Kimberly A Kotrla Ph.D., LCSW
University of Texas at Austin, 2001-04. Ph.D. in Social Work
University of Texas at Austin, 1990-92. MSSW
Southwestern University, 1985-89. BA in Sociology, Magna Cum Laude
Research Experience
2005-2006. Associate PI. Active Relationships Center Marriage Education Program with Military Families. Evaluating the Active Relationships Mastery Series (ARMS), a marriage education program designed for military couples. This study is examining the effectiveness of the program to improve martial satisfaction, decrease marital distress, and reduce divorce using a pretest, posttest, 2 month follow-up design.
2005-2006. Associate PI. Active Relationships Center Marriage Education Program with Hispanic Couples. Evaluating the Hispanic Active Relationships Program (HARP), a marriage education program designed for Hispanic couples. This study is examining the effectiveness of the program across multi-sites in the state of Texas to improve martial satisfaction, decrease marital distress, and reduce divorce using a pretest, posttest, 3 month follow-up design.
2004-2005. Post-doctoral research fellow with Center for Social Work Research at University of Texas at Austin. Worked on the Fetal Spectrum Disorders Prevention Project, which is a 5-year grant designed to develop a statewide program for preventing FAS disorders. Primary roles included oversight of secondary data analysis and key informant interviews as part of a statewide needs assessment.
2003-2004. Dissertation research “Prenatal Alcohol Consumption: A Risk-Protective Model”. Using data from the 2001 and 2002 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, a risk-protective model of prenatal alcohol use, developed from a review of the literature, was tested through a series of hierarchical LR analyses in order to identify the most salient predictors of alcohol use during pregnancy. Differences among White, Hispanic, and African American women were also explored.
2002-2003. Research Assistant in NIDA Substance Abuse Research
Development Program of the School of Social Work at the University of
Texas at Austin. In collaboration with Dr. Neff, NIDA center director, conducted a meta-analysis of 62 controlled trials of brief interventions for substance abuse. Also participated in the development of a brief intervention protocol for use with emergency department patients who screen positive for drug use.
Research Grants
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Rockville, MD. Dissertation grant received for “A Risk-Protective Model of Prenatal Alcohol Consumption”. $30,000 (funded 9/30/2003-9/29/2004).
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Proposal (R21) submitted for “Prenatal Alcohol Use: Ethnic Risk-Protective Models. 2004.
Teaching Experience
Baylor University. Fall 2006 - . Assistant Professor
Baylor University. Fall 2005 – Summer 2006, Part-time lecturer.
Temple College. Spring 2003, Adjunct faculty
University of Texas at Austin 2002, Teaching assistant
Data Analysis I (PhD Social Work course)
University of Mary Hardin Baylor. 1999-2000, Adjunct faculty
Social Work Research
Policies and Issues in Social Work
Social Work Experience
Scott and White Clinic and Hospital, Temple, TX. 1992-2003.
Worked in both administrative and direct practice capacities. Primary direct patient care responsibilities included psychosocial assessments, counseling, discharge planning, and resource linkage as a member of a multi-disciplinary team. Administrative responsibilities included oversight of hospital discharge planning staff and processes, departmental report preparation, policy development, new staff orientation, and student field placement coordination.
2003-2004University of Texas at Austin, David Bruton, Jr. Fellowship
2002-2003University of Texas at Austin, School of Social Work, Louis
E. DeMoll Endowed Presidential Scholarship
2001-2002 University of Texas at Austin, Preemptive Fellowship
1985Southwestern University Scholarship
Pomeroy, E. & Kotrla, K. (2006). Best practices in FASD prevention.
NASW Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs Newsletter. (accepted for publication, volume number not known yet)
Kotrla, K. (2005). Social work practice in health care: The need to utilize
brief interventions. Health and Social Work, 30(4),336-338.
Conference Presentation, Workshops, Invited Talks
- “ A Meta-analysis of 62 controlled brief intervention trials for
substance abuse”. Invited presentation at the Society for Social Work Research Annual Conference. Co-presenters James Alan Neff, PhD, MPH and Lilianne Windsor, MSSW.
- “Brief Interventions for Alcohol and other Substances: A meta-
analysis”. Invited poster presentation at the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. Co-presenters James Alan Neff, PhD, MPH and Lilianne Windsor, MSSW.
2003. “Brief Interventions for Substance Abuse”. Invited presentation at the National Association of Social Work, Texas Chapter Annual Conference. Co-presenters James Alan Neff, PhD, MPH and Lilianne Windsor, MSSW.
1996. “Child Abuse and Neglect” Invited presented at Pediatric Challenges Workshop sponsored by Scott and White Children’s Health Center.
1996. “Child Abuse: What is it and what can you do about it?” Invited presentation at When Violence Hits Home Conference sponsored by Bell County Medical Society Alliance.
Community Service
Temple Independent School District Gifted and Talented Advisory
Committee. 2005 to present. Advisory committee comprised of parents and educators that examines the gifted and talented programming and offers suggestions for improvement.
Hope Pregnancy Center. 2004 to present. Volunteer with this agency
that offers support to women, men, and youth and empowers them to make informed decisions about pregnancy and sexual integrity. Currently serving in capacity as church liaison.
Kennedy-Powell Elementary Parent-Teacher Organization. 2005-2006.
Served as the President of this active parent volunteer group, consisting of
over 20 committees, which worked to enhance the educational experiences of children at the school, as well as provide support to teachers and staff.
Bell County Long Term Care Association. 1999-2000. Member of multi-county organization providing medical services to older populations whose goal was to identify gaps in services and improve the delivery of health care to older individuals.
Junior League of Bell County. 1996-1998. Served as a Community
Advisory Board Member to this volunteer organization that provided strategic planning and service guidance to an organization committed to the prevention of child abuse in local communities.
Healthy Families Temple. 1996-1997. Served as a Task Force Member for this group dedicated to bringing a primary child abuse/neglect prevention program to the local community. The group was successful in gaining the support of key community organizations and in obtaining funding to train staff and implement a Healthy Families program in the local community.
Milestones Program. 1994-1995. Served as a member of the Steering
Committee Member with this group of professionals from various health care institutions organized for the purpose of improving outcomes of low birthweight infants. Obtained state grant to implement the Milestones Program in a multi-county area.
University Courses Taught
SWO 4491 Social Work Internship I
SWO 5194 Intro to Advanced Internship I: Physical and Mental Health
SWO 3351 Human Behavior in the Social Environment (co-taught)
SWO 5794Advanced Internship III: Health Care
SWO 2301 Introduction to Social Work
SWO 5301 Advanced Standing Seminar
SWO 5334 Family Resilience and Crises
SWO 330 Social Work Research
SOCW 4312Social Work Research (UMHB)
SOCW 3313Policies and Issues in Social Work (UMHB)
SOCW 2361Introduction to Social Work (Temple College)
Professional Societies
National Association for Social Workers
Society for Social Work Research
Council on Social Work Education
National Association of Christian Social Workers