Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion DG
Employment and Social Legislation, Social Dialogue
Social dialogue, Industrial Relations
18 December 2012
Plenary meeting
Chair : Commission
- Discussion and approval of the minutes of the last meeting and of the agenda
The minutes of the working group meeting dd. 28 March 2012 were approved.
The agenda of the meeting was adopted with some minor adaptations of the timing.
- Discussion and approval of the annual work programme for 2013
This annual work programme should be seen as a follow-up of the activities of the previous two years. The draft was presented by the employers (Mr MARCHI), explaining the background and activities mentioned in the text. Anticipation of changes is a keyword, focussing on skills. Also VET, H&S issues and an evaluation of the current code of conduct will be amongst the committee's activities. Mr TRIANGLE backed the work programme, but added the following remarks :
- the evaluation of the code of conduct should ideally be preceded by a survey on its implementation and results amongst national affiliates before the next working group meeting on 26 April 2013. In a first reaction, and without having done the necessary consultation of their affiliates, the employers pointed at the limited time-frame for a survey. Also, they stressed that some member states use an own company-related code of conduct already, which raises the question about the necessity of updating the European code of conduct.
- since in some member states the social dialogue structures are weakening, the social partners may consider to develop a project evaluating social dialogue activities in old as well as in new member states. The employers reacted by saying that this proposal – which should focus on capacity building - had to be submitted to their members first.
It was agreed that the above-mentioned two additional activities would be the subject of exchanges between secretariats, with a view to adopt the completed work programme in 2013.
- Competitiveness of the fashion industries : results and follow-up.
Ms Pia BULLER (ENTR.E.3)gave a presentation on the EU policy for the fashion industries (attached). The presentation was based on the following four documents :
- Communication:“A Stronger European Industry for Growth and Economic Recovery” – Industrial Policy Update
- Communication: “Promoting cultural and creative sectorsfor growth and jobs in the EU”
- Staff Working Document: Policy options for the competitiveness of the European fashion industries “Where manufacturing meets creativity”
- Staff Working Document: "Competitiveness of the European high-end industries"
Also, she introduced upcoming projects and programmes, namely WORTH and COSME.
Mr MARCHI reacted by saying that a) home textiles should also be included in the fashion value chain and b) there are undoubtedly overlaps in the figures for the various sectors mentioned. Also, he stressed the importance of a dialogue with Euromed, given the need to increase the presence of other countries around the Balkan area, and the potential of an increasing market. Therefore, he welcomed ENTR's initiative to organise in 2013 a follow-up meeting to the Milanconference. Mr TRIANGLE reacted by pointing at the very different reality between member states and other Euromed countries, and stressing the need for level playing fields in social matters. He requested to be consulted in the preparation of the upcoming Euromed conference in Malta, April 2013. Also, he reiterated his plea for more coordination between various DGs in the field of skills and competences.
To conclude, Mr MARCHI stressed the need to transform the contents of the two Staff Working Documents into tangible and visible results, and therefore invited Mr TRIANGLE to participate actively in the upcoming meeting on 22 January 2013, organised by Commissioner TAJANI. The objective of that meeting will be to identify priority areas for the sector, and to propose visible activities.
Mr KREUZER informed the participants of the state of play of the CCMI (Consultative Commission on Industrial Change of the Economic and Social Committee) project, in which an initiative has been launched on an opinion regarding the technical textiles sector. A preparatory meeting had taken place on 3 December.The first draft opinion contains a definition of the sector and the major markets. Also a SWOT analysis was made, and ideas on how to transmit skills and know-how were defined. The main challenges are the financial coverage, protection of intellectual property rights and the access to technical textiles. Ms NAROVCOVA drew the attention to the definition of "technical textiles" which, as she said, should be considered as a sub-sector rather than a new sector.
The initiative was welcomed by EURATEX, with a request for regularly updated information during upcoming meetings. Participants were also informed about EURATEX' involvement in the regulatory and legal working group of the European observatory againstPiracy and Counterfeiting, which could provide valuable input in the framework of the project.
- EU funds "Sector Skills Alliances".
Mr Risto RAIVIO (DG EAC) gave a presentation on the sector skills alliances, which also included details about the new "Erasmus for all" programme (attached). The presentation was welcomed by the participants, but some critical questions were asked, particularly about the (limited) representativeness of the sectors covered by the 2012 call for proposals. This call for proposal did not cover the TCL sector, as was mentioned by Mr GALLICE and Ms LE BERRE.
Also the high ambition and the stages of the project were questioned, based on the sector's experience with the creation of a sector skills council. According to Mr RAIVIO, the sectors covered were selected on the criterion of "proven expertise" rather than on representativeness. Also, he stated, European integration was often built on activities rather than on previous alliances.
- Sector skills council.
Mr TRIANGLE reported on the final conference of the sector skills council, where the 4 final reports produced at the end of the first year were presented. Also, he stated that the Commission had not provided information on the deliverables to be produced at the end of the second year. Consequently, the programme for the second year is expected to be slightly different. The scope could be expanded geographically and the project could also involve research institutes through conferences. A discussion on the inclusion of Germany, Spain and Hungary in the project took place.
- European Skills, Competences and Occupations taxonomy (ESCO)
A presentation was made by Mr SPINELLI (Unit EMPL.C.4), which can be viewed on the following webpage :
The ESCO project is intended to provide a solution to the difficulties in communication when dealing with skills. By means of a common language the project intends to increase interoperability between raw data, thus avoiding harmonisation.
Ms LEBERRE continued with a report on the functioning of the ESCO TEXTAN group. She explained that the group in its current set-up lacks experts in taxonomy and covers activities that were originally not foreseen. In addition, from the financial perspective, the participants receive only reimbursements from the Commission. Mr SPINELLI replied that new experts can be appointed, and that a number of experts in taxonomy would be appointed soon; this would avoid that participants have to invest too much time and resources.
- European Skills Panorama
Ms LE BERRE referred to a presentation made by Barbora NOVOTNA on the subject. She stressed that the website was not complete for the TCL-related aspects; this feedback was welcomed by MR SPINELLI. Mr MARCHI added that the social partners could not continue to provide input on yearly basis on voluntary basis, because their role is to develop skills in a sense of increased cohesion. Also, he questioned the quality of the methodology used, since there is a lack of distinction between existing sectors and subsectors (e.g. the intertwining of existing sectors : textile, clothing, leather and footwear). Mr TRIANGLE, in his turn, reiterated his plea for increased coordination within the European Commission in the area of skills and the related objectives.
- European Green Paper on Restructuring and anticipation of change
A discussion on the upcoming procedure regarding this green paper took place between the social partners. The social partners agreed to adapt their reaction in function of the choice made by the European Parliament on the Green Paper, i.e. to approve it or not, and the possible subsequent legal initiative by the Commission.
A small adaptation of the dates of the 2013 meetings was requested.
Annexes :
- List of participants
- Presentation : "EU policy for the fashion industries"
- Presentation : "Sector skills alliances"
Annex : List of participants
Mr Francesco MARCHI
Ms Stéphanie LE BERRE
Mr Aline D'HULST (BE)
MrJànos TOMOR (HU) / Workers
Mr Erlend HANSEN
Ms Paula ALVES (ES)
Mr Tamas KELETI (HU)
Mr Gerald KREUZER (DE)
Mr Jesus RIBERA (ES)
Mr Anton ROZMAN (SI)
Mr Alberto SIMOES (PT)
6 employers representatives
(2 women, 4 men)
(2EU, 2 old MS, 2 new MS) / 15 workers representatives
(4 women, 11 men)
(2 EU, 4 new MS, 9 old MS)
Other participants
European Commission