(lettuce,spinach,kale,collards) / 1.Cutting board
2.Chef’sknife / 1.Wash and drain leaves.
2.If necessary, cut out the toughrib (white firm section of theleaf in the middle) by slicingalong both sides, pulling itoff,and discarding it.
3.Stack the leaves one on top ofthe other, roll them up, andslice across the roll intoribbons. /
(butternutsquash,pumpkin) / 1.Chef’sknife
3.Cutting board
4.Veggiepeeler / 1.Cut off one end of thesquash.Stand the squash on thisend,so it is flat and steady.
2.Remove the peel w/apeeler.
3.Cut in half from top to bottom,so you can see theseeds.Using a spoon, remove theseeds and membrane.
4.Cut each half of the squash inhalf again. Then, slice into12inch wide strips.
5.Turning each strip 90degrees,cut into 12inchcubes. /
(potatoes,sweetpotatoes,carrots,beets) / 1.Cutting board
3.Veggiepeeler / 1.Wash veggie.
2.Peel, if needed.
3.Cut veggie intoquarters.
4.Make two piles, with curvedend on top of each pile so baseis steady and flat. Cut theveggie intoquarters,lengthwise.
5.Turn the stacks so you cutagainst the lengthwise stripsand get diced chunks. /
Wash AllProduce
LONG CYLINDERFSHAPEDVEGGIES(cucumber,zucchini) / 1.Chef’s knifeormedium2sizedknife
2.Cutting board
3.Veggiepeeler(optional) / 1.Wash vegetable.
2.Cut off ends of the veggie.
3.Slice veggie every ½ inch untilall the veggie has been sliced.The size of the slice is up to youand the dish you are making!
PEPPERS / 1.Gloves
3.Cutting board / 1.When chopping hot chilies,wear gloves as you cantransferthe heat to your eyes andskin,which canburn.
2.Cut off top (with stem) using a knife.
3.Cut down the middle of thechili first and then cut thehalves in half, makingquarters.
4.Remove the seeds withyourknife.
5.Stack the quarterstogetherand chop into small pieces.
andONIONS / 1.Cutting board
2.Small knife / 1.With tomato facing up, removethe core/stem, by cuttinga small circle at the top oftomato and pulling stem out.
2.Put the tomato facing downand slice tomato in half.
3.Cut each half into quarters forslices.
4.If smaller pieces aredesired,cut each quarter insmallerpieces. /
Wash AllProduce
Balance YourLife Dept. of HealthEducationTuftsUniversity
How toPeel / What youneed: / Step3by3Step / What it LooksLikeMOSTVEGGIES
(potatoes,squash,evenfirmtomatoes) / 1.VeggiePeeler
2.Sinkwithrunningwater / VERY EASY!
1.Hold the veggie in onehandand the peeler in theotherhand.
2.Position the peeler ontheveggie, so you are peelingawayfrom your body. Keepyourfingertips away from thepeelerto avoid cuttingyourself.
3.Push the peeler slightly intotheveggie, using adownwardmotion. Continue thismotionuntil the whole veggie ispeeled.
4.Make sure to rinse at theend! /
(soft, veryripetomatoes) / 1.Oven
5.ParingKnife / 1.Bring a pot of water to aboil;mark an “X” on the bottom ofeach tomato (this iscalledscoring) with a paringknife.Make sure you cut throughtheskin and into the juicy partofthe tomato.
2.Make a large bowl of icewater.
3.Blanch the tomatoes to loosento the skins by submergingthem in the boiling pot of waterfor 30seconds.
4.Turn off the burner. Using abigspoon, move the tomatoesintothe ice water for 1minute.
5.After the tomatoes havecooled,using your fingers,gentlyremove theskins. /
Wash AllProduce
ONIONS(withtheleastamount oftears) / 1.Large kitchenknife
2.Sink withrunningwater / 1.After cutting the onioninhalf, take one half tothesink.
2.Turn on the waterandpeel away the rest ofskinwhile holding the onioninthe stream of water.Thiswill remove all thepeeland won’t make you cry.
3.Repeat with second halfoftheonion. /
BEETS / 1.Medium kitchenknife
3.Aluminum/tin foil
5.Paringknife(optional) / 1.First remove the greensifstill attached, leavingonlythe dark red“blub”.
2.Preheat the oven to375degrees.
3.Place beets on aluminumfoil and coat with oliveoil.Fold the aluminum foilover the beets, sothebeets are totallycovered.
4.Onceovenispre3heated,place beets in theoven.Roast until tender,about35 minutes.
5.Remove from ovenandallow to cool until itiscomfortable to handle thebeets with yourhands.The skins will justslideright off! If you needhelp,use a paringknife. /
Wash AllProduce
Information adapted from: Cooking Light,WikiHow,andLocalfoods.about.com.
Balance YourLife Dept. of HealthEducationTuftsUniversity