Mr. McCormack Big Idea Worksheet

US History II Study Guide

Chapter Twenty-Three – An Era of Activism (1960-1975)

Section One: The Women’s Movement (p 764-769)

The 1950s had been a time of unprecedented __________ and __________, but not all groups had participated __________. The 1960s ushered in an era of __________ as these groups sought more opportunities. (p 764)

One demand for change came from __________ who did not want to be limited to the traditional __________ of __________ and __________. The term __________ became common around this time, though it was first used in 1895 to describe the theory of __________, __________, and __________ equality. (p 764)

The 1950s ideal placed women in the __________, __________ and __________. This was not the reality for many, as __________ had opened many new employment opportunities. By 1960, about __________ of all women held jobs. Between 1950 and 1970, the number of bachelors degrees awarded to women increased from __________ to __________ of the total. Many educated women found themselves __________, performing jobs and __________ below their abilities. (p 765)

Women began to apply the techniques and laws of the __________ to a new movement addressing their own concerns. The __________ contained a section outlawing discrimination on the basis of sex. Though that section was added by __________ to make the bill look __________, both passed. (p 765)

In 1966, a group of 28 professional women, including __________ (author of __________), established the __________. This group sought __________ and __________, attacked the __________ of women in the __________, and called for more __________ in __________. Though its membership grew to __________ after only four years, many women found it too extreme. (p 766)

The early __________ proved to be a high mark for the women’s movement. __________, a 1970 handbook about women’s health issues, sold __________ copies in a few years. In 1972, __________ and others founded __________ magazine to promote feminism. By 1973, it had __________ subscribers. (p 767)

In 1972 Congress passed a prohibition against sex discrimination as part of the __________. Women gained admission to __________ to be trained as officers. Also in 1972, __________, an African-American Representative from __________ and a founder of the __________, ran for the __________ presidential nomination. This helped pave the way for __________ to be selected as a Vice Presidential candidate in __________ . (p 767-768)

Despite many shared concerns, the women’s movement was divided between __________, who often rejected __________, __________, and __________, and those with a more moderate definition of __________. (p 768)

In 1973, the Supreme Court case of __________ struck down state restrictions on __________ in the first three months of __________. That decision remains highly __________ even today. (p 768)

In 1972, Congress passed the __________ to the Constitution, but it failed to be ratified. A woman, __________ , led the national campaign to defeat it. Women already had legal backing for their rights, and many women felt that their traditional roles were __________ by the women’s movement. (p 768-769)

Mr. McCormack Big Idea Worksheet

US History II Study Guide

Chapter Twenty-Three – An Era of Activism (1960-1975)

Section Two: Ethnic Minorities Seek Equality (p 771-776)

People whose family origins are in __________ Latin America come from many places, but share the same __________ and some elements of __________. Some lived in the United States before __________ arrived. Immigrants of different nationalities often settled together, including the __________ fleeing from __________ in the 1960s who landed in __________. __________ moved to the __________, and __________ settled in the __________. __________ have always made up the largest group of Latinos in the US. (p 772)

Throughout the 1960s, organizers struggled to united Latino __________. __________ became a hero to millions in his efforts to help __________. He and __________ organized what became the __________ and organized nationwide __________ to win better conditions. (p 772-773)

Please list three Latino politicians and their achievements. (p 773)

1. __________________________________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________________________________

3. __________________________________________________________________________________

Please list three Latino political groups and their goals. (p 773)

1. __________________________________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________________________________

3. __________________________________________________________________________________

Ever since they first arrived in the United States, Americans of __________ and __________ ancestry have faced discrimination. Prejudice against the __________ reached a peak during __________, and the __________ takeover of __________ caused negative feelings toward __________. (p 773)

__________ living along the __________ were interned during WWII. Not only had they been detained and deprived of their rights as citizens, but they lost __________ in __________, __________, and __________. Many sought compensation through the __________, and Congress eventually paid small sums for their losses. In __________, however, the United States formally apologized and paid further compensation. (p 773-774)

Although __________ as a group were __________, in 1960 they earned less than whites. In the 1960s and 1970s, however, they made __________ faster than other minorities. When __________ became a state in 1959, Asian Americans gained a voice in __________. It elected __________, a __________, and __________, a __________. (p 774)

In spite of incredible diversity, white society often viewed __________ as one group. By 1871, the US government no longer recognized __________ as independent powers, but it also failed to extend American __________ until __________. It wasn’t until __________ that __________ and __________ granted them the right to vote. (p 774)

__________ have higher rates of __________, __________, and __________, as well as a shorter __________, than __________. They also have unique grievances, as __________ between their nations and the United States have been broken by the government. (p 774)

In 1946, Congress created a special __________ to investigate __________. In the following decades the government paid millions in compensation to the __________, __________, __________, and others. Some refused offers of money and demanded their __________ instead, but not always successfully. (p 775)

Mr. McCormack Big Idea Worksheet

US History II Study Guide

Chapter Twenty-Three – An Era of Activism (1960-1975)

Section Two: Ethnic Minorities Seek Equality (p 771-776) Continued

In 1968, two activists created __________, a new organization to focus on the special problems of American Indians. It did so by imitating the example of __________. It sought control of __________ and the restoration of __________. (p 775)

These activists used __________ with the federal government to draw attention to their cause. In 1969, more than 75 landed on __________ and claimed ownership, but failed. In 1972, demonstrators formed the __________ and traveled to __________, where they occupied the offices of the __________ for __________ days. In 1973, AIM launched a takeover of the village of __________ at the __________ Reservation, site of the historic massacre. As a result, __________ were killed, __________ were injured, and more than __________ were arrested. (p 776)

The __________ and __________ administrations tried to encourage economic development of Native lands, but many Natives opposed those efforts. The __________ Act of 1972 gave parents and __________ more control over their schools, and the __________ Act of 1975 gave them control over social programs. (p 776)

Section Three: The Counterculture (p 777-780)

In the 1960s, many __________ adopted values that ran against the __________ culture. Members of this __________ valued __________, __________, and __________. They experimented with new styles of __________ and __________, freer attitudes toward __________, and the recreational use of __________. This caused a __________, or lack of understanding and communication between youth and elders. (p 777)

This youth generation was the __________ in American history, and the __________ became a force for change by sheer numbers. The __________ industry, __________ designers, __________, and __________ had incentives to cater to their generational interests. (p 778)

The look of the 1960s was __________, __________, and __________. This reflected changing attitudes; the counterculture rejected __________ and challenged __________. __________ became a kind of uniform for the youth generation. (p 778)

Many youth identified with the __________ and __________ around the world and at home. (p 778)

The colorful look of the 1960s extended beyond clothing; hippies painted their __________ and their __________. This irreverence also invaded the __________ world. Painters including __________ and __________ featured realistic depictions of the artifacts of __________. Many of the images looked as though they were created under the influence of __________. (p 778)

Hippies rejected many traditional restrictions on __________ in what became known as the __________. Some argued that __________ should be separated from its traditional tie to __________. Many experimented with __________, sharing __________ and __________. Others lived as __________ without getting __________. All of this contributed to more open discussion of such subjects in the __________. (p 778)

Some members of the counterculture turned to __________, powerful __________ that cause the __________ to behave abnormally. Harvard researchers __________ and __________ developed __________ but were fired for experimenting with __________. The use of drugs, especially __________, became much more widespread among the nation’s youth, in spite of the fact that three leading musicians (__________, __________, and __________) all died of overdoses. (p 779)

__________ both reflected and contributed to the __________ of the 1960s. The __________ of the 1950s had begun a musical revolution. The early 1960s saw a new interest in __________. (p 779)

The year __________ marked a revolution in rock music that some called the __________. It was the year that the __________ first toured America. They and another group, the __________, heavily influenced the music of the period. (p 779)

The diverse strands of the counterculture came together at the __________ Music and Art Fair in August 1969. About __________ people gathered for several days in a large pasture in __________ to listen to major bands. Despite brutal heat and rain, many attendees recall the event with a sense of __________. Police avoided confrontation by choosing not to enforce __________. (p 779-780)

Many Americans viewed the festival and its mood with __________. Those in the mainstream culture deplored the __________, __________, and __________ they saw around the country. The counterculture represented a rejection of __________ and honored __________, and seemed a __________ reaction to the problems of the era. (p 780)

Critics’ fears came true at a rock festival held at the __________ Speedway in __________ in December 1969. __________ had gathered for a concert by the __________. Concert promoters failed to provide adequate __________, so the band hired a group of __________ (an infamous __________) to keep order. They __________ one man __________ when he approached the __________ with a __________. (p 780)

Most __________ were children of the comfortable __________. American __________ marketed such items as __________ and __________ to them. When the counterculture fell apart, the hippies melted right back into the __________. (p 780)

Section Four: The Environmental and Consumer Movements (p 781-785)

Both the __________ and the __________ demanded accountability from __________ and __________. The __________ insisted upon __________ for customers and workers. __________ went further: they called for actions to __________ and __________ the earth’s __________ and __________. The believed many products damaged not only the __________ of the __________ but of __________ as well. (p 781)

This movement had roots in the past. In the late 1800s and early 1900s __________ had worked to make __________ and __________ available for everyone’s enjoyment. __________ of the 1930s included __________ to employ people and to conserve __________ and __________. (p 782)

In 1962, __________, a __________, published __________ - the book that started the modern __________. In it, she warned of the dangers of __________. She was already well-known for her 1951 book __________ , which had won the __________ and established her reputation as a __________. The __________ fought back against her, but the public remained so concerned that __________ was banned and other __________ came under stricter control. (p 781-782)

People also became more conscious of __________, __________, and __________. Concern about the overuse of __________ initially led many to favor __________, but growing fear about __________ increased objections to it. The __________, created in 1974, attempts to ensure safe operations. (p 782-783)

An environmental catastrophe, the __________, focused national attention on environmental issues. Around this time, the __________, an older conservation organization, became more active in opposing projects that might harm the environment. Senator __________ sponsored the first __________ on __________. These and other activists helped spur a national response. In 1970, President __________ established the __________ to enforce the __________, __________, and other environmental laws. Efforts to preserve the environment were __________, and many feared they would result in the __________. (p 783-784)

__________ was this era’s most visible champion of __________. He wrote a book, _________, that drew attention to the fact that the industry continued to build __________ with known safety problems. His efforts led to passage of the __________ in 1966, the __________ in 1967, and inspired many volunteers to report on the safety of many products. (p 784-785)