September 2012doc.: IEEE 802.11-12/1112r0
IEEE P802.11
Wireless LANs
Date: 2012-09-17
Name / Company / Address / Phone / email
Stephen McCann / Research in Motion (RIM) UK Ltd / 200 Bath Road, Slough, Berkshire, SL1 3XE, UK / +44 1753 667099 /
IEEE 802.11 Interim Meeting – Session #135
Hyatt Regency, Indian Wells, California, USA
September17th– 21st,2012
IEEE 802 Wireless Opening Plenary, Monday, 17thSeptember2012
8:03am PDT
IEEE 802.11, 802.15, 802.16, 802.18, 802.19, 802.21, and 802.22 Chairs called the joint meeting to order. IEEE 802.11 attendance is included as Annex A.
General announcements:
·No photography
·Straw Poll of new attendees: 0
8:06IEEE patent policy
802.11 WG vice chair read the IEEE-SA instructions for the WG chair and displayed the four slides explaining patent policy and informed the attendees that additional information could be found on the PatCom web site.
Vice Chair asked participants to identify patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) and/or the holder of patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) that the participant believes may be essential for the use of that standard in the appropriate WG; there were no responses
802.11 WG vice chair read IEEE anti-trust policy.
8:11Financial report by Jon Rosdahl (11-12-1000-00, 15-12-0492-00)
Net Worth
·July 1, 2012 – $433,424.66
oIEEE account: $391,948.68 + $462.69 = $392,411.37
oFace-to-Face: $194,868.70+$45,300-$30,209.32+$2,400.09-$171,346.18 = $41,013.29
·Sept 1, 2012 – $562,733.66
oIEEE account: $392,411.37 + $266.67 = $ 392,678.04
- Face-to-Face: $41,013.29+$52,500-$7,816.99 +$106,650 -$22,290 = $170,055.62
Indian Wells 2012
·Registration Income: $207,900 203,550
oHotel Credits$0 $903.00
oRegistrations325 309
oMeeting Expense Estimate: $215,565$202,733
oFinancial Fees$11,995$11,508
oMeeting Planner$39,525$39,025
oFood & Beverage$82,750$82,750
oNetwork Services$42,000$37,700
oShipping $ 7,250$ 4,750
oMisc$ 1,350$ 1,100
·Surplus/(Deficit) $(7,665) $1,721
8:14Wireless and IMAT announcements by Rick Alfvin (15-12-019-04)
8:16Review future sessions
·November 11-16, 2012, Grand Hyatt San Antonio, San Antonio, TX, USA
·January 13-18, 2013, Hyatt Regency Vancouver, BC, CA, 802 Wireless Interim Session*
·March 17-21, 2013, Caribe Royale, Orlando, FL, USA, 802 Plenary Session
·May 12-17, 2013, Hilton Waikoloa Village, Big Island, HI, USA, 802 Wireless Interim Session*
·July 14-19, 2013, Geneva, 802 Plenary Session
·September 15-20, 2013, Nanjing China, 802 Wireless Interim Session*
·November 10-15, 2013, Hyatt Regency Reunion, Dallas, TX, USA, 802 Plenary Session
·January 19-24, 2014, Hyatt Century Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 802 Wireless Interim Session*
8:19Working Group Updates
·802.11 by J Rosdahl (CSR): 295 voters, 43 potential voters
TGac - VHT L6
TGad – VHT60
TGaf- TVWS (passed WG LB, working on comments)
TGah- S1G
TGaj – CMMW (not meeting this week, but next week in Beijing)
Standing Committees
JTC1 (not meeting this week)
SMARTGRID (now replaced with 802.24 meeting on Tuesday)
REGULATORY (looking at m8801 and m1450)
802.15 by B Heile (145 voters, 18 nearly voters)
TG4j: MBAN (done with WG ballot, ready for Sponsor)
TG4k: LECIM (passed WG LB, comment resolution)
TG8: PAC (Peer Aware Communications)
TG9: KMP (Key Management Protocol)
SG4q: ULP (Ultra Low Power amendment)
IG-Layer 2 Routing
802.16 by Roger Marks (46 voters, 802.1.6-12-0574)
Maintenance: 16r3 and 16.1-2012
Grid: 16n, 16.1a (sponsor ballot comment resolution)
M-M: 16p, 16.1b
SG: 802.16q (heterogeneous)
SG: 802.16.3 (metrology)
802.18 by Jon Notor
·no documents on agenda
802.19 Steve Shellhammer (Qualcomm) (50 voters)
·confirmation vote on new TG1 chair
802.21 Subir Das (28 voters)
·TG21c – single radio handover – finalize draft document
·TG21d – multicast group management – finalize use cases and requirements document, issue a CFP
802.22 Mody (33 voters)
·802.22.2 Std for Recommended practice of deployment of 802.22 systems expected completion is Dec 2012
·TGa – Enhanced MIBS
·TGb - Enhanced Broadband Services and Monitoring Applications
·SG – advanced beaconing
8:48Joint meeting adjourned
IEEE 802.11Opening Plenary, Monday 17thSeptember2012
Presiding chair: Jon Rosdahl (CSR) opened the meeting at 09:13Pacific DaylightTime (PDT). Bruce Kraemer is not present this week, as he is in Austria at an ISO meeting.
2ndVice-chair(VC2):Adrian StephensIntel
Secretary:Stephen McCannResearch in Motion (RIM) UK Ltd
There are 295 voting members of IEEE 802.11
There were 125 people in the room.
- Approve/modify joint opening agenda(11-12-0980r1)
1.1.Chair: I’ve re-arranged some of the meeting slots from the version posted 30 days ago.
1.2.So are there any more modifications required at this moment?
1.3.No objection to the approval of the agenda
- July2012Minutes(11-12-0873r2)
2.1.Review and approve joint minutes from the San Diego, July2012 meeting.
2.2.Any objection to approving the July2012 minutes 11-12-0873r2by unanimous consent
2.3.Moved: Stephen McCann, 2nd: Stuart Kerry
2.4.Following neither discussion nor dissent these minutes were approved by unanimous consent.
- Notices
3.1.No photographs at this meeting and please turn your mobiles to vibrate.
- Meeting Graphic
4.1.This is a summary of all room allocations for the week
- Attendance
5.1.Welcome to the 1new participants in this meeting.
5.2.Chair: Please note that Stephen McCann (Secretary) will be holding a newcomer’s session at 10:30 this morning, as shown in document 11-12-0628r1.
- Treasurers report (11-12-1000r0)
6.1.Chair: There are 309 attendees to this 802 wireless meeting this week. It’s interesting that this is the same number as in Okinawa last year.
6.2.There will be an update on this later in the week.
- Call for essential Patents(11-12-1001r0)
7.1.Chair: read out the currentPatCom rules and then called for essential patents information, as shown by:
7.3.There were no issues raised regarding the call for essential patents.
7.4.Chair: read out other policies and procedures for the meeting. Also please remember the documentation guidelines and please update all changes to those document presented.
- Status of all groups (11-12-0981r0)
8.1.Chair Elect Appointments
8.1.1.There are three new groups this time, TGmc (Dorothy Stanley pro-tem), General Link - GLK study group (Donald Eastlake, pro-tem), TGaj (Xiaoming Peng, pro-tem). Officer elections will occur during the first sessions of these group, remember that TGaj will meet for the first time next week in Beijing.
8.1.2.Lee Chau Choo is a new secretary for TGah
- Announcements (11-12-0982r1r0)
9.1.Joint meetings
9.1.1.None planned
9.2.Room Assignments
9.2.1.No changes at this point. Please note that most of the IEEE 802.11 meetings are in this convention center. Some of the other IEEE 802 groups are meeting in the main hotel on the 2nd floor. Slide #7 shows the agenda for the other IEEE 802 meeting here this week.
9.3.September 2012 (TGaj) Meeting
9.3.1.Please note that registration for next week’s TGaj meeting in Beijing is still open.
9.4.Wednesday Social
9.4.1.Please note this is on Wednesday and is in this hotel.
9.5.IEEE 802 items
9.5.1.TGad is now on the RevCom agenda. ARC is still expecting comments on the architecture and overview document (IEEE 802.1D) and passed forward to IEEE 802.1.
9.5.2.There is now a mixture of both IEEE 802.11 and IEEE 802 SmartGrid activities (referred to as IEEE 802.24 SmartGrid) on Tuesday.
9.6.Wednesday plenary plans
9.6.1.Liaisons and affirmation of the new group chairs.
9.6.2.VC2: At the moment the agenda is quite light, so if you have any topics to discuss for the WG this would be a good opportunity.
9.7.1.There are currently 8 entries for IEEE 802.11 in 2012.
9.8.1.In November, there are 2 tutorials including: AVB, L2-routing, SmartGrid overview
- Sponsor Ballots (11-12-0981r0 slide #7)
- These slides show the results of the most recent ballots.
- Voting status, attendance, meeting network & documentation (11-12-0038r4)
11.1.VC2: This document provides all the information about attendance, documentation and other news about the group.
11.2.There is a wireless connection for everyone to use the hotel internet within guest rooms.
11.3.The current member situation is: 105 aspirants, xx non-voters, xxx voters
- Publicity & timelines
12.1.1.Will address an 11ad press release this week.
12.2.1.No recent changes, but please can all chairs send the secretary any required updates prior to the Thursday evening CAC meeting.
- Group Summaries(11-11-0981r0)
13.1.Chair: Please look at these slides which show how all the current projects fit within the proposed IEEE 802.11-2012 revision.
13.2.Editor’s meeting
13.2.1.Tomorrow morning at 7.00am, including the ANA status, style guides and numbering situation. This meeting is in the main hotel.
13.3.Extra notes for the following groups were made:
13.4.WNG presentations are currently scheduled for Tuesday morning and 5 for Tuesday evening. Please upload your presentations as soon as possible.
13.5.1.One meeting this week, chaired by Mark Hamilton. P1905.1 has an open ballot at the moment. IEEE 802 have been granted 50 copies of that standard if you wish to comment. If you would like a copy to generate comments with, please let the IEEE 802.11 chair know (i.e. Jon Rosdahl) this week. The time is short, as the ballot closes towards the end of September. Any comments will be submitted as “rogue” comments.
13.6.1.They will not be meeting this week, as there is an ISO meeting in Graz, Austria this week.
13.7.1.They meet for the first time tomorrow and then each day during the week. There were about 200 initial comments received in the request for comments.
13.8.1.They held an ad-hoc last week and will bring forward their recommended decisions from that meeting this week.
13.9.1.Please note that there first meeting is next week in Beijing.
- Any Other Business
14.1.Comment (C): In TGaf, we will start this week at 10:30am with a regulatory review from Europe. It’s quite important for all members to attend and understand this as it impacts the TGaf as we move forward.
14.2.Chair: Please remember to be professional and be nice to each other.
- Recess
15.1.Meeting recessed at 09:57PDT.
Wednesday, 19thSeptember2012
IEEE 802.11 Mid Week Plenary
Presiding chair: Adrian Stephens (Intel) opened the meeting at 10:30PDT.
1st Vice-chair (VC1):Jon RosdahlCSR
104people present.
- Approve/modify joint opening agenda(11-12-0980r2)
16.1.Chair: There are some changes required to the agenda, resolving typos and some room changes.
16.2.Chair: Are there any more adjustments required?
16.3.Motion: Any objection to approving this agenda?
16.4.Moved: David Hunter, 2nd: Rich Kennedy
16.5.C: IEEE 802.24 is just a TAG, not a WG.
16.6.Chair: That will be updated in a r3.
16.7.No objection, so moved and approved.
- Call for Essential Patents
17.1.The call for essential patents from Monday still applies
17.2.No statements
18.1.Reminder about 19.30PDTmeeting on Thursday in “Gardenia A”
- Other Announcements
19.1.Social: The social is in the main hotel building this evening. Drinks will be free for the first hour, so the printed tickets are not strictly required. However, please take your badge and one for guests.
- Liaisons
20.1.IEEE 802.18: Radio Regulatory TAG (11-12-1157r1)
20.1.1.Several activities this week. There will be some motions for liaison documents later in this meeting.
20.1.2.No questions
20.2.IEEE 802.19: Co-existence (11-12-01140r0)
20.3.There are some Co-existence Assurance (CA) comments regarding IEEE 802.11af that have been generated.
20.4.Chair: Has the TGaf chair added these CA comments into the current IEEE 802.11af comment resolution spreadsheet?
20.5.TGaf Chair: No, but we can do that.
20.6.IEEE 802.24: SmartGrid TAG
20.6.1.This presentation the new IEEE 802.24 technical advisory group (TAG).
20.6.2.IEEE 802.24 has had ad-hoc meetings this week and has not had its first initial meeting yet, as these will be during IEEE 802 plenaries.
20.6.3.If you are an IEEE 802.11 member you can attend IEEE 802.24 and received reciprocal attendance rights.
20.6.4.PAP2 is a group of individuals who are producing a document describing technologies suitable for SmartGrid.
20.6.5.Chair: Are there any volunteers from IEEE 802.11 to work with IEEE 802.24 to work on these requirements?
20.6.6.Q: is this similar to those documents being sent to ITU-R?
20.6.7.A: not sure, as I think these are different documents.
20.6.8.Q: When does it need to be done? Is the next 4 weeks ok?
20.6.9.A: There’s no deadline.
20.6.10.Chair: This action is to assigned to Bruce Kraemer to take forward.
20.6.11.C: There is an existing IEEE 802.11 document which is very similar to what IEEE 802.24 requires.
20.6.12.No questions
20.7.Bluetooth SIG
20.7.1.Bluetooth Liaison - Tom Siep: As this is my last IEEE 802.11 meeting, so I’m resigning from this position.
20.7.2.The Bluetooth SIG is also considering all its liaison agreement and some rationalization may occur. Jim Lansford has volunteered to be the new IEEE 802.11 liaison officer at this moment.
20.7.3.Chair: I’d like to thank Tom for all your work as Bluetooth SIG liaison
20.7.4.Chair: Since liaison roles are appointed by the IEEE 802.11 WG chair, who is not here this time, we should wait until the November 2012 plenary for confirmation. Thanks to Jim for volunteering in the meantime.
20.7.5.TGaf Chair: Since Tom is also the TGaf editor, we need a new volunteer. Hopefully this will be resolved before the Friday closing plenary.
20.8.Wi-Fi alliance (WFA)
20.8.1.No report this time.
20.9.1.Presentation covers an update of the IEEE 802 and IETF joint meeting that have occurred recently, together with IETF groups of interest to IEEE 802.11 members.
20.9.2.VC1: It’s worth noting that the Orlando IETF meeting will be the week before our meeting in the same venue.
- TGmc officier elections
21.1.The nominations are:
21.2.Chair: Dorothy Stanley
21.3.Vice chairs: Mark Hamilton and Jon Rosdahl
21.4.Technical editor: Adrian Stephens
21.5.WG Chair: I would like the group to affirm these positions.
- GLK SG officier elections
22.1.The nominations are:
22.2.Chair: Donald Eastlake
22.3.There is no secretary at the moment and we are looking for volunteers
22.4.WG Chair: I would like the group to affirm these positions.
- Room change requests
23.1.None required.
- Working Group Motions (New Business) (11-12-0991r0)
24.1.Regulatory liaison regarding M.1450 (slide #4)
24.1.1.To approve the changes to M.1450 incorporated in document 18-12/0085r3, and present them to 802.18 for approval and submittal to ITU-R WP-5A
24.1.2.[Approved by the Regulatory SC, Vote: 14 Y 0 N 0 A]
24.1.3.Moved by Richard Kennedy on behalf of the Regulatory SC, 2ndAl Petrick
24.1.4.For: 67, Against: 0, Abstain: 1 (Motion passes 100%)
24.2.Regulatory liaison regarding M.1801 (slide #5)
24.2.1.To approve the changes to M.1801 incorporated in document 18-12/0084r3, and present them to 802.18 for approval and submittal to ITU-R WP-5A
24.2.2.[Approved by the Regulatory SC, Vote: 14 Y 0 N 0 A]
24.2.3.Moved by Richard Kennedy on behalf of the Regulatory SC, 2ndStuart Kerry
24.2.4.For: 71, Against: 0, Abstain: 0 (Motion passes 100%)
- Four Hour Rule(11-12-0982r2)
25.1.Chair: This is a reminder about the 4 hour rule.
25.2.We may consider changes to the operations manual on this point.
25.3.Q: If there are online edits in a meeting, are these allowed without the 4 hour rule.
25.4.A: This rule is for members who need time to review material. Therefore if online changes are made, the members are indeed aware of changes and so the 4 hour rules does not apply.
25.5.VC1: In the operations manual it says that the chair can determine if online changes subsequently require the 4 hour rule, for example if they are quite complex.
25.6.VC1: Anything that is presented, which changes a draft, must have been on the document server 4 hours prior to presentation.
25.7.VC1: Remember that 4 hours refer to working group active hours.
25.8.Chair: The chair has to decide in corner cases and probably should err on the 4 hour rule.
25.9.C: Before you motion something that exact document must abide by the 4 hour rule. The whole point is that a member should be able to download said document 4 hours before any decisions are made.
25.10.Chair: Again the chair decides the process for each group. I only want to put guidance in the operations manual (OM).
25.11.C: In TGaf, we motion server documents with online changes shown on the screen.
25.12.C: The language in the OM talks about “complex changes”. Normally within IEEE 802.11 most chairs are usually quite cautious about this. So, I’m concerned about the wording in the OM and perhaps we should state “material changes”.
25.13.VC1: After many years many people think that the rules in the OM are fairly clear and have been there since 1994. This is about the time IEEE 802.11 moved from paper to electronic versions.
25.14.VC1: I would also like to add that there are many “pending” documents on the mentor document server which are missing. I would like to say that documents must (as opposed to should) be on the server before motions can be moved. However, sometimes mistakes happen and the document server goes down, so “must” may not be reliable.
25.15.C: I feel that the OM is ok as is.
25.16.C: I think that any vote that requires 75%, should apply to documents which have been subject to the 4 hour rule.
25.17.Chair: We’ll take these comments to the CAC to determine if any changes are required to be made to the OM.
- Any Other Business
26.1.Meeting recessed at 11:40PDT.
Friday, 21stSeptember2012
IEEE 802.11 Closing Plenary
Call to order at 08:03PDT by Jon Rosdahl(CSR).
2nd Vice-chair (VC2):Adrian StephensIntel
65 people present in the room.
- Agenda(11-12-0980r4)
27.1.Chair: There have been some changes due to the addition of motions etc based on last night’s CAC meeting.
27.2.Any objection to adopting the changes to the agenda.
27.3.None seen
- Call for Essential Patents
28.1.Call for Essential Patents and Letters of Assurance (LoA)
28.2.No questions
- Announcements(11-12-0982r3)
29.1.Chair’s minutes, reports and web pages
29.1.1.Please can you send these to the secretary
29.1.2.Please be aware of the Chair’s schedule for the chair’s committee meetings (CAC)
29.2.November2012 Meeting (San Antonio, TX, USA)
29.2.1.Chair: please note that room allocation plan is being arranged for the November2012 meeting and this will be distributed soon.
29.3.Letters of Assurance (LoA)
29.3.1.Chair: please remember about the LoA requirements. There are currently 8 entries for 2012.
29.4.Wind Farm Visit
29.4.1.Chair: there’s an opportunity to visit the local windfarm this afternoon. If you are interested pleae tlak to Tim Godfrey.
29.5.Lost items
29.5.1.Chair: there are some lost items that have been found this week. Please contact the officers for more information.
29.6.IEEE Store(slide #23)
29.6.1.TGaf Chair: Please can I request that IEEE 802.11af D2.0 be placed in the store.
29.6.2.Chair: Yes, although this is an action for Bruce Kramer
29.7.ISO SC6 (slide #24)
29.7.1.Chair: These are the current drafts with ISO SC6.
29.8.Beijing Interim Meeting (slide ..)
29.8.1.Chair: there is another IEEE 802.11 interim next week to allow IEEE 802.11aj work to occur.
- Meeting Location
30.1.Chair: Can I have a show of hand to see who enjoyed this week.