/ ASIA-PACIFIC TELECOMMUNITY / Document:The 2nd Meeting of the APT Conference Preparatory Group for WRC-19 (APG19-2) / APG19-2/INP-52
17 – 21 July 2017, Bali, Republic of Indonesia / 10 July 2017
China (People’s Republic of)
preliminary views on WRC-19 agenda items 1.2, 1.3, 1.7
Agenda Item 1.2:
To consider in-band power limits for earth stations operating in the mobile-satellite service, meteorological-satellite service and Earth exploration-satellite service in the frequency bands 401-403MHz and 399.9-400.05MHz, in accordance with Resolution765(WRC15);
1. Background
Resolution 765 (WRC-15) “Establishment of in-band power limits for earth stations operating in mobile-satellite service, the meteorological-satellite service and the Earth exploration-satellite service in the frequency bands 401-403 MHz and 399.9 400.05 MHz”, calls for the necessary technical, operational and regulatory consideration of the possibility of establishing in-band power limits for earth stations in the EESS and MetSat in the frequency bands 401-403 MHz and in the MSS frequency band 399.9-400.05 MHz.
ITU-R Working Party 7B is designated as the responsible group for this agenda item. During its last three meetings, a working document toward a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R SA.[400 MHz-LIMITS] entitled “To consider establishing in-band power limits for earth stations operating in the frequency ranges 399.9-400.05 MHz and 401-403 MHz within the MSS, EESS and MetSat services” was developed which compiles elements related to the background on this agenda item as well as technical considerations on EESS, METSAT and MSS in the frequency ranges 399.9 400.05 MHz and 401-403 MHz bands. This PDN Report also includes an analysis section providing a method to derive the relevant power/e.i.r.p. limits. The work by WP7B, including the development of the CPM text and relevant Recommendations and/or Reports, is expected to be completed by its spring 2018 meeting. The latest work plan and milestones are contained in Annex 2 to the Chairman’s report of the WP7B April 2017 meeting.
Two frequency bands: 399.9-400.05 MHz for mobile - satellite service (MSS) (Earth-to-space), 401-403 MHz for Earth exploration-satellite service (EESS) (Earth-to-space) and Meteorological Satellite Service MetSat (Earth-to-space) are under the scope of this agenda item. Earth exploration-satellite service (EESS), meteorological satellite service (MetSat) and mobile-satellite service (MSS) systems in these frequency bands are currently used for data collection systems (DCS) that implement moderate/low power levels. In these bands, earth stations, also called platforms, are deployed and send specific information to dedicated satellites which collect the corresponding data when the platforms are in the satellite footprint. Most of these platforms are active all the time. It is to be noted that very often, customers tend to use very low powers to ensure extended life time of the platforms.
However, a growing number of satellite systems are planned to use these frequency bands for telecommanding (Earth-to-space) non-EESS/MetSat satellites under the EESS, MetSat or MSS allocations. This is largely attributable to increased interest by educational institutions, by private and commercial entities seeking to operate large numbers of satellites. The output power levels at the antenna port of these telecommand links (Earth-to-space) of the corresponding earth stations, can be much higher than the power levels used for DCS platforms operated under EESS, MetSat or MSS allocations. Consequently, the growing number of telecommand links would cause harmful interference to the receivers on board the DCS satellites.
Tens of thousands of DCPs communicating with GSO and non-GSO are deployed worldwide for the purpose of collecting essential weather and climate data. Therefore it is necessary to establish in-band power limits/e.i.r.p. for earth stations under the EESS, MetSat or MSS allocations in the concerned frequency bands in order to ensure long term operations of existing and future DCS.
2. Preliminary Views
China supports the studies on this agenda item carried out by ITU-R WP 7B. China also supports the establishment of the power limits set forth under this agenda item and is of the view that the limits should not constrain the reception of uplink data in the current allocated servicein the 399.9-400.05 MHz band and the operation of the current data collection systems in the 401-403MHzband.
Agenda Item 1.3:
To consider possible upgrading of the secondary allocation to the meteorological-satellite service (space-to-Earth) to primary status and a possible primary allocation to the Earth exploration-satellite service (space-to-Earth) in the frequency band 460-470 MHz, in accordance with Resolution 766 (WRC 15);
1. Background
Resolution 766 (WRC-15), Consideration of possible upgrading of the secondary allocation to the meteorological-satellite service (space-to-Earth) to primary status and a primary allocation to the Earth exploration-satellite service (space-to-Earth) in the frequency band 460 - 470 MHz, while protecting the primary fixed and mobile services to which the frequency band is already allocated and maintaining the conditions contained in RR No. 5.289.
ITU-R Working Party 7B is designated as the responsible group for this agenda item. PDN Report ITU-R SA.[460 MHZ METSAT-EESS],aiming at providing a complete list of technical elements related to EESS and METSAT as well as other incumbent services in the band 460-470 MHz, was developed. This document can be found in Annex 19 to the Chairman’s report of the WP7B April 2017 meeting.The latest work plan and milestones are contained in Annex 4 to the Chairman’s report of the WP7B April 2017 meeting.
The frequency band 460–470 MHz is currently allocated to the Fixed and Mobile service on a primary basis and the Meteorological-satellite (space to Earth) service on a secondary basis. According to RR No. 5.289, Earth exploration-satellite service applications, other than the meteorological-satellite service, may also be used in the band 460 470 MHz for space-to-Earth transmissions subject to not causing harmful interference to stations operating in accordance with the Table. However, it is to be noted that in accordance to RR No. 5.290, MetSat service has primary allocations in some countries subject to agreement obtained under No. 9.21. (WRC-12).
The frequency band 460-470 MHz is used for systems of the fixed service including point to multipoint systems, mobile service including maritime mobile, IMT and precursors, central station alarm signaling of life safety emergencies, land mobile, MetSat for Data Collection Systems (DCS) and EESS service downlinks including geostationary and non-geostationary orbiting (GSO and NGSO) spacecraft.
The characteristics of the incumbent systems and DCS have been documented in PDN Report ITU-R SA.[460 MHZ METSAT-EESS]. A methodology of using the pfd thresholdto protect the receivers of fixed and mobile equipment deployed in the band 460-470 MHz was developed.Technical elements were synthetized to propose single set of parameters to be used in studies toward the derivation of relevant pfd limits to protect incumbent services operated in-band or in adjacent bands.
2. Preliminary Views
China supports the studies on this agenda item carried out in ITU-R WP 7B. China supports the possible upgrading of the secondary MetSat (space-Earth) allocation to the primary status, and the addition of a primary EESS (space-Earth) allocation in the band 460-470 MHz, if ITU-R studies show that sharing and compatibility with existing primary services is feasible.
Agenda Item 1.7:
To study the spectrum needs for telemetry, tracking and command in the space operation service for non-GSO satellites with short duration missions, to assess the suitability of existing allocations to the space operation service and, if necessary, to consider new allocations, in accordance with Resolution659 (WRC15);
1. Background
Resolution 659 (WRC-15) calls for study of the spectrum requirements for telemetry, tracking and command in the space operation service for the growing number of non-GSO satellites with short duration missions, taking into account RR No. 1.23 and assessment of the suitability of existing allocations to the space operation service in the frequency range below 1 GHz, taking into account current use.It is also indicated that the existing allocations to the space operation service below 1 GHz, where RR No. 9.21 applies, are not suitable for non-GSO satellites with short duration missions.
If studies of the current allocations to the space operations service indicate that requirements cannot be met in existing space operation service bands below 1 GHz, The Resolution further invites ITU-R to conduct sharing and compatibility studies, and study mitigation techniques to protect the incumbent services, both in-band as well as in adjacent bands, in order to consider possible new allocations or an upgrade of the existing allocations to the space operation service within the frequency ranges 150.05-174 MHz and 400.15-420 MHz.
2. Preliminary Views
As the number of non-GSO satellites for short duration missions is growing at a fast rate, China supports the studies in ITU-R WP7B on this Agenda item. If the studies show that sharing and compatibility, both in-band and out-of-band, is feasible with existing services and systems, China supports to satisfy the additional spectrum requirements by possible new allocations or an upgrade of the existing allocations to the SOS on a primary basis in accordance with Resolution 659 (WRC-15).
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