World Weather Research Programme (WWRP) Nowcast Working Group(NWG) Testbed Resolution
1.0 Background
Testbeds have significant potential to provide an avenue for technology transfer, prototyping, long term demonstration and the integration of research and development into forecasting applications and processes in a quasi-operational framework meeting end-user requirements. This issue has been considered and recommended within the US Weather Research Program (USWRP). US Testbeds have been established at National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) (e.g. the Joint Hurricane Testbed, focused on developing hurricane forecasting aids, and the National Center for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Hydromet Testbed, aimed at improving precipitation forecasting ), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), (Short-term Prediction Research and Transition, short range forecasting and assimilation of new satellite observations at the regional scale) and the Pacific North West (environmental prediction). International Testbed capabilities are now developing e.g., the Helsinki Mesoscale Testbed (Dabberdt et al, 2006 mesoscale prediction). WWRP has been involved in promoting such activities through related Forecast Demonstration Project (FDP) activities e.g. Sydney 2000 FDP, Beijing 2008 FDP, The Meso-Scale Alpine Programme etc. Given the existence of such Testbeds the WMO should consider how it can assist in the overall promotion of these activities.
The WWRP NWG has been approached with a proposal for World Meteorological Organization (WMO)/WWRP NWG accreditation of the Helsinki Mesoscale Testbed (See Attachment I).
The intent of this paper, developed by the NWG is to clarify the potential role of international testbeds (within the framework of the WWRP and specifically as part of Nowcasting Working Group); provide draft attributes and requirements for such international testbeds; define acceptance processes necessary for establishment of a WWRP testbed and recommend that the Helsinki Mesoscale Testbed be accepted as a WWRP endorsed testbed. .
2.0 Mission of a Testbed
The testbed maybe viewed as a process to develop and accelerate the introduction of new concepts, systems and science meeting current and future operational weather forecasting needs. A testbed would facilitate experimentation and demonstration of the effectiveness of these concepts through verification and impact assessment and undertake, as required, refinement and redesign of such concepts. Within the WWRP framework, testbeds would provide a mechanism for longer term support and a focus for international collaboration on high impact weather. The Testbed could involve both WWRP Research and Development Project (RDP) and FDP activities.
3.0 Testbed Definition and Attributes.
Following the definition proposed by the USWRP[1] a testbed is defined as “a working relationship in a quasi-operational framework that may include measurement specialists, forecasters, researchers, the private sector, government agencies and end-users aimed at solving operational and other weather forecast problems encountered by national and regional meteorological agencies”.
Testbeds are employed to accelerate the translation of research and development into forecast operations thus providing the basis for improved services and user decision making. A Testbed implies the conduct of research, operational testing, evaluation of the utility of new processes and systems by practitioners and ultimately end-users. A feedback and refinement process is required to enhance the overall forecast systems and processes through modification and adaptation through on-going research and quasi operational testing.
An international testbed requires the establishment of physical assets as well as substantial international and national commitments and partnerships.
4.0 Acceptance Processes for an International WWRP Testbed
The testbed must address high impact forecasts with international applicability and its suitability as a WWRP activity will be assessed against the following criteria:
- Overall significance of the testbed considering the contribution from observations, systems and its capacity to improve understanding and/or forecasting of a high impact weather system;
- The potential for transfer and use of testbed systems and outcomes for operational use by member nations and the prospects for advances on current local or global operational practice
- The technical and scientific feasibility of the overall testbed and the provision metrics enabling the level of success to be assessed,
- The degree to which forecasts and products will be provided in real-time and communicated for user utilization, benchmarking, and subsequent impact evaluation
- The underlying resource support providing the capacity of the project to produce significant outcomes
- The degree of national and international support for the Testbed.
- The degree to which the project meets regional and subject area balance across the full suite of projects supported by the WWRP.
Initial assessment will be undertaken by the WWRP NWG with a recommendation provided to the WWRP SSC.
5.0 WWRP NWG Assessment of the Proposed Helsinki TestBed
The NWG has received a request that the WMO WWRP/NWG provide accreditation of the Helsinki Mesoscale Observational Testbed (see attachment I). The NWG based on the criteria presented and information provided considers the Helsinki testbed meets the overall requirements for an international testbed given:
a) The testbed provides a unique mix of infrastructure and research group activity focused on high impact winter and summer meteorological phenomena in a high latitude urban and coastal environments. Improved understanding and forecasting is very likely in the areas of nowcasting, mesoscale analysis, remote sensing and identification of various precipitation regimes, air quality, stable boundary layers, convection and road weather.
b) The systems (especially the observing systems) in place provide a significant increase over current capacity of most member nations and there is a significant potential to utilize these systems for improved operational practices. There is also a willingness to provide these significant datasets for operational and research purposes to member nations. Involvement of a significant global commercial meteorological equipment supplier (Vaisala) provides significant potential for outcomes to be applied globally.
c) The proposed Testbed has world class expertise in place to provide the required technical support and expertise within a well framed management and partnership structure.
d) Products will be freely distributed through the partnerships involved for public and research use. FMI involvement will enable impact evaluation on primary service delivery. End user involvement in the project is a key element e.g. Finnish Road Administration, Finnish RoadEnterprise, Helsinki Metropolitan Area Council (air quality authority). Verification activities will be coordinated with the WWRP/WGNE verification working group.
e)The testbed has significant resource support through the combined efforts of the Finnish national meteorological agency (FMI) the commercial sector (Vaisala and Nokia) and academia.
f) The proposed testbed has significant national and international participation. Nine national partners and seven international partners have an involvement. Another three international partnerships are developing.
g) The program has significant regional importance as evident from the partnerships. It fills a niche in advancing mesoscale forecasting problems in high latitude coastal summer and winter weather.
6.0 Requested Actions
a)Adopt the proposed WWRP NWG definition of a Testbed and the acceptance criteria
b)Endorse the WWRP/NWG recommendation that Helsinki Mesoscale Testbed be endorsed as a WMO WWRP activity.
Attachment I “Proposal to the WMO WWRP Nowcasting Working Group for Accreditation of the Helsinki Mesoscale Testbed”
8th WWRP SSCTestbedsPage 1 of 4
[1] Adopted from Dabberdt et al., 2006: Mutifunctional Mesoscale Observing Networks, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 86, 961-982.