1)A Parent or guardian must call the appropriate attendance clerk foreach day of absence, or bring a note the following day to the Attendance office before school. In the event of multiple day absences, a call is required by the second day.
2)In order for a student to obtain an excused admit slip they must report to the appropriate attendance clerk before attending any classes.
3)Students arriving tardy to school must report directly to their attendance clerk before going to class. Students arriving tardy without a parent note or prior phone call will be assigned a 1 hour afterschool detention to be served the same day. This detention may be cleared by a note or phone call from a parent before the beginning of school the following day only. Failure to serve the detention may result in a 3-hour Saturday detention.
4)A student wanting to leave campus MUST OBTAIN AN OFF-GROUNDS PASS from the attendance clerk BEFORE leaving the campus. Off grounds notes are to be given to theappropriate attendance clerk before school. The students are to pick up their off-grounds pass by break from the appropriate attendance clerk.
1)If no phone call or absent note was received as stated above, student is marked TRUANT (FUSD ADMIN. REG. 5133).
2)The consequence of a one-day truancy is a FOUR-HOUR SATURDAY DETENTION.
3)Students are reminded that it is their responsibility to insure parents/guardians phone or write a note clearing an absence. Parents are reminded it is the student who will receive consequences of a Saturday detention for failure to comply.
City Daytime Curfew Ordinance
In October 2006, The City of Fremont instituted a “Day Time Youth Protection” curfew (MunicipalCode Title III, Chapter 16, Article 2, section 3-16200) which states that it is unlawful for any minorunder the age of 18 years, who is subject to compulsory education or to compulsory continuationeducation to be in or upon any public street, highway, road, alley, park, playground, or other publicground, public place, public building, place of amusement, eating establishment or vacant lot whenthe minor is required to be in school. This section shall only apply during the hours of 8:00 a.m. to3:00p.m. on days when the minor’s school is in session.
This session does not apply when:
- The minor is accompanied by his or her parent, guardian or other adult person having the care ofcustody of the minor.
- The minor is going or coming directly to or from his or her place of gainful employment or to orfrom a medical appointment.
- The minor has permission to leave school campus for lunch or school-related activity and has in hisor her possession a valid, school-issued, off-campus permit.
- The minor is exempt by law from compulsory education or compulsory continuing education.
- The minor is authorized to be absent from his or her school under the provisions of California
Education Code section 48205, or any other applicable state or federal law.
- When the minor is going directly to or from an event or activity that is directly related to anymedical condition of a parent or other adult person having the care and custody of the minor.The fine for violation of this Article has be seventy-five dollars ($75.00) for the first offense, onehundred fifty dollars ($150.00) for the second offense within one calendar year of the first offense,and two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) for the third offense within one year of the secondoffense.