
GATHERING - from Proverbs 8:22-36

LEADER: From before creation

before earth and water

before mountain and sea

before the dawning of time

ALL: Wisdom calls.

At the creation

of heaven and Earth

of depths and heights

of breath bringing dust to life

ALL: Wisdom delights.

To the creation

of all who listen

who watch and wait

who seek to follow

ALL: Wisdom instructs.

Opening HYMN 67 - Immortal, invisible



Creator God

We thank you for the wonder of this incredible world

for the majesty of mountains and the

mystery of the oceans

for the rhythm of the seasons and the

faithfulness of the sun

and for your precious wisdom, making all things new.


Reconciling Son

We thank you for your great love for the world

for becoming human, the Word made flesh,

for walking and teaching on mountains and sea

for your peace-making wisdom,

reconciling all of creation.


Revealing Spirit

We thank you for your presence at work in the world

for searching out secrets and finding the hidden

for teaching spiritual things to those who are spiritual

for revealing the unfathomable depths of the wisdom of God.

To your name be glory and praise

now and forever more, Amen.



‘Why do you call me “Lord, Lord”, and do not do what I tell you?’ (Luke 6:46)

ALL: Lord, Lord,

we are sorry for those times

when we have said one thing with our mouth

but done something else with our actions.

LEADER: When we have said we care about climate change

but then do nothing to change our own lives or practices.

ALL: when we have said we want to help those in need, but

don’t speak out against policies that hurt them most.

LEADER: When we have said we want conflicts to end but bear

grudges and fall out with family and friends.

ALL: When we have said we want everyone to have enough

but take more than we need and are oblivious to greed.

LEADER: When we have said we trust you but worry about what

we will eat, or what we will wear.

ALL: Forgive us, Lord

for not considering the lilies of the field or the birds of the air

LEADER: for not contemplating the grass of the field, alive today

and gone tomorrow;

for not communing with creation more than we consume resources;

ALL: for not seeking your kingdom first,

where all other things are added.

Forgive us for when our actions, our heart and the things we treasure, do not match what we say.



Do not be afraid.

The Lord is merciful and gracious,

slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.

He will not always accuse us,

Nor will he keep his anger for ever.

He does not deal with us according to our sins,

Nor repay us according to our iniquities.

For as the heavens are high above the Earth,

So great is his steadfast love towards those who fear him

As far as the east is from the west

So far he removes our transgressions from us.


Hymn 629 Make me a channel of your peace

“Just a moment” (from Christian Concern for One World)

READER 4 It starts with a change

So outwardly insignificant

That no one would notice

Except the person

Behind you in the aisle.

READER 5 Just a moment

When instead of seeing rows of labels

On a supermarket shelf

You imagine the people

Behind them,

Tilling the earth,

Sowing the seed,

Gathering the crops.

READER 6 And you pause,


What their names are,

Where they live,

What difference it will make

If your hand picks up

This box instead of that,

READER 7 Wondering: how do I love these neighbours?

Can I help change

This child`s long journey for water,

Her mother`s lack of healthcare,

The prospect her father faces

Of another year unable

To feed his family well?

READER 8 Just a moment.

And the person behind you,

Her impatient baby

Squirming in the trolley,

May never realise

That in that brief hesitation,

A life hung in the balance.


Bible readings

READER 9: Amos 8. 4-7; READER 10: Micah 6. 6, 8;

READER 11: Luke 10.25-37; READER 12: 1 John 3.18

ADDRESS: Samuel Williams (Christian Aid)

Hymn 635 - Put peace into each other’s hands (omit v.4)

Prayers from CCOW (based on the readings)

Almighty God, we grieve that in Your world despite all the riches You have given us so freely, selfishness and greed so often rule our decisions in trade as in so many other areas of our lives. Forgive us our acceptance of unjust structures of trade and help us to

ALL: Do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with you,

our God

Almighty God, lover of justice and kindness, You command all your children to love their neighbours and tell us that love must be shown in deeds and not just words. We pray for all refugees and those made homeless through war and disaster. May governments be generous in response and may we in this country be ready to welcome refugees among us, seeking to

ALL: Do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with you,

our God

Almighty God, in whose Kingdom Justice and mercy, peace and righteousness meet. We pray for those who are most vulnerable to climate change. Transform and renew the hearts of all in authority that as they negotiate agreements that affect the lives of others they may seek to

ALL: Do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with you,

our God

Almighty God, who longs for all your children to live together in your peace, we thank you for the ways in which we are connected with brothers and sisters around the world as we seek to follow your commands. Strengthen the bonds of trust and care between us, and all people, that together we may

ALL: Do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with you

our God

ALL: Loving and righteous Lord,

Grant us the prophets’ vision and strength,

That hearing Your call,

We may speak out and work for justice and for love,

Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen

HYMN 609 - Am I my brother’s keeper (tune: Thy hand O God has guided).


Dear Lord,

We ask your blessing on all people everywhere keeping One World Week at this time. We thank you that modern communications enable us to know about and share in many aspects of each other’s’ lives, and pray for wisdom in the way they are used;

ALL: We pray for the Red Cross and Shelterbox the

disasters Emergency Committee and all those seeking to bring relief in times of urgent need;

We pray for all of your children, our brothers and sisters, our neighbours near and far, who at this moment are desperate for food, water, shelter and safety.

ALL: We pray for the UN’s work towards sustainable

development and for CAFOD, Christian Aid and all development agencies that in supporting them we may all become ‘good neighbours’ of one another;

Dear Lord, You call us to a neighbourly love

That is generous in practical ways,

That does not leave by the roadside those harmed by sin and greed

But goes out of the way to bring healing.

Help us to see

How neighbours near and far are suffering, their resources stolen by unjust people and systems.

And fill us, we pray, with your Spirit,

That we may be inspired

To go further each day in using our gifts

Of time and money and talents lovingly,

In ways that redress injustice

And renew life.


The Lord’s Prayer

ALL: Our Father, which art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come.
Thy will be done in earth,
As it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
As we forgive them that trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
The power, and the glory,
For ever and ever.

HYMN 647 - In Christ there is no East or West

DISMISSAL (adapted from a Christian Aid Prayer):

Let us leave this worship, knowing the richness of blessings through the love of God,

the selfless giving of Christ

and the bounty of the Holy Spirit in our lives

so that we can take generous blessings

to our neighbours in our local communities

and send generous blessings to our partners in global situations that they may all know peace.


The Grace