CD 11 Resources
Spring 2015
The Imagination Tree
parents provide resources for children’s activities
Boys and Girls Club – San Fernando 818-896-5261
Activities for children, bilingual, $24 per year
LA’s Best 213-745-1900
After school program, free
Friends of the Family 818-988-4430
Counseling, parent education, after school programs, young moms and dads support groups, family violence etc.
WIC Women Infants and Children 1-800-852-5770
Food for children from birth to five, services for moms, nutrition, breastfeeding classes food coupons during pregnancy as well
LA Father Program 818-365-7517 X 50808
Free for ages 15-25 for expecting fathers, classes, job training, support services, tokens, diapers, free child care, at San Fernando High School
Family Resource Center CSUN, Santa Clarita, Antelope Valley
Services for children with special needs, IEP support, home services
Griffith Park
Park, hiking, museums, gardens,
Newhall Community Center 661-286-4006
For children 5-19 years old, low income community, programs for support, activities, homework, food, open daily, volunteer work for teens, summer programs, mentors, bilingual
Wildlife Learning Center Sylmar 818-362-8711
A sanctuary for animals, education, tours, can bring animals to your school, home etc. natural environment, summer and winter camps, admission $6.00
Parent Support circles ElNido Services 818-390-1710
For expecting mothers, education and support
Child Care Resource Center – Chatsworth 818-717-1000
Services for children, parents, teachers
Tutoring for all ages, matches students with mentors online, for face to face tutoring
activities for children, resources, educational experiences
Department of Rehabilitation 818-551-2141
Provides resources, jobs, financial resources, transportation, services to help you become independent
Hope Mills Inc 818-201-9464
Provides backpacks filled with food, clothes, necessities for basic needs for homeless, shelters, schools, etc.
Kids Space Children’s Museum Pasadena 626-449-9144
Activities for children, water experiences, enrichment, hands-on experiences, nature, exercise, and learning center first Tuesday night of month is free
MEND Meet Each Need with Dignity 818-686-7365
Full services for families in need, food, resources, clothes, workshops, educational support, dental and medical clinics, computers, youth services, job skills, homeless services, etc.
Youth Policy Institute 818-573-9030
Services for teens, GED, counseling, job placement, workshops, computer labs
Also services for young children.
Tarzana Treatment Center
Outpatient and youth services, rehabilitation, mental health services, women, domestic violence, HIV and AIDS services, six locations
Zimmer Children’s Museum 323-761-8984 Los Angeles
Hands-on activities for diversity and multi-cultural experiences, family programs,
HELP Group 818-267-2719
Programs for children with special needs, after school programs, also school programs, services for teachers and parents, job placement
Local 99 – Union for teachers
Free CPR and first aid classes, free checking accoungs, discounts
Public Library systems
Preschool activities, story times, music times, literacy programs, clubs, specialists,
Valley Family Center 818-365-8588
Full services mental health for children, teens and adults, domestic violence counseling, anger management, tutoring, children’s group therapies