I acknowledge
I have received the Lynden Academy Parent & Student Handbook
I will abide to the written policies regarding any and all hand held devices
I will abide with the policies regarding leaving the Lynden Academy Campus
I am responsible for the contents and know my rights and responsibilities.
Parent Signature:
Student Signature (for 6th-12th Grades):
Parent & Student Handbook 2016-2017
Lynden Academy 360-354-6675
Parent and Student Handbook
Table of ContentsPage
WHO WE ARE ...... 2
Our Mission
Program Description
Non-Discrimination Statement
How to Enroll in the Program
Withdrawing from the Program
Extended Travel and Enrollment
Policy for Changing Enrollment Status
Friday Only/Independent Study Contact and Reporting Requirements
Annual Assessments
School Closure/Late Start Information
Medical Conditions
Driving Safety
Parents on Campus/ Parent Involvement
Working Together
Written Student Learning Plan (WSLP)
Required Number of Classes and Hours
Updating the WSLP during the School Year
WINGS Monthly Progress
Parent/Student Responsibilities
Student Skills/Knowledge Acquired
Certification of Hours
SLPC Responsibilities
What is ERS?
How are ERS Materials Approved?
How do I access ERS?
Materials Check Out and Return Procedure
How to Order
What is the Difference between Consumable and Non-Consumable Items?
Procedure for Accessing Instructional Associates
Diploma Program
High School and Beyond Plan
Graduation Ceremony and Fundraising
Open Campus Policy/Student Supervision
Non-Student Visitation
Tardy Policy
Dress Code
Academic Integrity Policy
Sexual Acts & Public Display of Affection
Drugs, Tobacco, and Alcohol
Gang Activity
Right to Appeal Process
Skateboards, Skates, etc.
Headphones, Cell Phones, Etc.
Classroom Rules
Contact Info
School Phone360-354-6675
Office & Classes1986 Main Street, Suite A
Lynden, WA 98264
Office HoursMonday - Friday 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
PrincipalScott Vandenberg
Office Staff
Registrar Angela Henderson
ParentCoordinatorWendy Neff
Finances Heidi Telling
Teaching Staff
Julie Miller
Gillian Grambo
Ellie Meenk
We are a K-12 Alternative Learning Experience (ALE) Program of the Lynden School District dedicated to assisting local home-based learning families in the education of their children. In this Parent Partnership Program, we provide support through on-site classes, group activities, community events, workshops for home educators, and conferences with Written Student Learning Plan Consultants (WSLPCs). We have a few options available in our program:
Middle School & High School Classes (6th-12th Grade) -Mondays and Wednesdays
Elementary Classes (Kindergarten-5th Grade) -Tuesday orThursday
Friday Classes- Students can choose to participate in elective classes that take place onsite on Fridays.
Independent Study (limited availability) - student is completely offsite and required to make contact with their WSLPC on a weekly basis.
Friday Only (limited availability) - students attend ONLY Friday Classes on-site as well as having weekly contact with WSLPC.
Lynden Academy students will demonstrate compassionate and responsible citizenship while engaging in an academically rigorous and supportive learning community.
Students enrolled in Lynden Academy meet with certificated teachers on campus one or more days a week, depending on student’s grade level and family choices. Staff and families work together to create aWritten Student Learning Plan (WSLP) for both home and at school. Parents are actively involved in Lynden Academy, overseeing their student’s education as well as volunteering where needs arise.Parents have access to the Lynden Academy Library where they can borrow curriculum and resources to support learning at home. Families maintain a planner detailing learning, develop portfolios to collect evidence of learning, track their student’s hours and write goals for their student’s academic achievement.
The Lynden School District #504 does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained guide dog or service animal. This holds true for all district employment and opportunities.
Inquiries regarding compliance procedures may be directed to the school district office.
Families wishing to enroll in Lynden Academyshould contact the Lynden Academy office at 360-354-6675and schedule attend an Enrollment Meeting with the principal (or designee). Admission is dependent on understanding home educating responsibilities and subject to limited space and available staffing.
Children that have been successful in a home-based learning:
- Complete all required Online Enrollment forms on the Lynden School District Website. Students transferring from out-of-district will need to complete a Request for Non-Resident Admission Form.
- If necessary, withdraw from your former school (complete checkout procedures).
- Complete a Written Student Learning Plan (WSLP) initial outline with our Parent Coordinator which will be passed along to the Written Student Learning Plan Consultant(WSLPC) for consulting, review, and completion (verifying educational goals, resources, activities, and assessments for the year).
Children that have not been part of home-based learning in the past:
- Complete all required Online Enrollment forms on the Lynden School District Website. Families new to home-based instruction will be on a 4-8 week probationary period to determine if home-based instruction meets their needs. Your enrollment in Lynden Academy begins when all paperwork has been completed and approved online.
- Begin home-based instruction documenting the required hours of supervised instruction.
- Complete a Written Student Learning Plan (WSLP) initial outline with our Parent Coordinator which will be passed along to the Written Student Learning Plan Consultant (WSLPC) for consulting, review, and completion (verifying educational goals, resources, activities, and assessments for the year).
- All new families to the program are on probation to see if home education through Lynden Academy is a good fit. If reporting, planning, and communications are in good order, continue on! If these areas are not going well, discuss ways to change that with WSLPC, otherwise please consider other options for schooling with the Principal.
Students may register at any time during the school year. Registration is done on the Lynden School District Website. If you need a computer to do so, one is available at the school’s main office. Online enrollment needs to be complete, the WSLP needs to be complete, and space availability must be determined prior to attending classes at Lynden Academy.
A student can be withdrawn from Lynden Academy at the discretion of the parent. To withdraw from the program, the parents must do the following:
- Schedule an “exit”meeting with the principal (meeting could be via telephone conversation or face to face meeting).
- Inform the WSLPC of the student’s last date of instruction.
- Return all non-consumable materials and unused consumable materials within 30 days of the withdrawal.
- Inform resident school district of the change and complete appropriate paperwork. Sign another “Declaration of Intent to Provide Home-Based Instruction” with the resident school district (Revised Code of WA, Chapter 28A.225) orenroll in another public school.
With approval of the principal, students may remain in the program for up to two months while they are on extended trips.
Prior to and during extended travel, it is important to complete the following steps:
- Get approval from LA principalat least two weeks prior.
- Speak to your student’s teacher and get any required assignments from them.
- Continue to demonstrate sufficient progress toward meeting learning goals.
- Continue working on your student’s classes while taking advantage of all the educational opportunities available on your trip.
- Maintain contact with Mrs. Meenk every week, which will fulfill all weekly reporting requirements.
(Failure to maintain weekly contactwith Mrs. Meenk will result in withdrawal from the program. Any participant who is dropped from the program while on extended travel should contact their certificated teacher to re-enroll in the program.)
When a student is enrolled in Lynden Academy they are enrolled in one of the three branches:
- OnsiteClasses(Elementary or Middle/High School)
- Friday Only (limited spaces available and meeting with Principal required annually)
- Independent Study(limited spaces available and meeting with Principal required annually)
If the family has decided to enroll in another “branch” of Lynden Academy, approval will be needed from the principal before switching. Approval will only be granted if there is room in that “branch” and the family understands the requirements and expectations of the new enrollment status.
Weekly Contact – Studentsenrolled in a Friday Only/Independent study basis are required to make contact with their Written Student Learning Plan Coordinator (WSLPC) on a weekly basis. Teachers will work with family to determine a workable contact time. According to WAC 392-121-182, Sec 4(b), students will have direct personal contact “for the purposes of instruction, review of assignments, testing, evaluation of student progress, or other learning activities or requirements identified in the Written Student Learning Plan (WSLP), and must at minimum include a two-way exchange of information between a certificated teacher and the student”.
Contact that occurs between the parent and the certificated teacher does not meet the requirement for weekly contact. The contact must be between the student and teacher but may be supported by parents.
All Lynden Academy students enrolledin 3rd-8th Grade are expected to take the Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA) – a state assessment per WAC 392-121-182, Sec (9) (a). The SBA is administered each spring. Passing the 10th Grade High School Proficiency Exam (HSPE) is required for students seeking a high school diploma.
Lynden Academy also administers STAR Assessment in the fall, winter, and spring. This is an “in-house” assessment used as a tool for both Lynden Academy Teachers and home educators to use to help determine the best course of instruction in the areas of math and reading.
Accommodations for STAR and/or SBAmay be available for some students with 504s or IEPs but are limited and require enough lead time to provide; contact your WSLPC for details.
Lynden Academy will observe Lynden School District’s school closures or late starts due to inclement weather or emergencies. Information about school closures and late starts are publicized on local radio stations, and our district website
The safety of our students and families is our top propriety. If schools are open but road conditions make it unsafe for you to travel to school, we encourage parents and student to use their own discretion. If you decide to keep your students home, please contact our Attendance Secretary at or at 360-354-6675 option #2.
If a student has a serious medical condition and/or needs medication administered at school, a medication release form and/or health condition form must be filled out in the main office.
When driving, please be extremely cautious in and around the school. The yellow zone in front of the building is a school bus loading zone and parking is not allowed at any time.
Parental presence on campus is instrumental in maintaining Lynden Academy’s family-friendly and safe environment. Parent participation is an important aspect here at Lynden Academy; therefore, parents are encouraged to be on campus on a regular basis. We do ask that all parent volunteers sign in and wear a volunteer tag while on campus.
To provide a safe environment for our children and to assist with small tasks which help to create a well-run school, we require each family to volunteer at least one hour a month. This can be accomplished in many ways: lunch supervision (most needed), classroom help, bulletin boards, special activities, set up/take down, etc.
The Parent Coordinator is the one to go to – to find out how to help!
Lynden Academy’s goal is to support the education of our home educated children. A cooperative, successful environment requires working together.
1. If you have a concern or complaint, it does not need to be made public. This keeps issues small, and manageable between the concerned parties.
2.If you have a concern or complaint and it needs to be addressed, communicate your concern in person and in a respectful manner and try to work it out.
3.If the issue is not solved after direct communication with those directly involved, share it with the principal.
WINGS is an online data management system used to facilitate participation in Lynden Academy. All families will become familiar with WINGS and use it on a regular basis. Families will be given a username and password during enrollment. Each student will also be assigned a Written Student Learning Plan Consultant (WSLPC) who will oversee the Written Student Learning Plan (WSLP). Our Parent Coordinator/WSLPC will be happy to answer questions and concerns about the use of WINGS.
Parents use WINGS to do the following:
- Review Written Student Learning Plans (WSLPs)
- Input Monthly Progress (usually done mid-month and announced via email)
- Read teacher comments on monthly progress
- Access the Lynden Academy Library see what resources are available
- Monitor resources checked out from the Library and their return date
Every student enrolled in Lynden Academy must have a Written Student Learning Plan (WSLP). The WSLP is the roadmap that guides the student’s education and is developed by the certificated teacher in collaboration with the parent and the student using our online data management system, WINGS. The plan includes academic goals and objectives specific to the student that correlate to the Washington State Learning Standards, as well as a course description and minimum hours, curriculum materials, and services essential to meeting the goals. The learning plan is a flexible, working document that can be changed to meet needs of the students while continuing to meet state requirements.WSLPs must be completed before a student is considered enrolled in the program.
Creating the Written Student Learning Plan: The WSLP will be developed and maintained on WINGS. The Parent Coordinator/Written Student Learning Plan Coordinator (WSLPC) will help you in developing the WSLP, and will ensure that the state requirements of the alternative learning experience are met.
Oncethe WSLP is entered into WINGS, the WSLPC will approve the plan during the first five days of the school year. The WSLPC will maintain the WSLP throughout the school year and this includes the development of the WSLP, supervision, monitoring, and evaluation of student progress (WAC 392-121-182 (4)).
WSLPs must be in place and approved by the WSLP before the Educational Resource Support can be accessed. All materials or services must be consistent with the goals listed in the WSLP and pre-approved by the WSLPC.
The state requires the following classes for a full-time student — English Language Arts, Math, Social Studies, Science, Fine Arts, Fitness/Health. Students may participate in many other activities that could be elective classes but most activities can be added to these categories.
Required Number of Offsite Classes for WINGS:
K-32-3 offsite Classes (Math English Language Arts are mandatory)
4-5 4 Offsite Classes (Math English Language Arts are mandatory)
6-12Total of 5 (a combination of on-site and offsite classes)
Fridays Only5 Offsite Classes
Independent Studies5 Offsite Classes
** All students need a “Student Skills/Knowledge Acquired Class(and students are expected to share their learning monthly for this class – or scribed verbatim by parent) **
Full-time student instructional hours:
Kindergarten – 3rd Grade20 hours per week minimum
Grades 4-12 25 hours per week minimum
Changes can be made to the WSLP during the year bythe WSLPC. The WSLP is a working document that can be altered to reflect the changing needs of the student. If participants feel the needto update their written learning plan theymust notify their WSLPC and the WSLPC needs to change the WSLP before borrowed resources or activities began.
Parent/Student will:
- Document student Monthly Progress once a month between the 15th and 20th (except for the months of December or June when it could open earlier in the month to accommodate for breaks). Documentation will be made on each offsite class on the student’s WSLP. Classes taken at Lynden Academy do not have to be reported on by the parent as these classes are monitored and graded by Certificated Teachers.
- Document Student Skills/KnowledgeAcquiredon this named course. This is not a class so much as a place for the student and WSLPC to have direct communication about the students’ progress in all classes (onsite and offsite). The reporting for this should be done by the student (dictation is acceptable for younger students) and must be written in first person. Progress should be on specific skill sets, not what a student likes or dislikes about the classes.
- Verify monthly that the required number of Instructional Hours were met by selecting Yes or No.
The WSLPC will: