JANUARY 21ST, 2010
Meeting called to order by President Anthony V. Esposito at 2:36 PM
Attendance taken by Secretary: Voting Members present: Anthony V. Esposito, Nancy A. DePietro, Michael Wyman, Anne-Marie Mastroianni, Melissa J. Russell, Barbara Brenneman, Mary Clark-Wilson, Sue Burnham, Darlene Burrell, Pamela, Rapacz, Karen Doyle Lyons, Marie M. Fox, Amelia K. Waldron, Lorraine A. Elliot, Bob Schulte, and Kevin T. McCarthy. Non-Voting Monita Hebert, George F. Cody, Judith A. Beaudreau, Marie Greene, Robert L. Sherman, and lobbyist Audrey Wasik.
Motion made by Mary Clark-Wilson to accept minutes from 10/08/2009 seconded by Barbara Brenneman. Motion carries with four Abstaining.
Motion made by Barbara Brenneman to accept minutes from 11/12/2009 seconded by Melissa J. Russell. Motion carries with two abstaining.
Treasurer’s report: Monita Hebert Deputy Treasurer: A check for $1700.00 was received from AP for reporting of the November Municipal Election by Registrars. We have a balance of $16,391.66 in the checking account and $15,116.36 in the money market account for a total of $31,508.02. There are 73 registrars who have not paid ROVAC dues to date. Anne-Marie Mastroianni made a motion that the county chairs are informed of those in their county who have yet to pay to enlist their help in getting the dues paid. Seconded by Lorraine Elliott. Motion Passes.
The Audit will be taking place on February 12th, 2010 in East Hartford.
PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Anthony Esposito AP sending money for election reports well for our association.
Fairfield: Karen Doyle Lyons: Will be holding a meeting in Bridgeport on February 11th 2010.
Hartford: Marie M. Fox: Will hold a meeting on March 8th, 2010. They have voted to have four meetings per year.
Litchfield: Amelia K. Waldron: A very well attended meeting was held in New Hartford on November 17th, 2009. The next meeting will be March 23rd, 2010 in Bethlehem at 10:00 AM.
Middlesex: Karen Cheney: Reporting Bob Schulte: They will be holding a meeting in Cromwell on February 3rd, 2010 at 10:00 AM
New Haven: Carmela Apuzzo: Pass President will be calling a meeting.
New London: Lorraine Elliott: Waiting to hear from Ted Bromley with regards to speaking at the next meeting.
Tolland: Sue Luginbuhl: Mike Wyman reporting: A meeting will be scheduled for February date and time to be announced.
Windham: Kevin McCarthy: They will be meeting on February 25th, 2010 and usually the last Thursday of every month.
CONVENTION: Judi Beaudreau: Spring convention to be held April 14th, 15th and 16th, 2010 at the Crowne Plaza in Cromwell. Fall conference will be at the Holiday Inn in Waterbury on September 1st and 2nd, 2010.
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LEGISLATIVE: Pamela Rapacz: The committee has been meeting on a weekly basis in preparation for the upcoming session. They have come up with four suggestions for ROVAC to embrace.
1: Provisional Ballots used at all Elections and Primaries not just State elections.
2: Change audit bill to reflect 5% of the polling places instead of 10% and only 3 districts per town may be chosen. Make the hand count a machine count using an Opta-Scan not used in the election. This will save a great deal of money for the municipalities. There still be three offices selected for audit.
3: Rewrite 9-264 to also preclude candidates from assisting a voter at the polls.
4: Allow Registrars to change Primary districts to reduce the costs for election.
They have asked that we support The Secretary of the State’s Technology bill, which also includes all Registrars, shall be elected for a four year term. Support of election enforcements bill from last year with regards to giving Registrars more teeth in reporting election offenses is requested. Motion made by Barbara Brennman to accept Legislative agenda as proposed and seconded by Mike Wyman withdrawn for a roll call vote on each item.
1st:Motion made by Kevin McCarthy to support the ROVAC Legislative Agenda seconded by Bob Schulte: Motion Passes 15 Yes - 0 No.
2nd: Motion made by Melissa J. Russell to support the Secretary of the State’s technical bill seconded by Kevin McCarthy. Motion Passes 15 Yes – 0 No.
3rd: Motion made by Melissa J. Russell to support the SEEC bill from 2009 and seconded by Pamela Rapacz. Motion fails to pass. 7 Yes – 4 No- 4 Abstentions.
April 21st, 2010 will be ROVAC day at the Capitol. Pam will provide breakfast. Motion made by Mike Wyman that April 21st, 2010 be ROVAC Day seconded by Nancy DePietro. Motion Passes unanimously.
NOMINATING: Robert L. Sherman: All officers and three members of the board are open this year. The committee has received about a half dozen resumes to date.
TECHNOLOGY: Urania Petit: Pass
BY-LAWS: Louis Decilio: PASS
CERTIFICATION: Judith Beaudreau: Working diligently to create a program.
OLD BUSINESS: Judith Beaudreau ConVerse II not ready yet but by April 2010 during convention 10/20 towns to be put on as a test group. They will be located closer to Hartford to facilitate the lack of support staff. We are working with Goodwin College in East Hartford to install a computer line so that Registrars will be able to get proper training on the ConVerse II program. Every one will be totally trained before the system is put out for use in your town. Data clean up: date of birth apartments numbers or letters should be in the unit field and no # signs.
VR. town may become a thing of the past if DOIT has its way. Strongly recommend that registrars not provide personal e-mail addresses opens door to FOI.
OTHER BUSINESS: Programming of election cards: LHS has quoted some people $1500.00 per election. Election cost survey will be out soon. Costs will be on the rise
Motion to adjourn made by Anne-Marie Mastroianni Seconded by Nancy A. DePietro
Meeting adjourned by President Anthony V. Esposito at 5:15 PM.
Respectfully submitted Anne-Marie Mastroianni
Unless otherwise notified the ROVAC Board meets the second Thursday of each month.