkey helped to expedite the voters meeting.

Of course after Thanksgiving the push was on toward Christmas. This year the Ladies’ Guild took on a couple of projects. We accepted 10 children from the Angel Tree, in Eureka Springs, to provide some Christmas presents. We also agreed to provide items to 18 boys living at the Lives Under Construction Boys Ranch in Missouri. With so much need we encourage the congregation as a whole to participate with both projects. The Congregation stepped up to the plate and donated funds and shopped for Angel Tree recipients. The Men’s Group generously donated funds to allow gift cards, in the amount of $20.00 each, to be purchased for each of the boys at the Boys Ranch. The Ladies of the Guild accepted Angel Tree recipients individually and the Group provided funds as well as the prowess and organizational skills to pull it all together; we were able to bless 28 children from our area communities with some Christmas cheer. The Boys Ranch received the $20.00 gift cards, hats, gloves, personal hygiene items, and selected treats. Their thank you notes expressed their appreciation. The Angel Tree recipients received some if not all of their requests. Those gifts are confidential on both sides. We pray they all felt the Love of our Lord expressed through these very simple gifts.