(Established by the State Legislature Act XII of 1956)
(“A” Grade, NAAC Accredited)
The Chairperson
Department of ______
The Principal (Affiliated/Maintained Collegeand College of Education)
Name of the College______
Subject:Invitation of Research Paper for KURUKSHETRA UNIVERSITY RESEARCH
JOURNAL (Arts & Humanities) i.e. KURJ (Arts & Humanities),VolumeXLVIII.
Dear Sir/Madam,
As you are aware Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra has been publishing an annual Kurukshetra University Research Journal (Arts & Humanities) i.e. KURJ (Arts Humanities) since 1967. This Journal seeks to bring multidisciplinary approach to bear upon the study of social, economic, political and other related problems of contemporary concerns. It invites unpublished and original research papers of general nature as well as those focussed on particular themes. For the ensuing issue (Volume XLVIII) two hard copies of the research paper typed in the format and adhering to the guidelines according to enclosed proforma along with a CD pertaining to the relevant fields (A.I.H., Economics, Education, English, Hindi, History, Indology, Library Information Science, Music, Philosophy, Physical Education, Political Science, Psychology, Punjabi, Public Administration, Sanskrit, Social Work and Sociology) are invited from the teachers and scholars of the University Teaching Departments and teachers of the affiliated/maintained colleges. The papers should reach the undersigned by March 10, 2015 either by hand or by Registered Post/Courier.
Received papers shall be finally accepted after the receipt of the evaluations/recommendations of the evaluator/s by this office according to the Kurukshetra University rules.
You are requested to follow the guidelines strictly for the preparation and typing of the research paper (A copy of the Guidelines enclosed). No paper will be considered without a certificate (Specimen Attached) duly signed by the Author.
It is, therefore, requested that this circular be brought to the notice of all concerned.
Thanking you.
Yours Sincerely,
(Prof. Sushama Sharma)
Certificate for Submission of the Research Paper for Publication in KURUKSHETRA UNIVERSITY RESEARCH JOURNAL(ARTS & HUMANITIES) i.e. KURJ (ARTS HUMANITIES)
Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra
- Name of Author: ______
- Designation: ______
- Postal Address : ______
- Contact Phone Number: ______
- Email Id:: ______
- Title of the Research Paper: ______
- Subject: ______
- Certificate
I hereby certify, (i) that this paper is based on my own research work with/without co-author(ii) that this paper has not been published or communicated for publication anywhere else (iii)that I am responsible for copyright violations if any, pointed out in future(iv) there is nothing that may hurt the feelings of any religious group(v) that I undertake to correct the rough proofs and return them to the Research Journal Cell of KURJ (Arts & Humanities) within three days of the receipt, and (vi) I agree to the assessment/evaluation of my research paper by the one/two evaluators.
Signature of Author
Guidelines for Submission of the Research Paper to the
The Research Paper should embody the result of original research and give evidence of scholarship.
- The Research Paper neatly typed in MS Word double-spaced only on one side of the paper and should be submitted in duplicate along with a soft copy (CD) as per the following instructions in Times New Roman (English), Walkman Chanykya (Hindi) and Gurumukhi (Sutlaz)
Sr. No. / Hindi/Sanskrit/
Gurumukhi / English, Arts and Humanities
i / Title / 16 / 14
ii / Subtitle / 14 Bold / 12 Bold
iii / Text / 12 / 10
iv / References / 10 / 8
v / Abstract / 10 Bold / 8 Bold
vi / Referencing Style / As per the latest practice / MLA Style and APA style
- The Research Paper may be arranged in the following order: Covering letter, Title of the research paper, Abstract (about 150 to 200 words), Text (i. Introduction, ii. Method, iii. Result, iv. Discussion), Table, Figures, References. The length of an article should normally be between 3000 and 6000 words typed double-spaced on one side of heavy white 22X29 cm standard paper (A4 size) with one inch margin on all sides. It should include on a separate page, abstract of about 150-200 words and a short professional resume of the author, giving name, position, institution, office, home, email address along with the areas of professional interest. All the references should be given at the end of the paper. Tables and figures or other illustrations should be typed on separate sheets.
- The contributor must attach a certificate that the paper has not been published wholly or partly in any other Journal nor submitted to any other Journal.
- Every contributor is required to deposit alongwith each paper a Demand Draft for Rs.1,000/- (Rupees one thousand only) for teachers and Rs. 500/-(Rupees five hundreds only) for research scholar in favour of the Editor, KURJ (Arts and Humanities). Research scholars need to submit a certificate of the Supervisor duly forwarded by the concerned Head of the Department.
- Each contributor is entitled for a copy of the volume of KURJ.
- All the References/Works cited, typed in single space,should be arranged alphabetically or numbered serially and placed at the end of the text. Numerals of the references should be embedded within the text as per practice. Bibliographical citations should be first alphabetical and then chronological, for example, (Ahmed,1987; Sarkar, 1987; Wignaraja, 2000). If more than one publication by the same author is listed, the item should be given in chronological order. The detailed style of referencing is as follows:
a)Book: Dube, S.C. (1955).Indian Village, London:Routledge.
b)Edited Volume:Rajput, J. S. (Ed.) (2012). Seven social sins: The contemporary relevance. New Delhi: Allied Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
c)Article in Edited Volume:Berndt, T. J.(1989). Contributions of peer relationships to children’s development. In T. J. Berndt & G. W. Ladd (Eds.), Peer relationships in child development (pp.407-416). New York: Wiley.
d)Article in Journal:Gresham, F. M. (1998). Social skills training: Should we raze, remodel, or rebuild? Behavioural Disorders, 24, 19-25
e)Translations:Mauss, M. (1990).The gift: The Form and Reason for Exchange in Archaic Societies(W.E. Halls,Trans.), London:Routledge.
f)Dissertation/Thesis:Dayal, D.B. (1977). A Study of Attitudes towards Abortion, Ph.D.Dissertation, University of Chicago.
- This style must be adhered by all subjects and scripts, i.e. Hindi, English and Gurumukhi etc.
- Those who wish to get their books reviewed in the Journal should send two copies of the books to the Editor, KURJ, KU, Kurukshetra.
- Copyright of the paper published will vest with Kurukshetra University Research Journal (Arts & Humanities) and no content may be reproduced in any form without the prior permission of the Editor, KURJ, KU, Kurukshetra.
(Established by the State Legislature Act XII of 1956)
(“A” Grade, NAAC Accredited)
Manuscript No.______
Name of the Referee______
- Is the title apt and informative
- Does the abstract present the nature of the paper and reveal its significance?
- Do all parts of the manuscript warrant publication in the submitted form
- Are there any important omissions?
- Are the references pertinent and complete?
- Does the manuscript provide an important contribution to the field of the related study?
- Any other observation/comment.
(Established by the State Legislature Act XII of 1956)
(“A” Grade, NAAC Accredited)
Received a sum of Rs.500/- for review of the manuscript entitled, “______” and submitted for publication to K.U. Research Journal (Arts & Humanities), Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra from the Editor, K.U. Research Journal (Arts & Humanities), Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra.
In continuation of the letter dated 19.01.2015. I would like to request you to include the name of Prof. RajenderVidyalankar, Director, IS & IS in addition to the committee approved by the Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor dated 26.01.2015.
May I request that Part II be allowed to have all accepted 38 papers in Punjabi. Remaining 46 would be covered in Part I of K.U. Research Journal (Arts & Humanities). The details of these papers are given below:
Sr. No. / Subject/Areas / Number of Articles1. / Economics / 02
2. / Philosophy / 08
3. / Fine Arts / 05
4. / Ancient Indian History / 02
5. / Public Administration / 01
6. / Indology / 02
7. / History / 03
8. / Sanskrit / 09
9. / Music & Dance / 02
10. / Hindi / 03
11. / English / 06
12. / Sociology / 01
Quotations have been called for printing from approved printers i.e. Shaheed E-Azam Press, Patiala. A Committee consisting of the following members may also be approved for opening of the quotations and negotiations.
- Dr. Sushama Sharma, Editor, KURJ
- Dr. RajenderVidyalankar, Director, IS & IS
- Sh. M.K. Moudgil, Manager (P & P)
- F.O.’s nominee
Submitted for the approval of the inclusion of the members in the Committee and Committee consisting four members as given above, Pls.
K.U. Research Journal
(Arts & Humanities)