JOURNAL CLUBGap Analysis and Needs Assessment
How did you select topics for the activity? For each source utilized, complete steps 1-3
Step 1: Identify Source for Best Practice or Desirable Attribute(s) by checking appropriate boxes below Example: ABMC MOC communication with patients/caregivers (AAFP) / Step 2: Provide Key Points from the Source Summary in the text boxes below (Summary of diagnostic criteriain language that the patient and family understand) / Step 3: DocumentSource in text boxes below(file name, URL, publication name and date) Example: Guidelines for Managing Alzheimer’s Disease, 2002Review of changes in quality of care as revealed by medical audit or other patient care reviews, or P.I data. Documentation examples: audit reports, chart reviews, AHRQ
Step 2: VCU Health QI/PI conducted an audit found areas of improvement for patients who have [insert diagnosis here].
Step 3: Summary data attached
Ongoing census of diagnoses made by physicians and staff.
Documentation examples: summary of notes, minutes of meetings, clinical practice data.
Step 2: Clinical practice data suggest an increasing number of [insert name(s) here] diagnoses made by physicians in our department.
Step 3: Summary data attached.
Advice from authorities in the field or relevant medical societies.
Documentation examples: list of expert names/medical societies AND summary of recommendation(s).
Formal or informal requests or surveys of the target audience, faculty, or staff
Documentation examples: summary of requests or surveys including previous outcomes. Note, must show information related to areas of education need.
Step 2: Results from the end of year program evaluation survey indicate participant requests seeking additional education to better understand and apply current practice guidelines in the field of [insert specialty here].
Step 3: Evaluation survey summary data attached
Discussion in departmental or planning committee meeting. If selected, a second source must also be utilized.
Documentation examples: summary of meeting minutes showing information related to areas of need
Sample 1:
Step 2: At a recent departmentstrategic planning meeting, a need for ongoing collegial discussion of newly published research and steps for implementation into clinical practice was identified. It was determined that the first step in this process would be to initiate a journal club.
Step 3: Meeting minutes attached.
Sample 2:
Step 2: At the year-end Journal Club advisory committee meeting, end of year evaluation was reviewed and requested topics prioritized based on number of requests. Also, at the monthly departmental education committee meetings, the following topics were requested/suggested to improve the GME curriculum and benefit faculty.
Step 3: Meeting minutes attached; end of year evaluation attached.
Data from peer-reviewed journals, government sources, consensus reports. Documentation examples: abstract/full journal articles, government documents describing educational need and physician practice gaps.
Step 2: Translating research into clinical practice is a challenge faced by physicians. The pace at which research is moving makes it difficult for physicians to stay abreast of new research findings, and incorporate this into clinical practice.
Step 3:
Review of board examinations and/or re-certification requirements.
Documentation examples: board review/update requirements.
Step 2: The American Board of [insert specialty here]initial certification and recertification requirements include an extensive content outline requiring physicians to be up to date in the latest advances in [insert specialty here] medicine and treatment. Selected topics from that list are included in the Journal Club curriculum for the year.
Step 3: [Link to Board website here]
New technology, methods of diagnosis/treatment.
Documentation examples: description of new procedure, technology, treatment, etc.
Legislative, regulatory or organizational changes affecting patient care.
Documentation examples: Copy of the measure(s)/change(s).
Joint Commission Patient Safety Goal/Competency
Documentation examples: copy of the safety goal and/or IOM, ACGME, Specialty competency
National priorities:
Documentation examples: MRSA, Disaster Planning, Cultural Competency
Public health data:
Identification of gaps, needs, etc. should be completed by the Activity Director/Planning Committee.
Please contact your CME representative for guidance.
Professional Practice Gaps
A professional practice gap is defined as the difference between ACTUAL practice (what is) and IDEAL practice (what should be), in regards to knowledge, competence, or performance.
Competence is defined as the ability to apply knowledge, skills, and judgment in practice (knowing how to do something).
Performance is defined as what one actual does, in practice.
What is the problem the activity is planned to address and how are the intended participants involved?
Faculty and staff in our department are not applying the updated practice guidelines and not incorporating the latest research findings in their care of patients.
Educational Needs
An educational need is defined as “the need for education on a specific topic identified by a gap in professional practice.”
Why does the problem exist?
It is difficult to stay up to date with and implement the practice guidelines in the field of [insert specialty here] due to the rapid pace at which research is moving.
Learning Objectives
Learning objectives are the take-home messages; what should the learner be able to accomplish after the activity? Objectives should bridge the gap between the identified need/gap and the desired result.
What do we want to change?
The global objectives for this Journal Club series are:
Evaluate research published in peer-reviewed journals in terms of soundness of hypothesis, methods, statistical analysis, conclusions, and further considerations.
Incorporate relevant and suitable research into clinical practice.
Desired Results
Desired results are what you expect the learner to do in his/her practice setting. How will the information presented impact the clinical practice and/or behavior of the learner?
How will you know if the activity was effective in producing change? Indicate how this change could be reasonably measured.
Participant evaluations will assess the level of confidence and commitment to apply relevant and suitable research to clinical practice.
The planning committee will conduct (annual; quarterly; monthly) focus group (or other informal feedback sessions) to assess the Journal Club achievement of educational goals and explore the impact on practice.
Request QI/PI conduct an audit after 6-months and 1-year of continuous Journal Club participation to determine if patient care improves.