Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time January 31, 2016

Save us, O Lord our God! And gather us from the nations to give thanks to your holy name, and make it our glory to praise you.

ST. BERNARD’S (Moncton)





St. Bernard’s: Thursday @ 9:30 AM, Saturday @ 4:00 PM Sunday @ 11:00 AM

St. Vincent: Sunday @ 9:00 AM

St. Clement's & St. Bartholomew's: Saturday @ 7 PM (alternating)

Priest is available for Confessions prior to Saturday Mass upon request.


Priest Moderator: Rev. Allison S. Carroll Social Justice: Claudia McCloskey

Assistant: (part-time) Rev. Charles Broderick Catechetics: Lorella Dunnett

Liturgy: Rick Shaw, Deb Gillespie Adult Faith: Dr. Andrew Wilson


Secretary: Darlene McGraw, Custodian: Michel Saulnier

Bookkeeper: Barb Bowes, Facilities Manager: Mike Murphy

Catechetical Coordinator: Lorella Dunnett,

OFFICE: 43 Botsford St. Moncton, NB E1C 4W9 Phone 857-0425 Fax 857-9565

Web Site:


Monday to Friday: 9 AM-12 PM & 1-4 PM


Thurs. Feb. 04th @ 9:30 AM—late Celeste Melanson Robert & Therese Melanson

Sat. Feb. 06th @ 4:00 PM—late Gerard & Evangeline Melanson Family

Sun. Feb. 07th @11:00 AM—anniv. late Rita Cormier Paul & Stella


Regular Envelopes (364) $ 7,555.00 Loose $ 823.41 Karing Kitchen $ 134.25

Capital Expenditure (15) $ 340.00 Needy Fund (1) $ 75.00

New Year's Day (1) $ 10.00 Reconnect (1) $ 25.00

Thank you for your generous and continued support!


·  Carmelites - 3rd Tuesday of the Month @ 7 PM

·  RCIA - Wednesdays @ 7 PM

·  Circle of Friends - Thursdays after 9:30 AM Mass

·  Craft Group - Tuesday, Feb. 09, 1-3 PM - Church Hall

·  Next Baptism Preparation - Tuesdays, February 2 & 9

·  Next Baptisms - Sunday, Jan. 31 @ 2 PM

·  CWL Meeting - Monday, Feb. 1 (see note in bulletin)

·  Ash Wednesday - February 10

·  Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick - Feb. 12 (see note in bulletin)




Help us keep the air we share healthy & fragrance free.

St. Bernard's Parish encourages all users of our place of worship, meeting rooms and parish office to refrain from using scents.

Ecclesiastes 3…Under every season there is a time…A TIME TO HEAL…we remember in our prayers those who are sick...

Sandra Cluney, Jaime Bulmer, Teresa Chase,

Cathy Kennedy, Sharon Fox, Timothy Horning, and Joe Moran.

A TIME TO MOURN…our sincere sympathies to the families of:

Margaret (Mel) MacLean, wife of (late) William MacLean

Nguyen Thi Lieng, grandmother of Ruby

and to all those who mourn the loss of a loved one...

Lions recycle for Sight - Changing Lives, One Pair at a Time

Used eyeglasses are recycled, cleaned, sorted by prescription strength, then packaged and distributed to people in need in developing countries where they will have the greatest impact. A Lions Recycle for Sight box will be at the main entrance of the church for you to drop off unwanted eyeglasses.

INCOME TAX RECEIPTS: To save on the cost of mailing out income tax receipts your receipt will be available for pick up at the weekend liturgies, both before & after mass, at the main entrance to the church beginning the weekend of January 30th & 31st. They may also be picked up at the office during regular office hours. Heartfelt thanks to each and every one for their generous support to the Parish.

Rite of Enrollment for Confirmation

The confirmation candidates made their official commitment to enter into preparations for the sacrament of Confirmation at the 11 AM Mass on Sunday, January 24th, 2016.

May we as a parish keep them all in prayer during their journey.



Morning Catechism - Sunday @ 9:30 AM or 12:15 PM

February 7th

February 21st

March 6th - March Break no catechism gatherings

March 13th

April 3rd

April 17th

Years 4,5, & 6 - (from 12:15 previously) - Tues. - 6:30 to 7:45 PM

February 9th and 23rd

March 6th - March Break no catechism

March 15th

March 22nd

April 5th & 19th

Dates to remember:

Year 2 - May 1 - Celebration of 1st Communion @ 11 AMMass – Reception to follow.

Year 3 - May 10 - Celebration of Reconciliation @ 6:30 PM. Reception to follow.

Year 7 - Confirmation - April 27, 7 PM. Reception to follow.

Parent Coaching: Sharing Your Faith with Your Child

Your last opportunity to register for this session with Leisa Anslinger is Tuesday, February 2nd. Leisa is in the diocese on February 5th & 6th (same session, repeated twice) to help us prepare for the new format for catechism with children, parent coaching, which will be implemented in all parishes in the English Deanery beginning September 2016. A Co-Director of Catholic Life and Faith, a pastoral resource center supporting parish and diocesan evangelization and stewardship leaders, and the author of Here Comes Everybody! Whole Community Catechesis in the Parish and co-author of Great Expectations: Apastoral guide for partneringwith parents, Leisa is an expert in this concept and the brainchild behind it. She will talk about what it means to be a catechist/coach, how we accompany parents in this way, and lead a catechism session showing how the new model will look. Note that since parents will now be joining their children during each catechism session they will be unable to serve as the catechist, so we need the parish community to become involved in this. If this is something that is of interest to you or you would like more information, join us for one of the days with Leisa. Workshops take place at St. Bernard’s Church hall from 9 AM - 4 PM. Contact Ellen or your parish catechetical coordinator to register.Lunch will be provided.



The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick, with Mass, will be held at

St. Augustine's on Friday, February 12 @ 12 Noon. All who are sick, elderly, facing surgery, or seeking the gift of God’s healing are welcome to participate. The whole community is invited to join in prayer for those who are sick and for their caregivers.

Syrian Relief Planning

Next meeting Tues., Feb.16 at 7 PM in the Church Hall

We have begun discussing development of a steering committee to explore the sponsorship of a family. All those who may be interested in this are very welcome to join us. New donations received will be used locally for family sponsorship. Donations can be placed in a plain envelope, with Syrian Relief marked on the envelope along with your name, address and parish envelope number (if you receive envelopes). Amounts donated will be included on your 2016 tax receipt which may be used as a credit on your income tax return.

CWL Meeting- February 1, 2016

6:00 PM - Rosary in Church

6:30 PM - Valentine's Pot Luck Supper & Regular Meeting

New members are always welcome!

2016 Membership dues to be paid.


Baskets will be placed in the church entrances to receive your palm. It would be helpful if your palm was cut in small lengths, as that saves much time for those who will be burning the palms.

Vision Bookstore - Monthly sales: Come visit us at 45 York St., Moncton (Diocesan Centre) on Friday, Feb. 5th, 8 AM- 12 Noon and 1 PM - 4 PM and take advantage of a special monthly sale where most books (in stock) will be reduced by 10%. Info: Please visit our “Facebook Page” regularly and discover our new arrivals every week!

First Saturday of the Month Mass will be celebrated at the St. Bernard's Church Feb. 6 at 9:30 AM. Confession before the Mass. Doors open at 8:30. Rosary at 9: 05 AM. All are welcome.

World Day for Consecrated Life-February 2, 2016

The purpose of the day is "to help the entire Church to esteem ever more greatly the witness of those persons who have chosen to follow Christ by means of the practice of the evangelical counsels" as well as "to be a suitable occasion for consecrated person to renew their commitment and rekindle the fervour which should inspire their offering of themselves to the Lord" - Saint John Paul II (1997).

Knights of Columbus, Council 1310, 84 Broadway St., Moncton. Breakfast: Sunday, February 7, 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM.

Adults -$ 7,Children - $ 3, and 5 years & under are free.

Hosted by Knights of Columbus Council #7940, a Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper will be held in St. Augustine’s Church basement on Tues., Feb. 9, 5 - 6 PM. Pancakes, Sausages, Beans, Hash Browns.

$ 7 per person and children under 12 - $ 4.

Pilgrimage to Medjugorje: April 29 to May 9 with Spiritual Director, Fr. Charlie Broderick. Cost: $2035 (+ airport taxes, security, fuel surcharges $ 675); includes return airfare from Moncton/Halifax, transfers, accommodations, daily breakfast & dinner, and the services of a professional local guide. Info: Hector & Cécile Caissie (506) 857-2295 or

The Door of Mercy: During Sunday Mass on December 13th, 2015 at the Moncton Cathedral Archbishop Valéry Vienneau proceeded with the Opening of the "Door of Mercy" to coincide with the launching of The Holy Year by Pope Francis. This door opens into the Mgr. Arthur Melanson Chapel located to the left of the sanctuary. In order to allow as many of our faithful to cross the threshold of this door, the Cathedral is now open to the public on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays between 8:30 AM-3 PM, on Saturdays between 12:30-2 PM during the celebration of Individual Confessions, as well on Sundays between 10 AM to 12 Noon. All are welcome.

Offices of Faith Development, Liturgy

& Youth Faith Development

Contact information:

Ellen - 857-9952 or

Trevor - 857-4879 or Deb at

Year of Mercy Initiatives

Premeditated Mercy: A Spirituality of Reconciliation: Final opportunity to register for the Lenten book study using this book by Joseph Nassal is this week. Claudette Derdaele will be facilitating these sessions at St. Bernard’s Church Hall on Thursdays from 12 noon - 1 PM beginning Feb. 4th and continuing until Mar. 17th. Bring your own lunch; tea, coffee and juice will be provided. Contact Ellen to register and reserve your copy of the book, which is $20.

Merciful Like the Father: Exploring the Riches of God's Mercy: What does it mean to be merciful like the Father? Join Dr. Andrew Wilson on Thursday, February 18th from 6:30 – 9 PM at Holy Family Church, when he will explore what Pope Francis asks of us during this Year of Mercy. This lay-led mission will take place on just one evening. Dr. Wilson is an associate professor of religious studies with Mount Allison University, a member of the Diocesan Adult Faith Commission for the English sector. He is a popular presenter in the diocese. The evening will conclude with a time of fellowship and hospitality.

Partners in Healing - while not an initiative of the Office of Faith Development, these sessions speak to what the Year of Mercy encompasses, so I direct your attention to this speakers’ series which takes place at St. Bernard’s Church Hall. The first session takes place on Sunday, January 31st 1:00-2:30, with a light lunch served from 12:30 to 1:00. Speaker will be Mr. Lee Cohen, a lawyer from Halifax whose practice specializes in immigration, refugees and human rights. Free goodwill offering is accepted. RSVP to 854-3502 or email

God never ever tires of forgiving us!

(Angelus, St. Peter’s Square, March 17, 2013)

Theology on Tap - Young adults (19-39) are invited to join us for our next Theology on Tap when Ellen Bennett (Archdiocese of Moncton) and Karen LeBlanc (Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity Parish) join us for a presentation entitled Transformation: Not Just the Bread and Wine. We will be meeting on Monday, February 22, 7 PM at the Tide & Boar Gastropub (700 Main St., Moncton).

Books for Breakfast: Please note change in date. The next selection for our young adults reading group will be Beyond Belief: My Secret Life Inside Scientology and My Harrowing Escape, by Jenna Miscavige Hill. We will meet on Sat., March 3 @ 10 AM, at Steve's Diner, Riverview.