Cochise College Governing Board Meeting
Tuesday, May 11, 2004
Tuesday, May 11, 2004
Douglas Campus
6:00 p.m.
1.01 Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Ms. Jane Strain, Board Chair, at 6:02 p.m.
Board Members Present:
Mr. Juan Flores
Ms. Jan Guy
Mr. Bob Nelson
Ms. Jane Strain
Board Members Absent:
Dr. Randall Groth
1.02 Pledge of Allegiance
1.03 Adoption of Agenda
Jan Guy made a motion to adopt the agenda as published. Juan Flores seconded the motion. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED. The agenda was adopted as published.
1.04 Citizen’s Interim
There were no requests to address the Board
At this point the Governing Board presented a plaque to Ms. Karen Koehler, Executive Administrative Assistant to the President, for her service to the Board.
1.05 Standing Reports
1.05.1 Representative to the AADGB
Ms. Jan Guy reported that there were no ACCA and AADGB meetings in May.
Dr. Nicodemus did not have a report.
1.05.2 Senate Report
Mr. Carlos Cartagena, Vice President for Information Technology, provided the report. Mr. Cartagena stated that the Senate has reviewed policies, procedures and curriculum which have been forwarded to the President. The Senate has also forwarded to the President comments and
suggestions on the new policies and these comments are contained in the policy matrix.
1.05.3 Student Government Association (SGA)
SGA Douglas campus Advisor, Mr. Chris Bermingham, gave the Student Government year-end report and provided copies to the Board. Mr. Bermingham noted that the SGA officers had done a good job in providing entertaining events to students while also adding some events of a more scholastic nature.
1.05.4 College President
Dr. Nicodemus first showed a copy of USA Today to the Board, noting that Douglas campus student, Juan Carlos Brandenberg, was listed as a member of the Third Team, All USA Academic Team.
Dr. Nicodemus then gave an update on the FY05 General Fund budget. The Board will be asked to adopt the FY05 budget at the June Board meeting. Based on Truth in Taxation calculations, the College does not have to hold a Truth in Taxation hearing. A flat enrollment projection is still being used. A three percent net collectable from property taxes is assumed. The budget also includes the five dollar tuition increase, which will eliminate most lab fees. The Administration continues to conservatively estimate growth funding from the State at fifty percent.
There have been no new positions created, only reallocations within salary and benefits. Included in the budget are the four percent increase to full –time employees and the two percent to full-time, red-lined employees and part-time employees (including associate faculty). Also included is a 6.77% increase in healthcare costs to the College. The budget includes a healthy contingency.
Dr. Nicodemus reported on the general liability insurance, stating that the current carrier, Zurich, is continuing until July 1. The College has researched the Arizona School Retention Trust (ASRT) and it is anticipated that they will be recommended as the College’s new carrier at the July Board meeting. The remaining issue to be resolved relates to tail coverage, as required by the ASRT.
1.05.5 Monthly Financial Report
The Financial Report for the month ending April 30, 2004, was submitted to the Board for its review. The financial report was accepted as presented. A summary is attached.
Dr. Nicodemus went over the report with the Board, noting that it is more detailed than in years past. She reviewed line items for both revenues and expenditures in programs such as Aviation and MOS Credentialing.
Mr. Flores stated that when he received the College audit report, there were no deficiencies listed. Dr. Nicodemus commended Dr. Michael Carter and his team for their hard work and attention to detail.
2.01 Acceptance of Minutes, Regular Meeting, April 13, 2004
The Minutes of the April 13, 2004, Regular Meeting of the Cochise College Governing Board were approved and entered into record.
3.01 Communications
Dr. Nicodemus shared the following communications:
A letter to Dr. Nicodemus from Mr. Michael J. Ortega, Douglas City Manager. Mr. Ortega thanked Dr. Nicodemus, Dr. Michael Carter and Mr. Robert Vasquez, Director, Facilities Maintenance, Douglas Campus, for their assistance in providing equipment for the soccer tournament which was part of the City of Douglas’ Mariachi Festival. Letters were also sent individually to Dr. Carter and Mr. Vasquez.
A letter to Ms. Bertina Villaseñor, Director, Administrative Services, from Ms. Gail Zamar, Interim Superintendent, Douglas Unified School District #27. Ms. Zamar thanked the College for the donation of nine computers to their keyboarding department.
A letter to Dr. Nicodemus from Mr. Richard C. Acosta, Counselor, Ray Borane Middle School. Mr. Acosta thanked Dr. Nicodemus and Mr. Chuck Hoyack, Douglas Campus Dean, for allowing peer mediators from both Ray Borane Middle School and Paul Huber Middle School to use facilities on the Douglas campus for yearly training.
3.02 Agreement between Cochise College and the Sierra Vista Symphony
Dr. Nicodemus noted that this is a continuation of the original agreement which has proven to be mutually beneficial. The only change in the agreement is a salary adjustment.
3.03 Southwest Learning Center
Consultant Rebecca Orozco is completing the final report and recommendations will be sent to the Administration. The information will be brought to the Board at the June meeting. Dr. Nicodemus gave an update stating that the Center is being built into the budget, recognizing final approval is contingent on Board action. She noted that Ms. Orozco has been reaching out to the community and identifying potential partners for the project, as well as identifying College resources, classes, programs and focus areas that would be compatible with the Center.
Ms. Orozco has also been instrumental in having the College host the upcoming cross border student art show and reception in June and a possible touring DeGrazia art show at a later date.
The City of Sierra Vista will be hosting a Border Mayors’ Forum at the College on June 11 and 12. This will include approximately thirty mayors and their spouses from both sides of the border.
3.04 New Instructional Management Structure
Dr. Michelich stated that a task force was formed to assess the effectiveness of the current structure and determine ways to improve it. Fifteen community colleges across the nation were surveyed as to structure and effectiveness. The task force then created three models from this survey, which were then presented to the College community at five open forums. The final organizational chart was attached to this information item. Dr. Michelich then distributed copies of the job descriptions, selections and compensations for the positions of department chair and assistant dean. Dr. Michelich commended the task force for their hard work.
3.05 New Administrative Policy 3005: Faculty Credentials - First Reading
Dr. Nicodemus stated that this reflects the College’s expectations for faculty credentials during the hiring process.
3.06 College Policies and Procedures.
The Board was provided with copies of the proposed Governing Board policies and procedures, which were listed along with Senate comments and recommendations, and the Administrative response. Dr. Nicodemus reviewed each policy listed. These policies will be brought forth as an action item at the June Board meeting.
4.01 Consent Agenda*
Jan Guy moved and Juan Flores seconded a motion to approve the Consent Agenda as corrected. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED. The following items were approved:
4.01.1 * Curriculum Changes
4.01.2 * Administrative Support; Appointment (Donald Cross, Lead Adult Education Teacher)
4.01.3 * Classified; Appointment (Susan Dredge, Office Specialist)
4.01.4 * Faculty; Appointment (Leslie Clark, English Instructor)
4.01.5 * Faculty; Appointment (Scott Lambert, Flight Instructor)
4.01.6 * Classified; Resignation (Louis Perez, Facilities Maintenance Technician)
4.01.7 * Faculty; Resignation (Rick Gill, CIS Instructor)
4.01.8 * Faculty; Resignation (Eric Mapp, Business Skills Instructor)
4.01.9 * Leave of Absence (Dori DuVall, Academic Counselor)
4.01.10 * Reclassification (Sally Aparicio to Administrative Assistant, Senior)
4.01.11 * Reclassification (Jane Jarboe to Administrative Assistant, Senior)
Dr. Michelich introduced Ms. Leslie Clark to the Board
4.02 Donation to Arizona State Museum
Juan Flores moved and Jan Guy seconded a motion authorizing the College President to transfer the Carl Trischka papers to the Arizona State Museum.
The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.
4.03 Bookstore Services
Juan Flores moved and Bob Nelson seconded a motion to adopt a resolution authorizing the president to enter into a contract with Barnes & Noble effective
July 1, 2004, with a contract term of one year with four subsequent renewals.
Dr. Nicodemus noted that the College received three bids and it was very competitive, as shown on the vendor summary. In addition, Barnes & Noble has agreed to set money aside for book scholarships.
The Board voted three to one to approve, with Bob Nelson casting the dissenting vote. MOTION CARRIED.
There were no comments by the Board.
Jane Strain adjourned the meeting at 8:00 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted:
Ms. Karen M. Koehler, Executive Administrative Assistant, Office of the President
Mr. Juan Flores, Secretary to the Governing Board
KMK 5/12/04