IP1 Exchange spoken and written information in the target language, utilizing cultural references where appropriate.d,f
INT1 Understand spoken and written language on new and familiar topics presented through a variety of media in the target language, including authentic materials. b, c, d
INT2 Interpret verbal and non-verbal cues to understand spoken and written messages in the target language. b
CCC3 Develop a better understanding of the English language through the study of the target language. a
CCC5 Develop and apply target language skills and cultural knowledge beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes. b
Days / Activities / Pacing
Fri.23 / Week essential questions:1. What is different/similar in your school from some other schools? 2. How do you compare paintings? 3. How do you report information about students/teachers favorite extracurricular activities? 4. How do you compare your extracurricular activities with other students/teachers? 5. How much do you know about extracurricular activities in your school?
Language target: after school activities, verbs “saber” and “conocer” (to know)
Learning target: how to compare, how to identify what we know
Opening- make a list of 6 items to be found outside the classroom; brainstorm words
Activity 1 (written present. Comm.)- use words from opening act. in 6 yes/no// open-ended questions using auxiliary verbs (to need, to want, to like, to be able to); share with class DIFFERENTIATION by levels (herita. students)
Performance (oral interper. Comm.)- do TB. Pg. 54, ex. 12, moving and mingling with 2 students at a time, to exchange opinions about school classes; report opinions about classes
Activity 2 (written Present. Comm.)- do Tb pg 55, exer. 14: complete Venn Diagram comparing 2 paintings; write 5 sentences comparing both paintings
Activity 3 (vocab. pract./written present. Comm.)- whole class go outside and individually/small groups, they write notes comparing things they see (in English); groups orally exchange notes; each group writes 6-8 sentences describing and comparing items
DIFFERENTIATION by learn.intell.: interpersonal, intrapersonal, kinesthetic, spatial
Closing- share comparisons
HW- review for Wed. Quiz on comparisons
Opening- write 5 questions for teachers/students about their favorite afterschool activities (in English); share with class
Activity 1 (writing) – using TB pg 54, ex 12 and 13, in small groups, design a survey with 5 questions to ask SCHS teachers/students about their favorite extracurricular activities/hobbies; include some comparative questions DIFFERENTIATION by preferences)
Activity 2 (vocab. /gramm Pract.)(hands-on)- in small groups, choose to stay in the classroom to survey other students or go to 2 assigned department teachers to survey their preferences in extracurricular activities; return to class and report findings CW 1B-6 DIFFERENTIATION by learning styles: intrapersonal, interpersonal, kinesthetic)
Activity 3 (gram. pract.)(technology)-(Comp. Room 205) on line practice of comparatives from teacher’s blog; finish adv. flyers
Closing-complete “Boleto de salida” (ticket out the door) with any questions/comments/doubts about comparisons
Opening- getting ready for 1st Kahoot practice of comparatives
Formative Assessment (inform.)(technology)- practice comparatives using Kahoot game (whole class)
Activity 1 (audio-visual)(oral Interpret. Comm.)- looking at the title, write 3 sentences predicting the content of video story (in English); share; watch (twice) short children story “El nido más grande” about birds trying to make the biggest and most beautiful nest; first time, watch it with stops to identify any comparison structure used; watch story second time, looking at vocab., plot; summarize story in a 2-3 lines paragraph (in English/in Spanish) DIFFERENTIATION by levels (heritage students)
Activity 2 (written Present. Comm.)- using notes on story and handout, in pairs, write 6 sentences comparing characters or places shown in story (whole class)
Formative Assessment- take quiz on comparative structures
Closing- volunteer present some adv.flyers
Opening- write 3 sentences telling people, places and thingsthey know (in English/in Spanish); share with class
Activity 1 (gram. Input)- recognize and identify verb forms of “saber” and “conocer” (to know) (TB pg 56); distinguish when to use one or the other one; watch GramActiva video
Activity 2 (gram. Pract.)-do TB pg 56 ex 15 and pg. 57, ex 16-1, to identify the use of the 2 new verbs and their verbal forms using small white boards,
Activity 3 (audio-visual)(oral Interpret. Comm.)- scan read song lyrics, recognize 3 verbs and conjugate them in the present tense; predict (category of) words in blacks and plot of story; listen to and watch video clip of the song; fill the blanks from lyrics transcript DIFFERENTIATION by learning styles: interpersonal, intrapersonal, musical, kinesthetic
Closing- practice song in groups and perform it in front of class
WU-write 3 sentences telling facts and skills they know/have (in English/in Spanish); share with class
Activity 1 (gram. pract.)- do exer. On “saber” “conocer” From workbook
Performance/formt. Assessment (informal) (game)- (in small groups) on a piece of paper, write a name, place or action; a student shows the word, and calls on another student, who needs to produce a sentence containing the word and the verb “saber” or “conocer”; if the student is correct, then she shows his word and call…; if not, he leaves the circle; students have 2 chances
Activity 3 (technology)- (LL MC) on-line tools tutorial to create comics (Ms. Bone); (Upper MC Wi-Fi area) start working on Performance-Based Summative Assessment comic project: research authentic high school in a Spanish-speaking country; find the extracurricular activities they offer; star working on English draft of comic (COLLABORATION) DIFFERENTIATION by product
Closing- share content about some comics
HW13 do TB pg 56, ex 16.2: reply to a letter from an exchange student, who is coming to their school; study for midterm (Wed.) / 10min