This is a very demanding race. The hills are exposed and the going is rough in a number of places, over heather and tussocks. There are no changing facilities or toilets.

Start is at lay by on landrover track at (642901). Follow track to junction (634902). Turn left and continue on good trail to edge of young plantation, just beyond a gate and stile (624889). Turn left to follow narrow path parallel with fence down to Burn of Greendams. The Burn forks at roughly this point (625887). Cross the Wester Burn then follow the right bank to the left for 15 metres and cross the Easter Burn. A narrow path (sometimes indistinct) leads directly uphill. Continue up shoulder of Threestanes till levels out and then take sheep trod going South. Follow it down into a shallow grassy corrie with peat hags. Keep a central line up to a sandy eroded gully. Take a path right from the top of the gully and follow indistinct paths until a more definite path goes diagonally rightwards to the edge of a gravelly coll between Threestanes and Mount Shade. Follow flagged path to summit of Mount Shade.

Descend to Slack of Dye at its northern end (622872) and follow obvious path to summit of Clachnaben. Round back of tor and descend SW a wart of rock. Follow path along old fence line (some posts remain lying). At standing fence post take left angled turn down to Black Hillocks Wood. Turn right (east) on good track along bottom of wood to Miller’s Bog. At East end of wood (before gate) take left turn up side of wood to begin re-ascent of Mount Shade. Follow narrow flagged paths to summit then descend on northerly path. As path peters out swing easterly down towards Burn of Pitdrochan crossing it and then turning left to follow sheep trod down to stream junction (625887). Retrace route to first track junction (635895) where you go straight along old Landrover track. At edge of wood swing left to follow path slightly uphill to finish.