2016-17 AASFAA EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING February 23, 2017
Location: Conference Call
Attending: Kelly D’eath (President), Phillip Nelson (PastPresident), Lissa Powell (PresidentElect), Amy Rowell (Vice President), Jay Powell (Treasurer), Marcus Byrd (Secretary), Clark Aldridge, Donna Bass, Randi Bozeman, Amanda Childress, Shauna James, Breshawn Skinner, Tammy Spratlin, Michelle Thompson, and Sharon Williams
Absent: Lane Smith (TreasurerElect), Nikki Bradbury, Shannon Cross, Jennifer Epperson, Theresa Mays, Stephanie Miller, Cheryl Newton, Steve Smith, and Jim Theeuwes
Meeting called to order at 2:06 by Kelly D’eath
Spring Conference:
Comp rooms, per the Policies and Procedures, will include rooms for AASFAA President (Kelly D’eath) and Conference Chair and Treasurer(Lissa and Jay Powell) for four nights each. Guests will also have comp rooms as noted below.
- Karen McCarty (NASFAA) will be presenting a Hill policy update and general session on FERPA. Two nights.
- Tennessee President Elect Charles Harper will be presenting a concurrent session, as well as speaking on volunteerism. One night.
- SASFAA President Marian Dill will be the dinner speaker Tuesday night. Two nights.
- Amanda Sharp (NASFAA), who will be presenting a R2T4 & Modules session and leading the NASFAA U Credentialing training, will not need a room given she lives in Florence.
- David Bartnicki is attending, but AASFAA cannot cover the cost of his room per Department of Education requirements.
- IRS representative Terre Lee will be presenting, but is not staying overnight.
- Local ArrangementsChair Shauna Jamesdeclined use of a hotel room for the conference.
Discussion held regarding the use of GuideBookas an app for the conference schedule, sessions, etc. Due to the cost and time to build out the app, it was decided that we would not pursue using it for the spring conference.
Covering Costs of President/President-Elect attending NASFAA and SASFAA
The President and PresidentElect should be able to represent AASFAA at regional and national events. Discussion surrounded whether AASFAA would pay for the President and PresidentElect to attend those events if their employer could not pay them to attend. Randi Bozeman and Kelly confirmed that there is nothing in the Policies and Procedures currently regarding how this is handled. Amy Rowell made a motion that AASFAA would cover the cost incurred by the President and/or PresidentElect or his/her designee to attend regional and national conferences. If the elected official’s school (or employer) will not pay for the President or his/her designee, AASFAA will cover the cost to attend the SASFAA annual conference. If the elected official’s school (or employer) will not pay for the President Elect or his/her designee, AASFAA will cover the cost to attend the NASFAA annual conference. Marcus Byrd seconded the motion and it unanimously passed.
Discussion regarding potential of all state and regional conferences falling under NASFAA’s “umbrella”
Kelly D’eath began discussion regarding NASFAA’s desire to consolidate the regional and state associations under its umbrella. Clark Aldridge shared that NASFAA has attempted this three times in the past without success. He mentioned that in talking with former past regional presidents, the past presidentsagreedit was not in the best interest of the associations to consolidate under NASFAA’s umbrella.
Discussion regarding Spring 2018 Conference site
Kelly D’eath sent everyone a copy of the proposed contract with Perdido Beach Resort to review. Lissa Powell made a motion to approve and sign the contract. Amy Rowell seconded the motion. The spring conference will be held during the last week of March 2018. Room rates can be used prior to and after the conference, per the contract.
Discussion regarding 2017 spring conference charity
Tammy Spratlin suggested AASFAA sell t-shirts with proceeds benefitting the selected charity, Open Hands - Overflowing Hearts, which raises money to support pediatric cancer research. Tammy is in process of obtaining a proof of the shirt to share with the Board. The Board agreed to sell the shirts for $15, with the profits going to the charity. There was discussion on how the funds could be maintained separately from AASFAA books, and Jay Powell is researching how best to handle. T-shirts will be available pre-sale with any remaining shirts available at the conference charity table. Once Tammy has specific details, she will work with Jay and Breshawn to have the website updated.
Phillip Nelson made a motion to donate $250 from AASFAA in addition to T-shirt proceeds to the organization. Lissa Powell seconded motion. It passed unanimously.
2017-18 Slate of Candidates for Executive Board
Phillip is working on a slate to present to the Board for 2017-18. The Board will meet again to approve the slate of candidates.
SASFAA Hill Visit
Scheduled for late March, Jennifer Epperson and Theresa Mays will represent AASFAA as part of the SASFAA Hill Visit team.
NASFAA Leadership Conference
Lissa Powell will attend the NASFAA leadership Conference in Washington DC at the end of February.
With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 3:04 PM.