Alternative Energy Resources Maps
OmniGlobe Lesson Plan
Grade / Class / Subject: 5th grade
Lesson Time: (1) ~60 minutes times
Unit / Theme: Taking Care of Our Earth/Science
2010 Colorado State Standards:
Science 3.1.a- Develop and communicate a scientific explanation addressing a question of local relevance about resources generated by the sun or Earth
Essential Question: What can you infer about a location based on what alternative resources are used or available?
Content Objective(s):
1. Students will be able to explain what natural resources are needed in order to utilize solar, wind, and geothermal energy.
2. Students will apply their knowledge to locations where these resources are located.
3. Students will use maps to decide what locations would be prime locations to build future solar and wind power plants.
Critical Thinking Strategies:
· Inferring – Main Focus
· United States Map (3 each)
· Taking Care of Our Earth book- Alternative Energy (I think)
Key Vocabulary:
· Radiation
· Climate
· Resource
· Physical geography
Lesson Delivery:
· Setup –
o Group students 5 groups.
o Assign groups a region
o Hand out political maps of the world.
o Identify the group region on the map.
- Pre-lesson-
- Pose this question to the students- “In order to use solar power what natural resources does an area need to have?”
- Have students “Think- Pair – Share”
- Share out partner responses to the large group.
- Repeat this step for the type of energy before each of the OmniGlobe maps.
- Lesson-
- Introduce the hand out political maps then turn on the OmniGlobe and have the students find their region on the OmniGlobe.
- Show the OmniGlobe Map starting the solar radiation map
- Describe the color scale
- Have students record on their map where there is high solar radiation and answer the following question: Based on the data you observed, what inferences can you make about the physical geography or climate of the area with high solar radiation?
- Show the Wind Map
- Repeat steps c and d with the new map. Have the student mark areas with high average wind resource. Then have them answer the following questions: Based on the data you observed, what inferences can you make about the physical geography or climate of the area with high available wind resources? Where would you build a wind farm?
- Show the Geothermal Map-
- Repeat steps c and d with the new map. Have students mark areas with high potential for geothermal energy usage. Then have them answer the following questions: Based on the data you observed, what inferences can you make about the physical geography or climate of the area with high available geothermal resources? Where would you build a geothermal power plant?
- Class Wrap-up-
- Discuss what resources are available for each region.
- Are there regions that have more than one resource available? Are there regions that have limited availability to wind, solar and geothermal energy?
- What energy types might be available in those areas that don’t have access to wind, solar and geothermal energy?
- Extensions:
· Repeat the process with World Maps of available resources. (Worldwide solar radiation and geothermal availability)
· Research locations that are ideal for wind, solar and geothermal power and find out if these energy types are already located there and if not what problems might be present in that area.
· Look at worldwide maps of energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions and compare to available alternative energy resources.
· Using a projector and Internet access look up other available renewable/non-renewable resources and the locations of availability.
o Biomass US Map-
Name ______
Solar Radiation
Based on the data you observed, what inferences can you make about the physical geography or climate of the area with high solar radiation?
Name ______
Based on the data you observed, what inferences can you make about the physical geography or climate of the area with high available wind resources?
______Where would you build a wind farm?
Name ______
Based on the data you observed, what inferences can you make about the physical geography or climate of the area with high available geothermal resources?
______Where would you build a geothermal plant?
Name ______
Alternative Energy Sources
Type of Energy / Needed Natural Resources / Pros / ConsSolar