Format and Rules – 2017-18


1. COACH: Each team is expected to have a coach and each coach should only coach one team. Coaches must attend the “EYCA Coaches Clinic” (Oct. 2nd, 7pm, Saville). Coaches should make every reasonable effort to attend all of his/her team’sleague games. If a coach is not able to attend a league game, it is required that the coach designate an alternate coach to assume coaching duties for that league game.

2. DIVISIONS: The EYCA League will be split into two main divisions. Division “A”(stronger / more competitive leaning) and Division “B” (still growing / more recreational leaning). Depending upon the number of team registrations, these main divisions may themselves be split into pools. Decisions on team placement within a division (and pool) will be made by the EYCA Administrator in consultation with team coaches and junior coordinators.

3. FORMAT: League play will consist of a modified round robin with 2 rounds of 5 games each. At the end of the first round, the top team(s) from Division B will move to Division A while the bottom team(s) from Division A will move to Division B. Decisions on team movement will be made by the EYCA Administrator in consultation with team coaches. Teams that move up or down will be given a record of 2-2-1 within their new pool, and any “new”teams that enter play for the second half of the season will likewise be given a record of 2-2-1.

3. POINTS FOR LEAGUE STANDINGS:Points toward the League Standings shall be as follows:WIN (in regulation play) = 3 POINTS. WIN (in “tie-breaker”)= 2 POINTS. LOSS (in “tie-breaker”) = 1 POINT. LOSS (in regulation play) = 0 POINTS.

4. RECORDING POINTS: It is the responsibility of the winning team’s coach to notify either the EYCA Administrator or that week’s designated “Results Recorder”of a league game’s result at the conclusion of the game. The EYCA Administrator can always be notified via e-mail at .

5. WIND-UP PARTY: The season will conclude with a wind-up party luncheon for all participants. Date TBA.



Unless otherwise noted, Curling Canada Rules (herein referred to as ‘CC Rules’) will apply to all games played in the League.


Teams are allowed to have up to 6 official roster players on their team. Teams can be composed of any combination of males and / or females between the ages of 11-18. Participants must belong to an approved junior program and have at least 2 years of experience. Reasonable exceptions on age and experience may apply.


Games are to start promptly at the scheduled start time and should begin with a coin-toss to determine first hammer. If a team is 10 min late then they forfeit 1 point and hammer. If a team continues to be late then they forfeit 1 point for each subsequent 5 min up to 20 min after the proposed start time, at which time the game is forfeited.


(i) Maximum length: All games are a maximum of six ends and must be completed within two (2) hours.

(ii)Buzzer rule: A “buzzer” will sound 100 minutes after the scheduled start-time. Upon hearing the buzzer, teams should complete the end that they are playing and they are eligible to play one more end.

(iii) Tie-breaker: If the game is tied after regulation play then a “draw-to-the-button” tie-breaker should follow. Each team will designate a player to throw one swept stone and the team with the stone that rests closest to the button will receive a “tie-breaker win”(2 points) meanwhile the other team will receive a “tie-breaker loss”(1 point). Stones must be in the house to count as closest. If neither team hits the house then the stones should be thrown again. If both teams “cover the pin” then both teams must throw again. The team “with hammer” going into the tie-breaker may choose which team throws first in the tie-breaker. Opposing team stones cannot be swept: if an opposing team sweeps an opponent’s stone then the violating team automatically loses the tie-breaker.


5. COACHING IN THE ARENA AREA: Following a new initiative from Curling Canada, coaches are permitted to be in the ice arena area throughout the game. If a coach chooses to be in the ice arena area, they must wear appropriate footwear and remain off the ice-surface itself. A coach may only communicate with his/her team when his/her team does not have control of play. Coaches should ensure that they are never a distraction to any of the participants and that they do not interfere with the pace of play of any of the games being played. Further information on this new initiative will be provided at the “EYCA Coaches Clinic.”

6. TIME-OUTS: Two 60 second time-outs are available to each team during the game. Time-outs may be called by the players on the ice or by the coach by signaling a “T” sign. A time-out begins when both coaches acknowledge that a time-out has been called (as per page 37 (10a) of ‘CC Rules’ these 60 seconds include the travel time of the coach to access the playing area). A time-out provides players and coaches the opportunity to communicate with each other when it is “their” turn. A medical or technical time-out is not considered one of the two time-outs and both coaches may enter the playing area to assess the situation during such periods.

7. OFF-ICE COACHING NOT PERMITTED: No coaching from behind the glass is permitted by anyone.

8. OFFICIANTS / SUPERVISION: There are no Officials on site so coaches are asked to use their best judgement to help keep the best interests of all participants and spectators in mind. Coaches are expected to think of themselves asmodel representatives of sportsmanship and respect for curling. Any form of bullying or poor sportsmanship is unacceptable and should be addressed appropriately by the coaches. Any difficulties or problems that cannot be resolved by the coaches themselves should be brought to the attention of the EYCA Administrator.


Any player who is on the official roster for a given team is not considered a substitute for that team. Substitutes can be found on the “Spares List” that is available on the EYCA website. Any team using a substitute illegally will automatically forfeit the game in dispute. Rules for substitutions are as follows:

Teams may use up to two (2) substitution players, provided the following conditions are met:

(i) At least two members from the team’s official roster must be curling in the game.

(ii) Substitutes must play either the Lead and / or Second position

Final team rosters for a given round of play are due before the third week of play within that round. Players on the final team roster are not considered substitutes.

9. DEFAULTS / MAKE-UP GAMES:Any team unable to attend a scheduled game is expected to inform the opposing team’s coach and the EYCA Administratorwith reasonable notice. In the event that a league game must be missed due to participation in a bonspiel, the team that is unable to play their league game may request a make-up game with the EYCA Administrator. Dependent on ice availability, the Administrator will make every reasonable effort to re-schedule the league game. Should a make-up game not be available, the team who originally requested the make-up game will forfeit the missed league game. Please note: the sooner the EYCA Administrator knows of any potential date conflicts (e.g., before thescheduleis set) the easier it will be toaccommodatescheduling needs and interests.


“Tie-breaker” rules for end-of-game play can be found above at Rule #4(iii).

In the event of a tie between teams in the standings, the following criteria shall be used to determine standings order:

(i) Head-to-head results between all tied teams (in terms of total points)

(ii) If head-to head does not resolve the tie, then atie-breaker “draw-to-the button” between all tied teams.