11 February 2012

To Proposers of ICL Networks

Approvals of ICL Networks

Dear Proposers of ICL Networks,

Firstly I appreciate your proposal of ICL Regional and Thematic Networks as a core activity of the ICL second decade 2012-2021. It must promote ICL and IPL activities. 10 networks were proposed by the participants at the 10th session of BOR/ICL at FAO and those networked were orally explained and examined during the ICL 10thanniversary meeting.

Based on the proposal documents, each network was evaluated to be ready to start or not by 11 persons from 3 aspects of Objectives (35%), Implementation (40%) and Expected outcome (25%). As the result, the following 8 networks were approved to start.

No. / Network proposers / Proposed member organization / Title
1 / Snjezana Mihalic
Zeljko Arbanas et al / University of Zagreb and Rijeka, Croatia, et al. / Adria-Balkan
2 / Irasema Alcántara-Ayala, et al / UNAM, Mexico, et al / Latin America
3 / K.Takara. H.Fukuoka Wang Fawu / Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, Japan, et al / North-East Asia
4 / Surya Parkash / National Institute for Disaster Management, India / Landslide Risk Management
5 / Dwikorita Karnawati, et al / Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia, et al / Capacity Development
6 / Wei Shan / Tohoku Forestry University,China / Landslides in Cold Region
7 / Claudio Margottini
Vit Vilimek / ISPRA, Italy and Charles University, Czech / Landslides and Cultural Heritage
8 / Matjaz Mikos, et al / University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, et al / Monitoring and Warning

Implementation proposed activities of networks is not yet known. We may examine it based on the performance and implementation of each network on the first day of the coming BOR in 21-23 November 2012 at UNESCO.

Each approved network is requested to do the followings.

1. Decide the structure of each network

1) Coordinator

2) Deputy Coordinators (1-2)

(If co-coordinator is suitable, co-coordinator can be made)

The coordinator, deputy coordinators must be selected from good standing ICL member organizations. (Good standing means the payment of annual membership fees by the due date)

3) Members of networks from ICL member organizations.

3-5 good standing ICL members should be included in the networks.

2. Each network is requested to report its activity and development at the 11th session of BOR at UNESCO.

3. Each network is requested to contribute an introduction and activity report to the category of ICL-IPL activities of “Landslides”

4. Please invite a new member of ICL contributing to the network.

The invitation of new members from developed countries is critically important for ICL activities.

(1/3 or 1/2of the initial membership fee (3000 USD or 5000USD) of new members invited by a network may be allocated to the network for the promotion of its activities. This may be examined and decided by the 11th BOR)

After the Kyoto meeting, I asked Dr. Snjezana Mihalic, Croatia to work for ICL networks and update the IPL WEB, and asked Dr. Faisal Fathani, Indonesia to update ICL WEB. Both agreed it to support the works of Executive Director (Assistants to Executive Director). If you find to update or revise or improve IPL and ICL web, please ask them directly to: "Snjezana Mihalic" >, "Faisal Fathani" >.

We will discuss the condition of approvals and termination of networks and eligibility of network coordinators at the 11th BOR, based on the activities from now to BOR.

If the number of good standing member organization becomes smaller than 3, the network status shall be terminated. 2 members is not worth to function as a network.

Coordinator/deputy coordinator has to report its activity and jointly examine the future activity of network and other business of ICL by attending BOR meeting.

Coordinator/deputy coordinatorshall be nominated from board member or alternative board members. They shall be replaced when his/her organization will terminate its membership.

Non-ICL member organizations and cooperating persons may be invited to join the network activities as other than the coordinator/deputy coordinator for management.

After examination within the network, please fill and return the reply form on the network by 30 March 2012.

Best regards,


The following information and proposal document of network will be uploaded in IPL and ICL web.

Please fill and submit to:“ICL secretariat” <, "Snjezana Mihalic" <>and "Faisal Fathani" <>

Reply Form to be returned by 30 March 2012.

Name of Network:
Name / Address and email
Deputy Coordinator
Deputy Coordinator
ICL member organization of the Network.
Name of organization / Board member
(e-mail) / Deputy Board member