2014 Pathways for Victim Services Conference Work Statement
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2014 Pathways for Victim Services Conference
Work Statement
The Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD) Office of Victims’ Services (OVS) wishes to conduct the 13thPathways for Victim Services Conference in 2014. The conference will enable victim advocates who receive PCCD funding to satisfy a portion of the 10 hours of training mandated by PCCD’s Victim Service Program Standards.
The outcomes of the conference will meet the following goals:
a) Allow for an opportunity to network withvictim serviceand allied professionals(E.g. probation officers, prevention education specialists, social workers, drug and alcohol counselors, and law enforcement).
b) Enhance the knowledge base of all in attendance by introducing new techniques and
emerging issues used in the victim services field.
c) Promote self-care by providing attendees a relaxing atmosphere to network with others and allow attendees to focus on personal and professional enrichment.
d) Strengthen leadership, grant management,organizational capacity and recruitment skills and/or retention of staff and volunteers.
e) Provide participants the opportunity to receiveContinuing Education Units as applicable to their professions.
Conference Attendee Demographics:
The average Victim Service Advocate Salary in 2010 was reported to be between $21,000-$32,000. Across the state, non-profit victim service providers receive lower salaries than do their system based counterparts. The following attendee demographics are based on the 2012 Pathways for Victims Services Conference.
Attendees professional roles include:
- Victim Advocates60%
- Counselors7%
- Probation Staff4%
- Program Administrators 3%
- Prevention/Education/Community Outreach Staff2%
*4% of attendees did not report and 20% could not identify with these categories
Type of Agencies/Programs:
- Community Based/Non-profits41%
- Justice System Based 27%
- Other 30%
*2% of attendees did not report or could not identify with these categories
Years of Experience Working with Crime Victims
- Less than 1 year4%
- 1-5 years35%
- 5-10 years22%
- 11-20 years31%
- Over 20 years8%
Primary Type of Victim Population Attendees Serve
- Domestic Violence15%
- Sexual Assault12%
- Dual (Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault)9%
- Driving Under the Influence(DUI)6%
- All Crimes53%
*5% of attendees did not report or could not identify with these categories
1)Work Plan Specifications
The Pathways for Victim Services Conference is open to all states; however the vast majority of the attendees are from Pennsylvania. The main focus of the conference is victim services. The conference is attended by a variety of individuals who work with victims including, but not limited to: victim advocates, probation officers, prevention education specialists, social workers, drug and alcohol counselors, law enforcement officers and survivors/crime victims.
The conference is expected to attract 300 attendees. The plenary sessions along with breakfast and lunch should be held in a room large enough to hold the 300 people. The event features national speakers and a variety of workshops designed to meet the skill levels of those attending the conference.
For this conference, there will be a speaker at lunch on Day 1, a speaker at lunch on Day 2 and a speaker in the morning on Day 3. There should be 6 rooms available on Day 1, 2 and Day 3for different breakout sessions holding on average 50-65 people.
The 2014 conference will be held in the Western Pennsylvania area.
PCCD Participation
The Criminal Justice System Planner, Daisy Pagan, from OVS will be the primary contact to answer questions and assist with the planning of the conference. Ms. Pagan can be reached at (717) 265-8516 or dpagan@gov..
2)Academic Review- Continuing Education Units
a)The contractor must be able to offer Continuing Education Units (CEU) and Pennsylvania State Board of Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists and Professional Counselors CEUs and/or social work contact hours to conference participants.
b)Following the conference, the contractor shall provide for review of conference content by the appropriate supporting college/university. Approval of educational content shall be sufficient to support granting CEUs as well as profession-specific education hours to conference participants. The contractor shall create and maintain a permanent record of the non-credit status of all conference participants in order to respond to requests for CEUs and education hours. Academic review shall be conducted promptly after the conference.
3)Conference Dates and Agenda
a)The conference will be held in the month of May 2014(dates to consider May 7, 8 & 9 or May 14, 15 & 16)from Wednesday through Friday withthe following agenda:
Day 1 (Wednesday)
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.Registration
11:45a.m. -12:00p.m.Welcome/Opening Exercise
12:00 p.m. -1:45 p.m.Lunch and Speaker
2:00p.m.-5:15p.m.Workshops/ Breakout Sessions (6)
Day 2 (Thursday)
7:30 a.m.-8:45 a.m.Breakfast
9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.Workshops/ Breakout Sessions (6)
12:15 p.m. – 2:15 p.m.LunchSpeaker
2:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.Workshops/ Breakout Sessions (6)
Day 3 (Friday)
8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.Breakfast
9:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m.Keynote Speaker/Closing
10:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m.Workshops/ Breakout Sessions (6)
4)Conference Site and On-Site Services Specifications
Below is a list of specific items that the hotel, hereinafter referred to as “site” must be able to accommodate. It will be the responsibility of the contractor to ensure that the site meets the following expectations:
a)The site must be on the Commonwealth’s Preferred Hotel List. A complete listing of preferred hotels can be accessed by visiting the following web link:
b)In the best interest of the Commonwealth, the contractor will negotiate with the site to obtain the best price available, as well as any possible fee waivers for services requested. The contractor is responsible to negotiate a contract with the site and sign all contracts and documents.
c)The site must have the following features:
(1)Comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
(2)Have a variety of meal selections for breakfast, lunch and dinner on and off site. For example, both hotel and local restaurant options with a range of prices and affordability in both walking and short driving distances.
(3)Have proper and sufficient AV equipment for the keynote speakers and breakout workshop sessions.
(4)Have sufficient free or reduced cost parking.
(5)Be easily accessible by public transportation, to include but not limited to bus, taxi cab, train and/or air travel services. The site shall either be close to or provide transportation for both the travel to the conference and/or attendee travel during the conference’s off-hours for dinner and evening entertainment.
(6)Be easily accessible by major roadways.
d)The conference site must have one meeting room large enough to hold up to 300 people for the plenary sessions, breakfast and lunch.
e)The site must have at least 6 different breakout rooms with seating for 50-65 people on Days 1, 2 and 3.
f)The site must have a room or hallway large enough to hold up to 15exhibitors using one six-foot table each. Exhibitor tables will remain set up for the entire conference. PCCD-OVS will have final approval of all exhibitors.
g)The site must have a room that will be used for a book sale. The contractor will be responsible for setting up and/or coordinating with a book vendor to administer the conference book sale. The contractor or book vendor will be responsible for ordering the books and will receive the profits. The contractor or book vendor will also provide a staff person to process all sales at no charge to the conference. The book sale will be held on Day 2 from 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. The book sale must be set-up and open for business by 8:00a.m. Victim service related books will be sold. The contractor is responsible for ensuring that those keynote speakers and/or workshop presenters with published books are available for sale. Book signings may be requested by a conference speaker/presenter; and therefore, the contractor shall be prepared to coordinate book signings at the request of a speaker.
h)The site must have a private, comfortably furnished, room available throughout the length of the conference for our crisis response team to use. The room should be easily accessible throughout the entire length of the conference.
i)The site must provide PCCD-OVS staff a room that can be locked for storing conference supplies. The room should be easily accessible throughout the entire length of the conference.
j)The site, in conjunction with the contractor and PCCD-OVS, must provide audio/video equipment and supplies for each plenary session and breakout rooms (if requested) as follows:
i)Ice water and glasses for attendees and presenters;
ii)Paper and pen for attendees;
iii)Screen (only if requested by the presenter);
iv)Podium with microphone (only if requested by the presenter);
v)Flip chart with easel (only if requested by the presenter);
vi)Flip chart markers (only if requested by the presenter);
vii)Three Microphones (Plenary sessions only-if needed);
viii)A stage must be available for the Keynote Speakers; and
ix)Two drop down screens- depending on the size and layout of the room (Plenary sessions only-if needed).
k)The contractor must reserve, at the conference site, a block of rooms (60 rooms on Tuesday night, 160 rooms on Wednesday night, and 150 rooms on Thursday night for conference attendees. The contractor must assure that the site will guarantee government rate charged for rooms occupied by all PCCD-OVS staff attending and conference attendees.
l)The contractor is asked to negotiate complementary hotel roomsor a discounted hotel room rate for at least 6 PCCD-OVSstaff and/or the conference planning staff for the duration of the conference.
m)Everyone will be responsible for contacting the site, making their own reservations and for payment, except forthe invited survivors/crime victimsand paid keynote speakers. The contractor makes all arrangements for the paid speakers and OVS staff.
n)Non-paid workshop presenters will receive one free overnight stay and a free registration for up to two presenters per workshop. The contractor ensures presenters have rooms and that all rooms are charged to the conference budget.
o)The site must provide a breakfast on Day 2between 7:30 a.m. - 8:45 a.m.and Day 3 between 8:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m. for an estimated 300 people.The type of breakfast, whether it is a full hot-breakfast or traditional continental breakfast will be determined once a budget andcost of options has been provided by the site.
i)The style or menu of breakfast is subject to change.
ii)The breakfast menu must be pre-approved by PCCD-OVS staff.
iii)The breakfast may include both hot and cold breakfast items.
p)The site must provide lunch for two days.
i)Day 1 will be a buffet style lunch with beverages (iced and hot tea, regular and decaf coffee and water) serving approximately 300 people. The buffet will open at 12:00p.m.
ii)Day 2 will be a buffet style lunch with beverages (iced and hot tea, regular and decaf coffee and water) serving approximately 300 people. The buffet will be open at 12:15p.m.
iii)All lunch menus must be pre-approved by PCCD-OVS staff.
iv)The style of lunch is subject to change.
p)Presentation of the Governor’s Pathfinders Awards.
q)The site must hang the conference banner for the entire duration of the conference in a highly visible location where it can be viewed by all conference participants, preferably within the larger banquet/meeting room.
r)The site must have a mechanism for immediately reaching site support staff for the entire duration of the conference (examples: cell phones or two-way radios).
s)The site must provide an area for registration tables or counter where the registration staff may conduct all registration related duties for all three days of the conference.
t)A “coffee break” area, coffee shop, snack bar or vending machine area must be available to accommodate the demand for beverages and snacks for an estimated 300 people throughout the conference. In addition, a “coffee break” food service should be available for an estimated 300 people on Day 1 andDay 2 . The times and items will be determined once a budget and cost of options has been provided by the site.
u)Daily scheduled times are subject to change.
v)The cost of the conference will be billed to the Commonwealth at the contractor’s actual cost, plus any administrative and marketing design fees.
2)Administration of the Conference: Promotional, Registration and Development Specifications
a)PCCD will provide a list of approximately 1,300 addresses in electronic format.
b)The contractor will secure a location for the conference, negotiate price and ensure all tasks are performed.
c)The contractor will prepare and mail a call for proposals (workshop proposals) post card seven months prior to the conference.
d)The contractor will create or obtain an electronic database so all workshop proposals can be submitted electronically. There should be an option to submit the workshop proposal via paper.
e)The contractor will design and maintain the conference website to include the following:
i)Keynote presenters’ biographies;
ii)Overview of each presenter’s topic;
iii)List of Exhibitors and contact information;
iv)Call for Workshop Proposals;
v)List of the workshops with a short description of each (This should be available in .pdf, .doc or html format);
vi)Continuing Education Credits;
vii) Fee and Registration;
viii)Hotel contact information; and
ix) Pathfinder Award Nomination Information
f)PCCD-OVS staff will review the website and have final approval of the content and layout of the website.
g)The contractor must be able to maintain an electronic “Call for Workshop Proposals” system linked to the conference website allowing workshops proposals to be submitted, reviewed, and scored by the assigned committee of reviewers.
h)The contractor must be able to maintain an electronic system linked to the conference website allowing for electronic submission, review and scoring of the Pathfinder Award nominations.
i)The contractor must be able to maintain an electronic registration database. The system must provide confirmation emails along with driving directions to all registrants. Registration forms must also be available in .pdf and .doc format so registrants can print off the form and mail it in. Registration information must include:
i)Workshop selections (There must be a system in place to ensure attendees are not registering for multiple workshops at one time.)
ii)The ability to check a box that closely resembles their job duties i.e., victim services, law enforcement, probation, etc.
iii)Whether or notthe registrant will be eating breakfast and/or lunch each day.
iv)The number of years the registrant has been involved in victim services.
v)Whether or not this is the first time the registrant attends Pathways.
vi)Whether or not the registrant will be registering for CEUs or other professional credits.
vii)Whether or not the registrant will require any special accommodations or have any special needs (In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.)
viii)Whether or not the registrant has a special dietary request.
j)The contractor must provide a report summarizing some of the information provided on the registration form. The following information must be provided within two weeks following the conference:
i)Names of attendees along with their years of service in victim services;
ii)Percentage of attendees that have attended a Pathways conference before; and
iii)Summary of the different type of systems present i.e. victim services, law enforcement, etc.
k)The contractor must provide a weekly report to the Criminal Justice System Planner every Friday after the conference registration has opened. The report must contain:
i)Names of attendees along with their years of service in victim services, agency, job title, address, email, price and date enrolled;
ii)Total enrollment;
iii)Percentage of attendees that have attended a Pathways conference before;
iv)How the attendee heard of the conference;
v)Summary of the different types of occupations; and
vi)Total number of people signed up for the workshops, listed by workshop.
l)The contractor will collect a $50 registration fee from PA residents. The fee for any out of state registrants will be determined at a later date and will be in line with the related budget. The registration fee will either be collected in advance or an additional walk-in registration fee during the conference will be applied. The contractor will provide an accounting of registration fees collected from the attendance roster. The total invoice for operating expenseswill be offset by the total amount of registration fees collected.
m)Once registration has closed, the contractor must provide a report detailing the attendee list for each workshop.
n)PCCD-OVS staff, non-paid workshop presentersand invited survivor (victim) attendees are exempt from the registration fee.
o)The contractormust provide an appropriate amount of staff to handle the registration desk during the conference. The contractor must establish a check-in method,of its choice, to signify that the attendee has checked-in at the registration desk. The roster form will contain the attendee’s name, address, agency name, email, phone and fax number. The contractor will be responsible for distributing all registration packets to attendees as they register at the conference location.
p)During the conference,the contractor will be responsible foroverseeing the management of theconference, logistics and handling the questions and requests of attendees and assisting presenters.
q)The contractor must be available to be contacted throughout the entire conference and shall provide appropriate contact information necessary to reach a support staff person.
r)The contractor will provide name badges and lanyards for all attendees, presenters, exhibitors and PCCD-OVS staff. The name badges shall include the list of the workshops each individual has registered for. The contractor will provide ribbons for PCCD-OVS staff, presenters and the support team. The ribbons will attach to the name badge. PCCD-OVS staff will offer assistance in terms of who should receive the support team, presenterand PCCDribbons.