18th Annual Garden City River Rod Run

Registration Form

June 22-23, 2018Caras Park

Downtown Missoula, Montana




State, Zip:



Vehicle Information




Category (circle one):


TruckVintageStreet Rod

Special InterestOther

Registration Fee* (check all that apply)

$25 First Vehicle

$15 Second and Subsequent Vehicle(s)

$20 for FVFC Members

Total Registration Fee

Checks payable to FVFC

Reservations& Liabilities

The Five Valley Ford Club reserves the right to restrict participants to acceptable behavior during any and all activities of the run. If for any reason the participant or his/her vehicle, their appearance or conduct are deemed objectionable, the participant(s) will be subjected to removal from the run and all activities. This reservation includes persons, things, conduct, printed matter, or any acts which are considered objectionable. In addition to myself, I agree to be responsible for all persons in my party, including family members and/or guests.

I hereby verify that I currently furnish liability insurance for the listed vehicle(s) in consideration of the acceptance of participation in the Garden City River Rod Run by the execution of this form. I hereby release and discharge the producers and the sponsors, its officers, agents and anyone else connected with management in any form of any and all known and unknown damages, injuries, losses, judgements, and/or claims from any causes what-so-ever that may be suffered in route to, at or returning from said event by any member to their person or property. Additionally, the presence of any outside alcohol is strictly prohibited. Any alcohol consumed at the event must be purchased from a licensed distributer.

Further, each applicant expressly agrees to indemnify all the foregoing entities, persons and bodies of and from any and all liability occasioned or resulting from the conduct of the applicant, any person assisting or cooperating with the applicant and under the direction of the applicant. In addition, I hereby pledge to obey any and all rules and regulations of the Garden City River Rod Run that may be in effect.



Please mail the completed registration form and your payment to:


P.O. Box 3224

Missoula MT 59806

* Registration fee includes one goodie bag, Friday and Saturday Show and Shine,

$5 coupon to the Food Court, and two free Pepsi drinks.