


Secretary – Board of EducationDate




February 26, 2018

6:00 p.m.

*Action Items

  1. The meeting was called to order by _ _Chad Hamill___at _ __6:00_ _ P.M.

2. Roll Call/ Visitors/Pledge of Allegiance- Lois Stephens was absent

*3.Upon motion by Board Member__Chris Villa __, seconded by Board Member __Destry Moss _ _, it was ordered that:

The Agenda be approved




4. Public Comment- Mr. Villa will be hosting an Easter Egg Hunt March 24

A. Community recommendations for 2018-2019 school budget(s) – Heidi commented on contact from a parent regarding increasing salaries to be more competitive with other districts and the need for a Middle School Principal

5. Principal’s reports- Mrs. Reyes reported on the elementary school. The book fair went well and they will be using the proceeds to buy a promethean board for the library. They qualified for a BOGO book fair for May 7-11. PTO had a $3,000 donation from Holly Corp. and will present to them on Friday. The fifth graders will be going to Lone Tree. Regional spelling Bee in El Paso, MS Mariann Caalaman and Ele student Kali Mata will attend. Illuminate testing has been going on, some improvements have been made. I Station testing on the 1st started at 42% proficient now at 58%. SBA testing March 19-25. This Wednesday will be the last early release date, the school will have “Active shooter training” for the staff.

Mr. Shea- reported on MS and HS. New director of Special Education, Patty Goode.

MS open house had 65% participation. Illuminate testing has been completed, small growth overall in math for 8th grade. Did not meet goals in 6th, and 7th. ELA goals were met on all grade levels. 8th grade basketball team went undefeated. Track season has begun. HS gifted class has created a program for MS called “Motivate Don’t Hate”. This is a program that will reward good grades and behavior. Students who meet the requirement will spend time with the HS class doing some fun activities for one period. The first one was held last month and so far feedback has been positive

HS, the BPA team had a State Competition this past week and they placed in 9 events. BPA received a $8,000 check from Holley Frontier/Navajo Refinery to help BPA go to Nationals. FFA put on a lunch for teachers staff this past week and it was a great success. Thank you to Ms. Dennis and class for all their hard work. FFA also had competitions last weekend and there were 22 students representing teams in 7 different contest areas., 6 placed in the top 10 and several teams are qualified to compete at State. Illuminate testing will be finished up by Wednesday, early results look good. Basketball season is completed. Coach Pollard and Coach Rodriquez both did well with their teams and they showed steady improvement. Track is underway, with first meet in Artesia next week.

6. Upon motion by Board Member _Chris Villa ______, seconded by Board

Member __Destry Moss ___ it was ordered that:

The consent motion to approve the minutes from the Regular Meeting of

_January 22, 2018_ and investments and bills from the month of

January 2018 be approved.




7. Old Business- none

8. New Business

*A. Upon motion by Board Member _Destry Moss _, seconded by Board Member

Chris Villa__ it was ordered that:

The Board of Education approves the Budget Increase from PY Foundation grant




*B. Upon motion by Board Member Destry Moss _, seconded by Board Member

Chris Villa______it was ordered that:

The Board of Education approves the out of state travel for Middle School District winners to attend the Regional English Spelling Bee in El Paso, TX on March 1, 2018.

_4 _Yes



C. Future Planning – Class Schedule Discussion – On-going discussion with coaches, teachers, and administration regarding any change to the schedule. A change will affect all three schools and teachers. Coach Olivas will draw up a proposal. This is research phase only.

D. Uniforms – Coach Olivas will order what is available for uniforms

E. School Safety Plan – Discussion –There is a district safety plan in place.

9. Superintendent Report– Mr Williams advised Officer Herrington will be doing the active shooter training Wednesday. Right now all entrances to the schools are locked until the new doors come in. Visitors will ring a bell and the secretary will go to the door. Mr. Williams reminded all that our school web site has a notification site where school information can go to your phone or desk top during an emergency. There is a possibility that the governor will approve Law enforcement to be placed in each school building.

*10. Upon motion by Board Member _Chris Villa__, seconded by Board Member ___Destry Moss ____, it was ordered that:

Executive Session: NMSA 1978 10-15-1 (H) Limited Personnel Matters –

Superintendent Evaluation

Roll Call Vote:

_yes_ Chad Hamill

_yes__ Chris Villa

_absent_ Lois Stephens

_yes__ Heidi Gray

_yes_ Destry Moss

Board entered Executive Session at _7:22___ pm

Upon motion by Board Member, __Destry Moss______, seconded by Board Member ______Chris Villa ____, it was ordered that:

The Board of Education comes out of Executive Session: NMSA 1978 10-15-1 (H) Limited Personnel Matters- Superintendent Evaluation

Roll Call Vote:

_yes_ Chad Hamill

_yes_ Chris Villa

_absent_ Lois Stephens

_yes_ Heidi Gray

__yes__ Destry Moss

The Board exited Executive Session at ____8:51______pm

*11. Upon motion by Board Member _ Destry Moss__, seconded by Board Member

Chris Villa___ , it was ordered that:

The meeting is adjourned at __8:55__

_4 Yes

