Deep Love

Philippians 1:7-11

1.  The Walls

2.  The Christ

3.  The Bridges

Deep Love

Philippians 1:7-11

1.  The Walls

2.  The Christ

3.  The Bridges

Philippians 1:7-11

7It is right for me to feel this way about you all, because I hold youin my heart, for you are allpartakers with me of grace,[d]bothin my imprisonment and inthe defense and confirmation of the gospel.8ForGod is my witness,how I yearn for you all with the affection of Christ Jesus.9And it is my prayer thatyour love may abound more and more,with knowledge and all discernment,10so that you may approve what is excellent,and so be pure and blamelessfor the day of Christ,11filledwith the fruit of righteousness that comesthrough Jesus Christ,to the glory and praise of God.

Questions for reflection

1.  We all have walls around us. Some are cultural, some we don’t even know are there, and some are racial or political. What are the walls in your life?

2.  Putting everything else aside – all cultural, political, ideological – describe the interaction between each of those walls and the love of Jesus Christ.

3.  Name some the practical things you can do to tear down walls and build bridges of hope

a.  Within your family

b.  To friends

c.  To enemies

d.  To races, tongues and nations

4.  Would you pray that God will go before you and help you build those bridges of hope?

5.  Would you pray the same for SouthLake? And would you put feet to those prayers?

Philippians 1:7-11

7It is right for me to feel this way about you all, because I hold youin my heart, for you are allpartakers with me of grace,[d]bothin my imprisonment and inthe defense and confirmation of the gospel.8ForGod is my witness,how I yearn for you all with the affection of Christ Jesus.9And it is my prayer thatyour love may abound more and more,with knowledge and all discernment,10so that you may approve what is excellent,and so be pure and blamelessfor the day of Christ,11filledwith the fruit of righteousness that comesthrough Jesus Christ,to the glory and praise of God.

Questions for reflection

1.  We all have walls around us. Some are cultural, some we don’t even know are there, and some are racial or political. What are the walls in your life?

2.  Putting everything else aside – all cultural, political, ideological – describe the interaction between each of those walls and the love of Jesus Christ.

3.  Name some the practical things you can do to tear down walls and build bridges of hope

a.  Within your family

b.  To friends

c.  To enemies

d.  To races, tongues and nations

4.  Would you pray that God will go before you and help you build those bridges of hope?

5.  Would you pray the same for SouthLake? And would you put feet to those prayers?