Part I: Defining Success, Defining My Future (adapted from The Answer)

Which of the multiple intelligences most closely fit you? (Choose as many as fit.)

What are my achievements in life? (There’s nothing too small!)

What are my strengths and abilities?

When have I felt the happiest, the most alive?

What is a powerfully positive emotional event (past or future)?

What does success look like to me?

To me, success means:

What is it I love to do that lies at the heart of my dream life?

My dream career is a vehicle that allows me to:

What feelings do I want to experience as a result of my dream life?

Because of my dream life, I get to feel:

Part II: Six Steps to Turn Desires into Reality (from Think and Grow Rich)

1. Fix in my mind exactly what I want

2. Determine exactly what I’ll give in return for the desired outcome

3. Establish a definite date

4. Create a definite plan and begin at once to put the plan into action

5. Write out steps 1-4

6. Read the statement aloud – using all five senses of imagination – once upon rising and once before bed

The successful application of these steps calls for sufficient imagination, a definiteness of purpose, the knowledge of what I want, and the burning desire to possess it.