NOVEMBER 13, 2007

6:00 P.M.

PRESENT: Councilpersons: Kevin Armstrong, Cheryl Boyd, Bruce Dolph, Luis Rodriguez-Betancourt, Supervisor John Meredith, Hwy. Supt., Walt Geidel, and Town Clerk Ronda Williams

ABSENT: Attorney Frank Wood

OTHERS PRESENT: Maureen Wacha, Bob Cairns – Walton Reporter, Dick Dumond, Duane Kinne, Ed Snow, Pete & Peg Pribulick, Jonathan Buhner, John Esposito, Eileen Esposito, Julian Cance, Terence O’Leary, Theresa O’Leary, Samantha Walke, Candance Hall, Ashley Smith, Joan Marangi, and Dick Dumond



A motion was made by Councilman Armstrong, seconded by Dolph to accept the minutes from October 9, 2007 and October 16, 2007 as presented. All in favor, motion carried.


Mr. Jon Buhner, Walton Central School Superintendent presented to the Board that the Walton Central School District would hold a referendum on December 18, 2007. The referendum is due to damage that was over looked by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the schools insurance carrier after the June 2006 flood. There are areas that received damage and items that were not included in previous claims. The School District has been approved by the State Education Department for flood mitigation work that will include installation of submarine doors, replacing floors, a flood gate system, and repointing of brickwork. Mr. Buhner stated that the District would not spend more then the money allocated. Mr. Buhner commented that he strongly recommends the approval and thanked the Board for allowing him to get the word out.

Councilman Dolph commented that he feels it is a fantastic project that needs to be done. We all pay into FEMA and it is nice to see the money come back to our community.


Terence O’Leary approached the Board on the cell tower issue. Mr. O’Leary stated that there are only three branches of government. He referred to our “Forefathers” on the creation of the reservoir system and the Laws of 1905 and 1906 and Chapter 724 §38. He reiterated the laws on ice cutting and fishing and stated we should not allow the City to prohibit the public from using said lakes or reservoirs subject to reasonable rules and regulations.

Then Mr. O’Leary went on to give his opinion about the cell tower issue, and he believes that corporeity became the 4th branch of government with the State Wide Wireless Network. He believes that the Town did a run around on the Village when the flagpole became a lattice tower and stated there should be no partnership in government. Mr. O’Leary stated it has caused lawyer bashing and feels the matter should go to court and let the law decide what is right. He went on to state, “It disserves us as a community to publish and encourage publications of letters to the Village about needless litigation, wasteful litigation. It’s not wasteful at all, it’s not about that tower as it stands; everybody wants cell service. Rather it’s about how government is going to work in Walton and else where but first in Walton.” “Make the judge make the decision.”

Supervisor Meredith thanked Mr. O’Leary and stated he would like to ask him a question later.

Supervisor Meredith turned the floor over to John Esposito of T.J.E. Video. Mr. Esposito proposed to the Board that he would like to videotape the Town Board meetings to place on Channel 23 and stated he has a sponsor. Supervisor Meredith asked how many people outside the village received Channel 23? Mr. Esposito stated he did not know. Mrs. Esposito clarified to the Board that the Village would like to see the meetings and a contractual agreement with the Village for $2,000 allows for 40 hours of taping and the Town currently pays $600.00. Supervisor Meredith asked Mr. Esposito to pass the contract on to him and he will provide it to the Board.

Maureen Wacha encouraged the Board to accept TJE’s offer. Pointing out how the room is full tonight due to the cell tower issue but when this is done how many will attend? This would be nice for the residents to see.

Mayor Snow requested to speak. He voiced his concern with the number of sex offenders that are staying in the house by the landfill. Mayor Snow asked if the Town could go to the County to try and find another place for these people. “We have a lot of other types of people that are mentally challenged, we have other types, we have a lot of dysfunctional people around here and to get all these sex offenders that come up here, its a concern for me.” “I have seen them walking around town.” He would like the Town to talk with the County to relieve so many of these people coming to Walton.

Supervisor Meredith explained that when they are released from jail they are returned to the custody of their family, so if their family lives in Walton what are you going to do about that? If they don’t have family they are returned to the custody of the Commissioner of Social Services. Mayor Snow asked if this was the only place they have in Delaware County? Supervisor Meredith stated no, there is one in Delhi but that was a problem due to the location in a residential area. Supervisor Meredith stated that if that house did not exist then they could be pushed into the village. Councilwoman Boyd commented that information is our best ally in this case.

Therese O’Leary proposed to the Board to find out how many reside in every town in Delaware County. Councilwoman Boyd stated that this information is available on-line.

Councilman Armstrong would like to know how many are in each town to make sure everyone has their fair share.

Councilman Dolph commented that they are better housed by the landfill then in the village.


Superintendent reported that he has a couple of highway crewmembers out for an extended time and requested permission to hire a temporary driver. Supervisor Meredith stated that the Highway Committee could approve this request when needed.


Reported that I received the Delaware Opportunities Financial Report and it is available for review in my office.

Reported that a letter was received from Senator Bonacic on Resolution #2008-48 Financial Support of the Coalition of Watershed Towns. Senator Bonacic states he is in support and will continue to seek funding to continue the legal battle with the City.

Reported that I have received the first training certificate for the Planning Board.

Reported that the vital records have returned from Browns River and presented one to the Board showing the quality work they have done in reconditioning the 1883-1907 Marriage, Death, and Birth records.


Supervisor Meredith reported on his Financial Report and stated that he has received notice that some FEMA money will be coming.

Presented pictures to the Board of flood work that has been completed. Councilman Armstrong asked if the $35,000 was the correct amount that is left for flood work? Supervisor Meredith stated, yes and that he is trying to get more.

Supervisor Meredith read a letter received from the Town of Delhi stating they believe that a portion of the money the City saves from Filtration Avoidance needs to be dedicated to our region for economic development.

Received notice that the DEP plans to open land on Bobs Brook Road for recreational uses and will forward to the Planning Board for review of snowmobile trails and other trails that may be on the property. He stated that the DEP has also contracted to purchase property on South River Road with no recreation use. It was asked from the audience if Supervisor Meredith knew whose property was purchased? Supervisor Meredith stated it was not mentioned in the letter but the Planning Board will find that information.

Supervisor Meredith asked the Board if they were ready to proceed with the adoption of the 2008 Budget?


A motion was made by Councilwoman Boyd, seconded by Dolph to move from the Preliminary Budget and adopt the 2008 Town Budget. All in favor, motion carried.

Resolution No. 75

Policy Regarding Training for Town of Walton Planning Board

and Town of Walton Zoning Board of Appeals Members

WHEREAS Town Law Sections 267 and 271 provide that effective January 1, 2007, all planning board and zoning board of appeals members in New York State, as well as alternate members of those boards, must complete a minimum of four hours of training each year; and

WHEREAS the above sections of state law provide that a planning board or zoning board of appeals member shall not be eligible for reappointment to such board if they have not completed the training required by law; and

WHEREAS the above sections of state law provide that the legislative body of the town, specifies which activities qualify as training to satisfy the state requirements; and


RESOLVED, that the following list of agencies, commissions, associations, universities, and other organizations are approved to provide training to meet the state requirements when the training they provide pertains to municipal planning, zoning, community design, environmental issues, economic development, and local government functions and practices:

1) Planning Board members in good standing, attendance at 50% or more of the monthly meetings, shall receive two (2) credited hours annually from Town participation in the Delaware County Town Planning Advisory Service;

2) the NYS Department of State; Department of Agriculture and Markets; Office of the State Comptroller; New York State Department of Health; New York State Department of Transportation; New York State Department of Environmental Conservation; New York State Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation; and

3) the New York State Association of Towns, the New York Conference of Mayors, the New York State Association of Counties, the New York Planning Federation, the American Planning Association, the Upstate New York Chapter of the American Planning Association and it sections, and the Metro New York Chapter of the American Planning Association and its sections; other acceptable state agencies with expertise essential to the planning board and zoning board of appeals functions; and

4) the Delaware County Planning Department, the Delaware County Department of Public Works, the Delaware County Department of Economic Development, the Delaware County Watershed Affairs Department, the Delaware County Department of Public Health, the Delaware County Office for the Aging, the Delaware County Department of Social Services, Southern Tier Central Regional Planning and Development Board, Southern Tier East Regional Planning Development Board, Southern Tier West Regional Planning and Development Board; and

5) the County Planning departments of surrounding counties including but not limited to Sullivan County, Otsego County, Greene County, Schoharie County, Ulster County, Broome County and Chenango County; the Delaware County Soil and Water Conservation districts; Cornell Cooperative Extension; the New York City Department of Environmental Protection; NRDC; the Army Corps of Engineers; other regional; state or federal agencies that may provide expertise essential to the planning board and zoning board of appeals functions; and

6) the Albany Law School Governmental Law Center and Institute for Legal Studies; Binghamton University; State University of New York Campuses including Delhi, Oneonta, Broome Community College, Cortland and Cobleskill; Syracuse University and EFC; Pace Law School; Cornell University and its cooperative extensions; any other university or college program with a subject pertinent to the functions of the planning board and zoning board of appeals; and

7) on-line planning and zoning training programs offered by the New York Municipal Insurance Reciprocal, Pace University and Land Use Law Center, and the Lincoln Institute of Land Use Policy;


RESOLVED, that other training activities may be approved on a case-by-case basis by the Town Board upon the request of a planning board or zoning board of appeals member; and be it further

RESOLVED, that any new member appointed to fill the last six (6) months of a term shall not be required to have attended training to be reappointed to a first full term, but must thereafter comply with the municipal training policy as provided elsewhere herein; and be it further

RESOLVED, that training received by a planning board member or zoning board of appeals member in excess of four hours in any one year may be carried over by the member into succeeding years; and be it further

RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk shall create and maintain a system of tracking the training individual members complete annually; and such information shall be presented to the appointing authority prior to considering a member for reappointment.


A motion was made by Councilman Dolph, seconded by Armstrong to adopt the policy regarding training for the Town of Walton Planning Board and Zoning Board members. All in favor, motion carried.


Councilman Dolph informed the Board that a snowmobile club contacted him in regards to the study and construction of a bridge at the railroad tunnel site on County Highway 23. Supervisor Meredith stated the town approved the study and will pay for the study and the construction inspection. Councilman Dolph also informed the Board that the club would like to gain access to the village for the use of gas stations with the club pointing out the revenue that this could possibly bring. Councilman Dolph instructed the club to contact the Village Board.