School Improvement Plan
School: Sue Reynolds Elementary School
Principal: Cheri Ogden
Date: May 2015
School Improvement Goal: 1 Guarantee High Academic Achievement for All
Performance Measure (with unit of measure) / Baseline / Target Year 1 / Target Year 2 / Target Year 3 /College and Career Readiness Index Score /
Grade 3 Reading (% of students on grade level) /85.71
Grade 4 Mathematics (% of students on grade level) /74.23
Attendance (# of students missing 10+ days) /166
Performance Measure is aligned to the RCSS Performance Objective of:Implement rigorous and relevant curriculum and instructional strategies to provide a foundation to maximize student achievement and prepare students to be college and career ready.
Performance Measure / Initiative based on root cause analysis / Actions / Team or Leader who will oversee the initiative and actions & collect data / Data that the Team or Leader will collect / Timeline
for implementing initiative and actions /
College and Career Readiness Performance Index Score / Increase percent of Grade 5 students passing courses and meet/exceed on the GMAS / Follow RCSS guidelines for procedures with Appendix B reporting / Principal / # of students in each 5th grade homeroom “in danger” of failing one or more courses / Each grading period 2015-2016 school year
Grade level RTI meetings for students in 5th grade failing one or more courses / RTI Chairperson (Principal) / RTI records, progress monitoring for students in the RTI process / August 2015 –
May 2016
Mentors/tutors for 5th graders struggling with core courses / Assistant Principal and School Counselor / RTI records, progress monitoring for students in the RTI process, weekly common assessment scores / August 2015 –
May 2016
Performance Measure / Initiative based on root cause analysis / Actions / Team or Leader who will oversee the initiative and actions & collect data / Data that the Team or Leader will collect / Timeline
for implementing initiative and actions /
Grade 3 Reading
(% of students on grade level) / Raise stakeholder awareness of Lexile Levels
Increase percent of 3rd Grade students achieving a Lexile measure 650+ and 5th grade students achieving a Lexile measure of 850+ / Monitor effective use of intervention programs (Reach, Destination Reading, iReady, My Sidewalks) / Admin and Instructional Coach / Observations, PM reports / August 2015 –
May 2016
Share current Lexile reading levels with students and parents
Monitor progress in increasing Lexile levels / Media Specialist, ILT Members / Data Sheets from teachers showing BOY Lexile Levels, Letters to parents concerning Lexile levels, Quarterly data charts showing progress / August 2015 –
May 2016
Increase use of the RTI process to identify struggling students who need to be served in reading intervention and provide targeted intervention / RTI Chairperson (Principal) / Benchmark screener data from DIBELS, easyCBM, and iReady / August 2015 –
May 2016
Performance Measure / Initiative based on root cause analysis / Actions / Team or Leader who will oversee the initiative and actions & collect data / Data that the Team or Leader will collect / Timeline
for implementing initiative and actions /
Grade 4 Mathematics
(% of students on grade level) / Increase use of appropriate intervention strategies and use of data to determine instructional needs / Increase use of the RTI process to identify struggling students who need to be served in math intervention and provide targeted intervention / RTI Chairperson (Principal) / Benchmark screener data from mClass Math, easyCBM, and iReady / May 2015-
August 2016
Monitor effective use of intervention programs (Number Worlds, vMath, iReady, First in Math) / Admin and Instructional Coach / Benchmark screener and progress monitoring data / May 2015-
August 2016
Share current Quantile levels with students and parents
Monitor progress in increasing Quantile levels / Guidance Counselor, Media Specialist, ILT Members / Data Sheets from teachers showing BOY Quantile Levels, Letters to parents concerning Quantile levels, Quarterly data charts showing progress / August 2015 –
May 2016
Performance Measure / Initiative based on root cause analysis / Actions / Team or Leader who will oversee the initiative and actions & collect data / Data that the Team or Leader will collect / Timeline
for implementing initiative and actions /
Attendance (# of students missing 10+ days) / Communicate to stakeholders and follow with fidelity the RCSS attendance protocol and tardy policy / Phone calls, conferences, and consequences for unexcused tardies per RCSS Policy / Principal, Data Specialist / Data in Infinite Campus for unexcused tardies / August 2015-
May 2016
Phone calls, conferences, and consequences per RCSS Policy for unexcused absences / Assistant Principal, Counselor, and Data Specialist / Attendance data (absences) in Infinite Campus for unexcused absences / August 2015-
May 2016
School wide celebrations of sustained good attendance and improved attendance / Assistant Principal and PBS Committee / Attendance data in Infinite Campus for absences / August 2015-
May 2016
School Improvement Goal: 2 Ensure Communication and Collaboration within the Community
Performance Measure (with unit of measure) / Baseline / Target Year 1 / Target Year 2 / Target Year 3 /Increase communication between school and home /
Less than 1 letter and 1 call per month
/1 letter/ month,
1 call/ month
/1 letter/ month,
2 calls/ month
/Weekly updates on website, weekly calls
/Performance Measure / Initiative based on root cause analysis / Actions / Team or Leader who will oversee the initiative and actions & collect data / Data that the Team or Leader will collect / Timeline
for implementing initiative and actions
Increase communication between school and home / Increase use of our available methods to communicate with school families / Monthly newsletters to families / Media Specialist / Newsletters / August 2015-
May 2016
Bi-monthly Shout Point calls to families / Assistant Principal, Counselor, / Reports from calls, copy of call information / August 2015-
May 2016
Weekly website updates / Media Specialist / Website checks, notes for info to be added to website / August 2015-
May 2016
School Improvement Goal: 3 Safe and Orderly Environment
Performance Measure (with unit of measure) / Baseline / Target Year 1 / Target Year 2 / Target Year 3 /Improve/increase effective use of PBS Strategies to decrease discipline referrals to office /
1000 referrals
/750 referrals
/600 referrals
/500 referrals
Clearly define needs and responsibilities for lunchroom and custodial staff to improve monthly inspection scores /Annual inspection score average 2.7
/ Annual inspection score average 3.0 / Annual inspection score average 3.1 / Annual inspection score average 3.2Performance Measure / Initiative based on root cause analysis / Actions / Team or Leader who will oversee the initiative and actions & collect data / Data that the Team or Leader will collect / Timeline
for implementing initiative and actions
Improve/increase effective use of PBS Strategies to decrease discipline referrals to office / PBS Committee meets at least monthly to establish expectations and implementation process of effective strategies / Explain PBS initiatives to staff / PBS Committee / Discipline reports, use of Cub Cash, weekly classroom menu and grade level activity calendar / August 2015-
May 2016
Present and explain expectations to students and parents / PBS Committee and Student Council / Discipline reports, use of Cub Cash, weekly classroom menu and grade level activity calendar / August 2015-
May 2016
Establish school wide programs / PBS Committee / Discipline reports, use of Cub Cash, weekly classroom menu and grade level activity calendar, school wide programs / August 2015-
May 2016
Performance Measure / Initiative based on root cause analysis / Actions / Team or Leader who will oversee the initiative and actions & collect data / Data that the Team or Leader will collect / Timeline
for implementing initiative and actions
Clearly define needs and responsibilities for lunchroom and custodial staff to improve monthly inspection scores / Define expectations for staff / Written expectations (according the RCSS job descriptions) and map of assigned areas presented to staff during preplanning / Administration / Walkthrough inspections and feedback forms / August 2015
Monitor completion of assigned tasks as expected / Provide feedback forms for staff, students, and parents concerning assigned tasks / Administration / Walkthrough inspections and feedback forms / August 2015-
May 2016
Monthly feedback for custodial and lunchroom staff / Monthly meeting with custodial and cafeteria staff to share feedback and highlight areas in need of improvement / Assistant Principal / Meeting minutes / Monthly August 2015- May 2016
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