Press Release –
publication kindly requested
Marika Nitscher
Tel. +49 (0)9131 61657-7417
Fax. +49 (0)9131 61657-77
LPKF Laser & Electronics AG
Laser Welding Division
Gundstr. 15
D-91056 Erlangen
Management Board
Dr. Ingo Bretthauer (CEO)
Bernd Lange (CTO)
Kai Bentz (CFO)
Prime Standard
ISIN 0006450000
Reprint free of charge, copy kindly requested
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LPKF Sales Meeting well attended
Erlangen, August 2012. More than 60 participants from 15 countries return home from Erlangen with well filled notebooks. At the end of July, the Laser Welding Division of LPKF Laser Electronics held a three-day Sales Meeting attended by engineers and distribution staff from branches and distributors, to get them up to speed on the latest technologies used in laser plastic welding.
“This meeting was definitely focused on real practical aspects. More than half of the time was spent by the participants on six installations specially built for this purpose,” explains Frank Brunnecker, Vice President Laser Welding. “We profit from the practical experience of our partners, and they benefit from the concentrated expertise of our development and application engineers, and our distribution staff.”
In addition to the technical aspects, there was also time for joint outdoor activities in the “Fränkische Schweiz” (Franconian Switzerland).Given the friendly outdoor temperatures, the kayak tour of the Wiesent River was a particularly welcome distraction.
60 participants from 15 countries got up to speed at the LPKF SalesMeeting in Erlangen on the latest innovations, technologyand laser systems for laser plastic welding.
The kayak tour on the Wiesent River was a welcome chance to cool down during the sunny weather.
About LPKF
LPKF Laser & Electronics AG produces machines and laser systems used in electronics production, medical technology, the automotive industry, and the fabrication of solar panels. Around 20 per cent of LPKF’s employees are engaged in research and development activities.