G20 YEA Action plan on youth employment

Argentina - Action Plan

Investment and access to capital
·  We have been planning two important meetings for the next 3 months. One of them will be with the Minister of Economy Axel Kicillof. We are asking him our request on the regulation of the law that supports young entrepreneurs (25.872). This law enables young entrepreneurs to get access to state finance
Education and coordinated support
·  In relation to the annual day of training for young entrepreneurs on behalf of FEDAJE we are going to request programmes for the Minister of Education to deeply analyse them and therefore, be able to intervene and suggest any necessary reforms.
Government regulation and taxation
·  The most important program or action plan for next year are a number of actions that put pressure on the government so that it finally gets the regulation of the law previously mentioned (law 25.872). Moreover, we have also arranged meetings with regional legislators to talk back the law at a local and provincial level.
Innovation and Technology
·  Meeting with the science and technology national secretary to ask him to improve conditions on technological access to young entrepreneurs. Moreover, he has committed himself to deliver drafts on new programs designed for technologic innovation, as well as the creation of new TICS
Trade and globalization
·  We have been able to arrange a meeting with the Argentinian chancellery within the secretary of economic matters and G20 Hugo Javier Gobbi on August 20th. We will also be presenting this summit's document and the vast report on the issues of illegal trading or black market. We are also presenting a request to get improvements on the external commerce and trading for young entrepreneurs.
Entrepreneurship, culture and equality
·  We organise a big event to train young people on entrepreneurship every year with approximately 3000 young people assisting. This year, the encounter will take place in November. We have already invited the Minister of Education to participate and also to give him a memorandum claiming for improvements with respect to these aspects.

Australia - Action Plan

Investment and access to capital
·  To begin discussing with banks, business microfinance. Funding is required for mentoring positions for example in ENYA. One or two full time people to make it work.
Education and coordinated support
·  National curricula – a group committee meeting with the relevant minister. If everyone can email their principle from primary school, high school, university and do their individual part to spread the entrepreneur message. Take on work experience students and backing kidpreneur.
Government regulation and taxation
·  Meetings with ENYA and the ATO to discuss tax concessions for SME to enable growth with a policy committee.
Innovation and Technology
·  Planning and initiation of the Australian Entrepreneur Institute with government ties and policy group.
·  2.5 hours a week donated to the organization. The keys of the organisations. Will need funding.
Trade and globalization
·  Lobbying the APAC Visa and pushing at G20.
Entrepreneurship, culture and equality
·  Ambassador and PR program for start-ups through the Australian Institute of Entrepreneurship.

Brazil - Action Plan

Investment and access to capital
·  Implementation of two laws in approval process that amplify access of high risk capital markets and venture capital to start ups and SMEs offering financial resources to new ventures and protecting the interest of investors and entrepreneurs.
Education and coordinated support
·  Articulate with private and public schools to persuade the implementation of entrepreneurs' educational methodology in their curriculum mainly in transversal subject matters and full-time teaching organizations.
Government regulation and taxation
·  Enforce implementation of the resource-allocation management council according to article 67 available in the law of fiscal responsibility.
Innovation and Technology
·  Support the development of a new law at federal level that brings together Academia, Government and Business in a regular basis in order to foster innovation and technology honoring the role of professorship/entrepreneurship.
Trade and globalization
·  Work with MDIC and APEX Brazil to implement a specific way to internationalize Brazil young entrepreneurship and utilize international resources such as labor, ideas, companies, money to advance Brazilian Startups and SMEs.
Entrepreneurship, culture and equality
·  Create an integrated media plan which reinforces the advantages and positives attributes of being an entrepreneur as a career option for the individual and as a social-economic activity with high growth and reward for society.

Canada - Action Plan

Investment and access to capital
·  Futurpreneur to establish criteria for certification and partner with government for support
Education and coordinated support
·  CRA registration process needs to include the resource information at the time of number being issued.
Delegates of G20 YEA to commit to attend 3 high schools, Universities, elementary schools, or community organizations to share your business story within the next year.
Government regulation and taxation
·  Recommend to ministers of small business and finance to champion change in taxation laws to support sustainability for young entrepreneurs and their businesses.
Innovation and Technology
·  Identify data that would be most valuable for young entrepreneurs.
Identify the platform that the data should be presented on so further actions can be taken to implement
Continue accountability efforts to ensure the plan is followed through.
Trade and globalization
·  Review of provincial legislation with the objective of standardizing and streamlining fragmented regulations interprovincially, making it easier and more attractive to support international trade in the long term
Entrepreneurship, culture and equality
·  Government of Canada to fund Futurpreneur to implement a national campaign to showcase, celebrate, and encourage youth entrepreneurship in urban and rural communities across Canada, and to ensure diversity in those leaders being represented.

China - Action Plan

Investment and access to capital
·  Provide the case studies to different local commercial banks to help them develop the financial products which meet the SMEs needs.
Education and coordinated support
·  Create applications or websites which invite successful businessmen to teach the skills about entrepreneurship.
Government regulation and taxation
·  Establish a platform which introduces the tax reduction policies and related regulations around China
Innovation and Technology
·  Make a report and submit to the government bureau to shorten the IP protection process.
Trade and globalization
·  Bring more delegations to join G20YEA summit.
Entrepreneurship, culture and equality
·  Set up forum to promote the spirit of entrepreneurship (invite entrepreneurs to go into schools to make speeches) and encourage the multi-divisions about startups success.

European Union - Action Plan

Investment and access to capital
·  Provide to young entrepreneurs advice and networking opportunities to favour business angels, crowd-funding and VCs equity investments.
Education and coordinated support
·  Young Entrepreneurs to peacefully invade secondary and high schools to promote entrepreneurial culture, improve vocational training and contribute to align programs to newly required skills.
Government regulation and taxation
·  Keep requiring a revision of the taxation scheme to promote employment rather than penalizing it.
Innovation and Technology
·  Require and contribute to increase R&D expenditures over GDP from 1% to EU average of 2% leveraging on newly introduced incentive schemes.
Trade and globalization
·  Promote multiple contamination opportunities within EU and globally to favor increased cross-border cooperation amongst young entrepreneurs.
Entrepreneurship, culture and equality
·  Require inclusion of entrepreneurial culture (i.e. risk taking, critical thinking, creativity and problem solving) within Youth Guarantee programs.

France - Action Plan

Investment and access to capital
·  Tax incentive rebate for large companies who invest in start-ups
Education and coordinated support
·  Introduce an entrepreneurship or Business project official courses at school
Government regulation and taxation
·  A simplified and unique Labor contract
Innovation and Technology
·  Introduce a coding course as compulsory at school
Trade and globalization
·  Create a one year G20 entrepreneur working visa without any condition
Entrepreneurship, culture and equality
·  Creation of an "educational entrepreneurial programme" at school

Germany - Action Plan

Investment and access to capital
·  Create a new startup funding program, supported by entrepreneurial experts and a tax reduction scheme, tailored to startups and establish public bank guarantees for startups to reduce risk for founders.
Education and coordinated support
·  Bring entrepreneurial education to schools, for example by introducing the Australian “KidPreneur Concept” in Germany.
Government regulation and taxation
·  Treat early stage ventures differently from established companies in order to increase the survival rate and to reduce the barriers of entry (mind set: entrepreneurs should be able to focus on their enterprise and not on taxation).
Innovation and Technology
·  Create a network for qualified mentors to voluntarily foster and encourage young entrepreneurs.
Trade and globalization
·  Create a platform for communication and exchange of business information with regards to information relevant for startups and young entrepreneurs in all G20 countries.
Entrepreneurship, culture and equality
·  Articulate a mandatory quota for entrepreneurs in national parliaments, introduce a regular “Meet the chancellor day” for young entrepreneurs and startups to emphasize the relevance of entrepreneurs to the public with such a meeting and, specifically, introduce the Mexican “Fuckup Night” in Germany (Slogans: “The best stories start with a bad decision!” & “Failure sucks but instructs!”).

India - Action Plan

Investment and access to capital
·  Yi to create online and offline platform to facilitate collaboration between mentor and mentee companies.
·  Each Yi chapter to drive offline networking by hosting a networking event possibly during the Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW) to facilitate collaboration between government, bankers, investors, partner organization, students and entrepreneurs
Education and coordinated support
·  Yi will drive implementation of entrepreneurship modules for students through Yi YUVA program. Credit based module that will be piloted across Yi YUVA schools.
·  Yi YUVA will partner with organizations to provide experiential learning experiences for students (e.g. Goonj, parent entrepreneur sessions, innovative programs in communities etc.)
·  Yi to initiate entrepreneur education week for schools (age 15 to 17). Module will include topics like entrepreneurial thinking, monetizing ideas, finance management, inventory management
·  Yi will advocate for Accreditation system for higher education.
Government regulation and taxation
·  Yi will advocate for better and progressive labor laws and reforms for benefit of start-ups (e.g. reducing the number of procedures and thereby reduce the number of days for setting up a business by 25%)
·  Yi to advocate e-governance in all government transactions
Innovation and Technology
·  Yi to drive creation as well as delivery of entrepreneurship module (innovation, start-up process, skill set etc.) by working closely with National Skills Qualify Framework (NSQF). Partner with entrepreneurial cells of institutions like EDI, IIM, IIT.
·  Each Yi chapter to increase utilization of the module through partnership with entrepreneurial organizations like TiE, Angel networks, MSME industries at local level
·  Yi to initiate 'Futurepreneur' program where business leaders act as mentors for 2 years for young entrepreneur companies by associating and serving on the start-up board of advisors
Trade and globalization
·  Yi will advocate better trade agreements with neighboring countries such as Burma, Bangladesh and China
·  Yi will explore possibilities to ease trade with neighboring countries through CAAYE (Commonwealth Alliance of Asian Entrepreneurs) and ASEAN. Policies such as entrepreneurial visa, hiring foreign workers, transparency in duty structure will be explored.
Entrepreneurship, culture and equality
·  Each Yi chapter will organize a learning session around failures. Yi chapters will invite students for motivation and encouragement on risk taking
·  Yi will host a session for members of Indian Women Network (IWN) on the topic of entrepreneurship
·  G20 YEA 2015 delegation will comprise of 50% women delegates
·  Yi Key Youth Summits to have substantial number of women speakers and women entrepreneurs

Italy Action - Plan

Investment and access to capital
·  Provide to young entrepreneurs advice and networking opportunities to favour business angels, crowd-funding and VCs equity investments.
Education and coordinated support
·  Young Entrepreneurs to peacefully invade secondary and high schools to promote entrepreneurial culture, improve vocational training and contribute to align programs to newly required skills.
Government regulation and taxation
·  Keep requiring a revision of the taxation scheme to promote employment rather than penalizing it.
Innovation and Technology
·  Require and contribute to increase R&D expenditures over GDP from 1% to EU average of 2% leveraging on newly introduced incentive schemes.
Trade and globalization
·  Promote multiple contamination opportunities within EU and globally to favor increased cross-border cooperation amongst young entrepreneurs.
Entrepreneurship, culture and equality
·  Require inclusion of entrepreneurial culture (i.e. risk taking, critical thinking, creativity and problem solving) within Youth Guarantee programs.

Japan - Action Plan

Investment and access to capital
·  To establish the culture of Commercial fund to support entrepreneurs to ease too much responsibility or risk to make Social tolerance to failure and Environment to promote re-challenge.
Education and coordinated support
·  To promote business education, to provide opportunity to child to experience a first step of Business and Entrepreneur.
Government regulation and taxation
·  To strengthen the connection to Government, tell our opinion and attitude to Ministry of economy, trade and industry, Small medium enterprise agency to get policy change.
Innovation and Technology
·  To make the website to promote business matching thru Internet, sharing the information and success story over varies of area, ages and field of business. That makes new innovation.
Trade and globalization
·  To touch Government and to suggest narrow the Target to protect domestic industry. Relax Visa, Tariff, other barrier, ease Red tape and in the other field.
Entrepreneurship, culture and equality
·  We JCI Japan is a group of entrepreneur aiming positive change to the world. To promote to increase member of women, foreigners to accept diversity in our society.

Mexico - Action Plan

Investment and access to capital
·  Vinculation between banks and universities for finance education.
The creation of a "dummies guide" to get access to capital
Education and coordinated support
·  Encourage of the program Impulsa (it's a program that arrange meetings with students and business man so that they can experience the real problems of being an entrepreneur)
Platform online call "ask a business man"
Government regulation and taxation
·  The creation of a simplify document that explains the taxation in Mexico.
Press conference with people of SAT to ensure the certification of the document "taxes for dummies"
Innovation and Technology
·  National network in Coparmex commissions in our states and it will be in charge for the vinculation of universities students and the national commission of innovation and technology
Trade and globalization
·  Vinculate international organisms and Government to identify necessities and to promote the product or service
Entrepreneurship, culture and equality
·  Unify all the initiatives that promote entrepreneurship culture to create a network that will be available for young entrepreneurs.

Russia - Action Plan